Detailed crime investigators were shocked to discover the horrific scene at Jane’s apartment, reminiscent of a twisted horror film. Allison Weaver, a seemingly average working mom, descended into a nightmarish episode of cannibalistic violence on her friend and neighbor, Jane. The attack left Jane with permanent nerve damage and horrific injuries, including a part of her cheek and ear being bitten off. Allison claimed they were engaged in consensual sex, with her portraying a wolf and Jane a vampire, a delusion that only added to the horror of the situation. However, as the judge rightly pointed out, this case was more violent and ghastly than anything seen in over 25 years of the court’s history. Allison was sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison, but the emotional and physical scars left on Jane will last a lifetime. The truth truly is Stranger Than Fiction in this disturbing tale of betrayal and brutality.


33 Comments to “Night Out Drinking With Her Friend Turns Into A Scene From Hannibal | Allison Weaver”

  • @annieelise

    Well, easy to say this is probably the craziest one yet. 😳

  • @tinysampson8832

    Combination of drugs and mental health

  • @Lovie2023

    I feel 0 empathy for Allison. I am bi-polar and have severe anxiety. I have been on Xanax before and had been an addict while I was on it. I have drank and done illicit drugs while taking medications for all kinds of mental issues and still did not hurt anyone. Allison was mad that she was rejected and hurt Jane because she is evil and wanted to hurt her.I have been really mad at others while doing dumb stuff and still did not get physical, it takes a special kind of monster to do that to another human

  • @franciscaott4385

    I wish there were more cases with survivors. Every time I'm listening to these, even when I know they don't survive, I'm always hoping somehow they do. And this time she did!

  • @123outyandpop294

    Law & Crime Network just posted her video today! Way to go Annie!! 🎉

  • @vivian_joan

    Thank God for the neighbor calling 911, and I am so glad the police actively responded. The victim is so strong; her strength is honestly unbelievable. The judge was also amazing in her statement to the victim. This case was crazy, and I cannot believe I had never heard it before.

  • @thatrandombikeguy

    The town: Rochester Hills
    The Bar: Avery’s Tavern (now Whiskey Rae’s) off of Crooks Road and M-59
    Jeffery Weaver: Great guy but obviously in over his head with her. They would definitely fight all the time and he would constantly have to apologize for her.
    Allison’s daughter wanted to live with her step dad after the divorce.

  • @samanthabennison8942

    This reminds me of the Austin Harrouff case. Terrifying

  • @foreverwild9298

    Who has consensual sex and agrees to having their flesh torn off?

  • @foreverwild9298

    She looks like she was faking insanity at the arraignment

  • @stephenmcgraw8871

    GOD Bless this poor woman…..

  • @Auggie882

    What an animal Allison weaver is. So sick. She needs to be in a mental ward, or locked up for life 🤮

  • @angelav8383

    I don't understand why there was not an attempted murder charge! She said she was going to kill her and attempted to do so. She got off easy as far as I'm concerned.

  • @rweiss44

    these cases that are the epitome of pure evil, just makes me think is the show "Supernatural" real? Maybe that gives me comfort in thinking people just "couldn't" be THAT evil without possession. My mind knows it's just a show, but my heart wants to believe there's some truth behind it, especially when there are no answers or rationale for their actions. 😢

  • @danielleortega3194

    Michigan has such disturbing cases. I wonder what it is?

  • @Jessica-jf9pb

    I watch MASSIVE amounts of true crime, but this is a first. I feel so sad for “Jane”. Her statement mad me cry. I hope she is able to move past this and live a happy life.

  • @lorischubring1400

    @annieelise The victim in this case is my best friend. Is there any way the disgusting comments, left by people who know nothing about what happened, be removed? I hope you will reach out to me.
    Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @DevilsInc323

    Hear eyes look demonic on her mug shot. And the news one she looks like she has horns and what is that on her shoulder

  • @cmytu2349

    This is one of the most horrific crime scenes I have heard. You are righr it is a real life horror show. I pray "Jane" heals emotionally and physically from this tragedy. 🙏❤🙏

  • @staceywamsteker5918

    This may sound weird to some, but I genuinely believe this women was demon possessed. And FYI that doesn't mean that she is not responsible, but seriously, the way she looked, the way she behaved, what she did to this poor woman, imo is beyond just an evil person. It is that, and much more in a spiritual sense. I will be praying for "Jane." I can't imagine how much she is going through as a result of this. I feel so sad for her. This is just heart-breaking, and how brave of her to stand tall and give her victim impact statement. She did such an awesome job. As for Allison Weaver, she does not seem impacted at all by what she did. She should be HORRIFIED at what she did to this woman, a friend! She didn't seem affected by any of it. When strangers are in tears on "Jane's" behalf, and this supposed old friend is stoic as ever, that says a lot.

