Olive Oil Rage Case – Police Interviews of the Wife of the accused (Andrew Lawyer), mother of victim

Investigative Deep Dive: Police Interrogations with Wife of Accused (Andrew Lawyer) in Olive Oil Rage Case – Uncovering Potential Motives and Suspicions in the Tragic Murder of Victim


27 Comments to “Olive Oil Rage Case – Police Interviews of the Wife of the accused (Andrew Lawyer), mother of victim”

  • @mmay6621

    This detective is a horrible interviewer. I hope this video is used for future training on what not to do. Cripes

  • @susanmurphy5647

    This detective is awful 😞 if he listened to her he may get the full story instead of him repeatedly saying the same thing!! I feel so bad for this lady, she has kept it together to tell them what happened to her son, so heartbreaking, I Wish her and her son lots of love and healing bless them!

  • @scottallison4615

    It's annoying how much the cop cuts her off

  • @jaritamoss6381

    Bless her heart 😢💔

  • @nadinemoore4127

    The worst detective yet

  • @JustMeELC

    All over nothing & all sooooo unnecessary :o(

  • @thequieterubcomethemoreuhe1198

    Thank you M.L.!
    This shite gets my truth radar turned up!
    So fear driven cry babies who live in their feelings better not read further! Facts don't care about your feelings!

    I have no sympathy for this woman or any other person that plays this deadly game of wilful ignorance & then after the deadly results occur, she looks up to the sky with her, "Why" & her, far too late, "I'm done"!

    What are you done with, Ms.Obvious?
    Are you finally done with your self serving agenda that drove you to project your idea/view of what/how you wanted/hoped, the man, Andrew to be, could/should be &/or change and be…. but he wasn't?

    Is that what you're finally done with? Trying to change Andrew? You done now? Now you know that you cannot change anyone but yourself? (No she won't admit that she is the problem, just like Andrew blames everything else, she blames Andrew instead of herself)!

    Andrew is the same fecking control freak that he has always been & clearly showed her he was!

    This woman allowed/gave her permission, continually, to this mofo to terrorize and bully & remain in her child's life; because she wanted something from the man! Let that sink in folks!

    That something, was for her, completely worth, all the pain that he inflicted upon her son & herself…..until he shot him? I hope her son isn't dead.
    All the verbal abuse and mental abuse & threatening or actual physical abuse, (domestic violence) was tolerable and legitimized as tolerable by her, but the explosion from the gun was required for her to believe that Andrew was not who she forcibly fantasied? psssshhhhh….

    She is the control freak that wanted to change Andrew into what she wanted in a husband/step father & that's why she hid her damn head in the sand & allowed all the drama, thereby, she caused the drama, that led to this result!
    Her fault! There is her why!
    Andrew was/is going to do be Andrew regardless. He is the same arsehole that he has always been. Whomever was in the son's role, (if not her son), when the time came, would have been shot.
    It is her fault that her son was serving Andrew's purposes at the time & she damn well had better come to view/face/accept/admit that self convicting, inconvenient truth about herself, instead of, sugar coating her self serving feelings with the lie; "I'm a victim"! The truth hurts but will preserve more lives than your own!
    Her declaration of truth should be, "My son is a victim because I won't face the fact that I'm a selfish control freak that insisted upon trying to change another person into what I wanted"!

    When you choose a spouse folks, qualify them for several years, & observe them in every scenario to be sure that they have arrived to apply for the job as spouse;
    Fully equipped & skilled as the whole character that you expect & want.
    No on-the-job training or schooling.
    No viewing through the lens of your feelings & accepting them based upon what they could be, can probably become with your love or help, will be when you show them, have the potential to be, almost are, etc.!

    They are or they're not! You choose them & put them in your life or your child's life based upon your feelings & not their real character, shame on you & you're the cause of the consequences!

    You're the selfish arse that forces your consequences & painful circumstances upon your child!

    People need to WTFU!

    And Andrew planned that whole Fecking scene to create his agenda to murder her son & 911 would be his alibi of self defense! Angry, self serving, jealous, mean, control freak & snake. And this snake was always a snake & probably still is!
    She said, "Andrew didn't say nothing, he just walked towards the bedroom, blah blah". Of course he didn't say anything, he didn't need to, everything was set up. It was time to the murder kid!
    I won't even go into what I know he would have sssssssspoken to her after this interview!

    It's too easy to knowingly predict & identfy this when one has lived this insanity & soberly, chooses to admit that they were the problem & therefore they must be the solution that warns others to prevent this problem and/or to solve the Fecking problem!

    Hope this helps someone.

  • @stephenbowen7252

    To answer your question. He’s going to prison. He tossed it all away. I can tell by the way the GF is acting/looking like she is.

  • @Justin-rv9nc

    I skipped a bit of the beginning but from the point I started watching ( around half way ) I haven't seen her cry once.

  • @cristenadehorneykesse9805

    This is the worst interrogation in the world I've never seen a detective that talk over the person and don't let them completely answer the question

  • @jeromegreen5674

    Ok people, This is what happened – The wife instagated the argument between her husband ND son! It was her chance 2 get back @ the husband by allowing her son 2 beat him up. Surprisingly when the son Chased him( with her beside him), the husband pushed the door giving him time 2 reach his gun! He shot once but the son was getting back up after slapping gun .This is why the shot is on the side of his face! Husband panicked,not trying 2 kill the son,( he shoots again), the wife ND son run out of house ND now husband feels safe so he locks the door until police arrive!…. Remember,the husband is the only one that calls police b4 it gets physical ND this woman must really Hate her husband!!…May God have mercy on her soul!!!!!

  • @sugarconecandy

    Who’s telling the incident here, the officer or wife🤔

  • @stevietstevens9384

    I feel for the woman, however, this was a powder keg with TNT. I had a similar situation decades ago, and my instincts told me to move away with my children. I went underground immediately when I sensed some dysfunction coming from him. This might be be a blessing for herself and her son. Peace to her and her family.

  • @tiffanewilliams82

    Lord have mercy on this woman….on this family 🙏

  • @JustMe-pu3xm

    The police officer keeps talking over her.. let the lady talk.. Dang😤

  • @JustMe-pu3xm

    This is a sad situation… This is why grown people need their own place…especially your children..Most likely the Son wasn’t doing what he was supposed to do while living there…Mom was probably taking up for the Son and the Dad wasn’t having it…

  • @abac4512

    This guy is the worst interviewer that I have ever seen!

  • @taraonpointlee4339

    Look, I know this man doing his job, so to speak, but he's really getting to me. This woman is saying the same thing over an over,if I can understand what she said, why he can't?

  • @Peggysue661

    Cop needs to learn not to talk over people. It is rude!

  • @reneesotelo7664

    I can't even finish this video because he is busy talking over her smh.

  • @HappyPups01

    One at a time geez!

  • @WhoaShowuncut

    Yeah this detective was talking to little too much couldn't even hear what she was saying cuz he was trying to put the story together for her

  • @tashastidwell6915

    He should have got the hell out of his father's house i don't feel sorry for AJ he has to have respect for his parents period point blank end of story

  • @chudleyflusher7132

    That good olive oil do be expensive doe.

  • @fanecaporter2756

    Detective…please be quiet and let that lady talk!

  • @dawnbaldwin298

    How can I be self-defense when the father started it by kicking the dog

  • @dawnbaldwin298

    My heart is breaking for this woman

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