As a meticulous crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, I carefully reviewed the transcript of the interrogation. The suspect’s statements were analyzed thoroughly, looking for any inconsistencies or contradictions that could potentially indicate deception.

During the questioning, the suspect’s alibi was scrutinized, and discrepancies were noted in their timeline of events on the night of the crime. Additionally, their body language was closely observed, revealing signs of nervousness and shifting eye contact when asked about their whereabouts at the time of the incident.

Furthermore, it was discovered that the suspect had a prior criminal record for similar crimes, suggesting a pattern of behavior consistent with the type of crime under investigation. These findings provided valuable insights into the suspect’s potential involvement in the case and directed our focus towards gathering additional evidence to build a solid case against them.


46 Comments to “Officer & Inmate Escape Prison Together | Vicky White and Casey White”

  • @annieelise

    UPDATE!! New Audio! Vicky & Casey White Standoff. Vicky White Dead. Casey White in Custody. Secret Pact?

  • @anubis1949

    Sounds like love theyre both in Prisoners

  • @williamhopkins7065

    I always crack up at how we let little ole women escape accountability. She was tricked, she was manipulated. This was a womam given the responsibility of law enforcement long enough to retire, and NOW she just didn't know what she was doing.

  • @BillyStewart-qd1ch

    Sad prayer for her family

  • @cindellchmura3405

    😂I recently commented on most recent posts and I asked you to cover this same story. I take it back… my baf

  • @mostlyvoid.partiallystars

    Yay. My county representing. Pretty sure Blakely is in jail himself now too.

    And as soon as the news was out that she left the prison without another guard we knew they were together. We aren’t all dumb.

  • @robslocum3479

    The series and movie Escaped from Danemora is a true story. It happened in my hometown in 2015 and my father worked the case while trying to locate the two escaped inmates for 2 weeks.

  • @jujubees5855

    How many selfie takes does it take to pick the right one for your thumbnail? 😂

  • @_west33...

    He never killed that woman.

  • @_west33...

    Wow. She ruined her entire life

  • @_west33...

    It's a pretty fascinating case.

  • @ToxicKnight-pe3hg

    Not me up at 4am watching true crime videos bc I can't sleep…

  • @EleanorSmith-ho6bh

    stop with the dramatics, just tell the story…

  • @nastycrafter4640

    Ridiculous how she's held accountable when the male cops skate by.

  • @mariahbasford61122

    Why else would he admit to a murder? Clearly he isn’t gonna do that because he was bored. He wanted something out of it. So believe he made it up to move prisons.

  • @annacostello5181

    Well someone that tall probably needs more food.

  • @karenlemke8162

    Looking for love in all the wrong places

  • @autumnmitchell7666

    This case is truly apauling. She might just regret before long what she has done….

  • @jasonconley771

    Typical Alabama! Throw in a little family lovin and you cover all your bases

  • @lizhunter3998

    What happened in Dannemora affected not just NY, it affected every state around it. I live only a few hours away from there in another state. It was terrifying for months until they were found.
    This situation was just as messed up as the one in NY. I don't know what else to see about it

  • @alexm4404

    I can only imagine how his exes felt knowing he escaped… very sad for all parties.

  • @lisalusubscriptionboxaddic3747

    As long as I have followed you IDK how I missed you reported on this case. This happened where I live! Let me just say this was a main topic in the area and everyone was SHOCKED! Crazy story this one and I just don't know what possessed this woman to do this! ALSO….it is rumored she had multiple affairs with inmates.

  • @foley15136

    Jodi Arias will eventually talk a guard into helping her escape. They’ll go onto live together in San Juatoneyo for the rest of their days. Spending their warm, breezy evenings sanding an old boat together. Never to be apprehended and incarcerated again. Jodi will be free to become a blonde again.

  • @AlexAndra-iy5zu

    Rip Vicky White 🙏🏼 Sounds like you are a Beautiful Person 😇🙏🏼😇

  • @AlexAndra-iy5zu

    Who says, in the wind? Is this a real saying? I’ve never heard this saying. Tia 😊

  • @AlexAndra-iy5zu

    The buyer of the home will have to pay a gift tax.