  • @nataliacavanagh9497

    Oh wow, the crazy eye is strong with this one!

  • @jaydpoisonivy949

    Why on earth was the judge not even shown the pictures!!! 😡

  • @sberry80

    A part of me thinks that the combo of drugs and alcohol made her snap and she may not have even known what she was doing or why. The rational part of me thinks she knew what she wanted to do and the alcohol and drugs took away her inhibitions and allowed her to do exactly what she wanted

  • @Doadab13

    Is it me or dose it seem like Satan is getting more and more powerful.

  • @Amandahugonkiss

    I’m from metro Detroit and i worked in and around Rochester hills.
    That neighborhood is RICH. Super fancy, to say everyone is proper and prim is an understatement (don’t get me started on surrounding areas of Troy & Bloomfield hills)

    Goes to show even the most prestigious neighborhoods are no different in crime than bad ones. Only difference is they keep it more under wraps.
    I lived in metro Detroit my whole life and never heard of this case.

  • @Emily_2112

    This is absolutely insane. If the attacker had been a man he would have gone down for attempted murder….but she gets a slap on the wrist

  • @juliagritzbach

    This case was probably not the one I should have listened to while eating lunch. Yuck 🤮

    I really hope Jane will be okay; but I’m SO glad the downstairs neighbor called the cops and saved her life!! 🙏

  • @donnasilvio3974

    Psych meds can make you crazy. I was put on Paxil when I was 13 bc the docs thought I was just a depressed teen girl rather than physically sick- they were proven horribly wrong a few months later when my PHYSICAL illness, NOT mental illness, came to a head & I needed emergency surgery.
    Anyways, I was put on Paxil at age 13. It was either the 1st or 2nd day of being on this med where I went nuts & physically attacked my Mom for no reason. I barely remember doing it & I'm thankful my Dad was there to stop me before I caused any real harm. I have never been a violent person & could never imagine hurting my Mom. I only somewhat remember what happened, partly bc of the meds & partly bc it was 26yrs ago. I remember feeling like I was inside my body but unable to control it. I remember flying into a sudden rage for no reason, or maybe something minor & stupid. Then I don't remember much after that. It was just awful.

    I had something similar happen one more time as an adult after being on very high doses of steroids, prescribed by my doc so not illegal ones, for almost a year. I 'Roid Raged a couple times. I don't recall this at all bc I totally blacked out. I only know bc my husband & friends told me I attacked my husband. Thankfully I was rather weak from my illness & he was able to hold me down. I didn't do any real damage to him. I never thought legal prescription steroids could cause a Roid Rage scenario until it happened. Likewise with an antidepressant medication.

  • @marrz5266

    Honestly from first hand experience I know how dangerous mixing pills and alcohol or weed.

    I take antidepressants, anxiety meds, and at the time I was taking concerta. One night I had went to a party with friends and we decided to start drinking. After four pretty big glasses of margaritas I decided to try pot for the first time. I smoked way too much. I went into a laughing fit and the last thing I remembered was following my friend. I woke up in the other room screaming at the top of my lungs. I went into a very paranoid state. Anyone even family members that came near me I would fight off and scream to get away because I was terrified. Eventually one of my brothers who was there grabbed me and hugged me and told me everything would be okay. I finally calmed down enough and ended up eating mini muffins and watching YouTube videos. Never mix medications with alcohol and especially with weed all together. It was horrible.

  • @kristinebythesea686

    Not Mckalb university 🫠

  • @ruthferguson6903

    I tell you that people who commit these types of crimes are demon possessed. Look at her eyes. SCARY!!

  • @annerossi5563

    This victims statement that she read out in court had me in tears!! Gut wrenching to listen to… She was and is a survivor of the unthinkable.. And a real true warrior for pushing forward… God be with you.. 💕🌸🌸💕

  • @Devvyness666

    In my opinion many people have psychotic breaks and get into very dark places even having too much alcohol or drugs, self medicating etc i am one of those people. But i truely believe unless its like schizophrenia where they are hearing voices and stuff you have to have the evil inside of you to kill, i think too many people try to blame mental health cause you cant really do an xray or blood test to determine it . But thats just my opinion

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