After an exhaustive investigation spanning over three decades, a breakthrough was finally made in the Aton Pat’s case. The suspect, 51-year-old Pedro, was arrested and charged with second-degree murder. Details emerged revealing that Pedro was just 18 years old when Aton originally disappeared. He was employed as a store clerk in a bodega near West Broadway and Prince Street, conveniently located near Aton’s bus stop.

Pedro allegedly lured Aton into the basement of the bodega, secluded from any potential witnesses. It was there that he launched a vicious attack on Aton, resulting in his tragic demise. Shockingly, Pedro admitted to attempting to conceal the evidence of his heinous crime by disposing of Aton’s body in a bag and nonchalantly returning to work as if nothing had occurred.

In February of 2017, justice was served as Pedro was found guilty and handed a 25-year to life sentence. The emotional impact of the conviction was palpable as Aton’s loved ones confronted Pedro in court. One grieving family member, Stanley, voiced the collective anguish felt by Aton’s relatives, accusing Pedro of callously discarding their beloved child like garbage. The haunting words echoed through the courtroom, serving as a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of Pedro’s malevolent actions.


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