    If you really want to have a breaking story investigate on the buyer because you don’t get to buy a house 20% under market and not have the federal government look at you. It’s a gift it’s taxable by 55%

  • @B3autifullyInsan3

    He manipulated her told her everything she wanted to hear she was probably lonely or if she was married then she was having troubles in her marriage and he was there for her and told her what she needed to hear gave her a stop story made her feel bad for him and she fell for all of it and now he's just using her to escape and get away and so he can go do his Dirty Work. I dated a narcissist is my son's father he used to beat me emotionally physically mentally and I would leave him and he give me a sob story of how sorry he was it wouldn't happen again and blah blah blah but now he is in prison for life without the possibility of parole for murder

  • @lynettekrick2324

    It sounded like she accidentally shot herself or was shot. The squeak doesn't sound right.

  • @Tparty75

    It makes no sense that any coworkers would allow her to leave with a inmate nevermind this particular violent inmate. When protocol is not followed people get hurt or killed

  • @roccolove9996

    For a experienced law enforcement officer she was completely blinded by this manipulative criminal, he absolutely did NOT love her, he acted a Oscar worthy role. & she literally threw away the rest of her retired life, working 25 to 30 years only to have it completed depleted by her own ignorance..I wish I could say this is unbelievable.

  • @jaywalker690

    This happened where I live. So crazy!

  • @kelamine183

    i love your videos so much but there is one thing id like to critique. Within this story you told us about casey’s past of how he ended up in prison and touched on a little bit of who Vicky is but never told us ANYTHING about how Vicky and Casey really merged together. You said where they met and spent time together during visitations but never got into depth about how the relationship grew. I wish you had put in as much detail into that section of the story as you did with telling caseys past crime spree. It seems like in lot of your videos you just hyper focus on the crimes and don’t really get in depth about the individuals or their backgrounds/past, how the situation came to be or what triggered it for the individuals. You just begin at the crimes.
    Maybe for some people they enjoy that because they do just want to get to the gnarly parts of the stories and just hear about the crimes, but personally i enjoy to hear about the individuals and dissect them. That seems like a reoccurring thing within true crime community/the true crime you tubers: Either way i love your videos , i just wish they were longer and more detailed, not as surface level ! Just some constructive criticism and a little fan feedback 🙂 i’m not at all trying to diss you or your channel so please don’t take it as that or for those reading this, i just wanted to point that out and maybe see some change if possible, i feel like if more research was put into your stories then you would be the top tier most perfect true crime youtuber! on another note for all the things i do enjoy about you i want to say thank you for always being on it when it comes to posting, having plenty of content, staying active and on time with your posting schedule, putting in the work to read up on these situations and letting us know the basis of it ,putting in your opinions and stand point because i always agree with them and having the most comforting voice whilst talking about not so comforting things haha! my favorite part about your channel is you talk about not so known cases, i swear i’ve found out about so many different cases i’ve NEVER heard of because of you and i appreciate that so much (because someone like me who listens to multiple true crime youtubers, you start to get repetitive cases and see the same cases being posted over and over within all the content creators) so thank you so much for that! keep up the good work !

  • @andrewbarten7347

    That woman had to be nuts. She owned a nice home and was set to retire with her service pension. Made in the shade. She flushed it down the crapper over a misfit?!? Go figure 🙁

  • @gracielacanales9548

    In my head I always think if a mad man comes first thing is grab my daughter grab my daughter I don’t understand how those people left the house and left the kids there hell I’d prob get the dog two smdh

  • @gracielacanales9548

    Watching all this after the fact and to know what we know now smdh lmfao

  • @gracielacanales9548

    Escape at Dannemora!!! Yes that’s the first thing I thought about that was so dang good I watched the whole freakin thing in one night I had to take a Taco Bell meal break cuz I did an all nighter lmfao

  • @vettelover695

    How could this ugly Sven Gali hypnotize this responsible 30 year Justice worker? WTAF 😱


    @10toLife @AnnieElise Great vid as always, ok please spill 🙏🏼, where are your glasses from 🙌🏼❤️?

  • @kristincarvalho7091

    Great content!! Really enjoyed your information on this topic. I haven’t been able to get a lot of credible information on this case. Very sad , NOT as sad most. extremely interesting case

  • @ANDREA-kk2gx

    I think he's gonna kill be honest

  • @mitzi3140

    Take a look at Savannah Spurlock in Lancaster KY. Very interesting story

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