As a meticulous crime investigator, I scrutinized every detail of the transcript with a keen eye for any inconsistencies or clues that could lead me closer to solving the case. The suspect’s alibi was thoroughly dissected, revealing discrepancies in their timeline that raised suspicion. Additionally, their demeanor during questioning suggested a lack of remorse or empathy, indicating a potential lack of empathy commonly found in individuals who commit violent crimes. The victim’s statement provided crucial insights into the events leading up to the crime, shedding light on a possible motive that had previously been overlooked. With these new revelations in mind, I was determined to unravel the truth behind this heinous act and bring justice to those affected.


49 Comments to “Possessive and Controlling at Just 16 Years Old. | Martice Fuller & Kaylie Juga”

  • @annieelise

    As a parent, this case is terrifying. Prayers to the entire family.

  • @lionelluva

    Unfortunately, young “puppy” love can be the most deadly. This case is terrifying 😢

  • @daishahr

    Kudos to the judge she was awesome

  • @Eph4170

    So many things wrong with how the school handled this first incident. Way too much tolerance for aggressive behavior. Obviously a reaction to societal pressure. Too bad – now there's a child gone. So sad.

  • @dietdrpepper15

    Uh hey sorry, this kid was a minor…his parents are responsible for this monster. They were letting him run around threatening this girl. Kicking him out so he can terrorize other people wasn’t a solution.

  • @cbrizzle7529

    Annie, you took the words right out of my mouth, the parents should have been charged!!! If that was my kid, I’d of called the cops & got him in some kind of boot camp!
    Also, I’d of gotten a security person with my daughter and/or moved to a different city or state (your kids have to feel safe, especially @ home)! I think it would have been a good idea to get my wife certified to carry a gun with her! A lot of families get big dogs for security as well & I’ve heard of stories were that dog has safed families many times in situations like this one (just a thought)!
    This’s such a sad story when the family welcomed that monster into their home!
    Great Job Annie—🫵🏼👍🏼👊🏼🙏🙏🙏

  • @traceyl7991

    How many times do we hear "I didn't think they were serious"? Too often.

  • @cyka666

    I understand Annie and probably others feeling frustrated that no one got an order of protection for Kaylie, but it’s important to remember that far too often the police do nothing to help victims of harassment or stalking. Admittedly part of this is because it’s difficult to prove harassment and stalking in court but far too often they don’t even try. Given how flagrantly Martice ignored the school’s no contact order I can’t imagine an order of protection helping much either. Who knows what the right answer is. Ultimately, Martice decided to control, harass, and eventually kill Kaylie, and nothing and no one was going to stop him.

  • @cyka666

    I just don’t understand what went wrong between Kaylie and Martice… when someone feels smothered and controlled and they’re starting to pull away, the best thing to do is double down and become even more smothering and controlling. He did everything right. Nice guys really do finish last😢

  • @Tahtiluv

    I agree with you Annie, his parents should have been charged as well. He had no stability growing up and when the little stability that he had in Kaylie’s family was threatened he lost it. This would have never happened if he had decent parents

  • @fluffypanda8445

    I had chills running down my back as the judge was speaking. I dealt with a stalker in high school before. I thought it was scary, but at the same time I want to ruin the rest of his life. Hearing the story, I realize how much worse it could have been. Her mother knew and mine knew that something wasn’t right immediately. These kinds of killers have no remorse. I hope the victim’s family can heal one day ❤️‍🩹

  • @melanieallen8980

    what a good statement from the judge..this could of been & should have been prevented by early intervention from several people..

  • @madamebovarycro

    I would charge the parents too.

  • @ceceliafrontero6065

    "Nip it in the BUD", M'love.

  • @April-xs9tk

    When will these white girls learn?

  • @jenniferc8306

    Why did his dad call them to warn them he had a gun yet didn't call the cops?

    I 100% agree her parents needed to do more. The cops couldn't have prevented this. If they couldn't afford to move she should have been moved into a family member's home where he couldn't find them. I feel so sorry for their loss as it probably felt as though there was nothing they could do.

    Glad that monster will be in prison for life. He planned that and didn't seem a bit resourceful. Surprised to see people defending that. 🙄

  • @arness2426

    Sydney Powell, 23 kills her mother in cold blood and gets 15 years. This young man 15 and gets life. But yet people would say the justice system isn’t racist against blacks the majority of white America is racist

  • @rosemclean2519

    I Don't know but I don't need anyone to tell me to put my kid in the shoes of the victim. My kids are already there! Whenever someone gets hurt, I think that could have been my child. I think that person has a mother who would be living hell on earth the same way I would if that happened to my kid! I even did a genetic testing for authorities have my DNA cuz in case someone related to me is involved in some BS like this, they can track it and I am already prepared to sing like a bird if ANYONE in my family hurts someone. Even if it is my kid. And I told them so too. They know if they hurt someone, I am turning their ass in as soon as I can.

  • @foreverwild9298

    I feel like people are blaming him and giving him more credit..he was only 15!! A child..

  • @foreverwild9298

    Allegedly…he did those things

  • @foreverwild9298

    The judge was kind of wrong..
    He is/was a child and it's proven that our brains are not developed until age 25..

  • @a-teamparanormalinvestigations

    I agree 100%. – Jill Love your videos btw.

  • @user-nx5gj2pr9v

    Never date a loser
    His parents know he is a dangerous person

  • @AmberVaughan-lp3fp

    Judging by his mannerisms he seems to me to be quite unhinged and may likely be diagnosed with a serious condition like violent schizophrenia when he’s older. He gives me me the creeps.

  • @srlkiller

    wow the judge 👏🏽

  • @haji818721

    One thing AE is good at is passing around blame to people who she has not stood n the shoes of.

  • @haji818721

    At my school, if anyone saw that, he would have had his ass kicked to the point he would never touch her again.

  • @srod679

    Please investigate the murder of April Holt, please!

  • @tumashedrick

    I was 13 when my sister met her 18 year old boyfriend she was 14 and he would physically abuse her and there where multiple times I intervened and met him with physical force to let him know if it came to his life or my sister's his would be gone and he got the picture

  • @jeffwilliams1356

    Some day, white girls will wise up to the BBD and instead of embracing it, they will run for their lives. It almost always ends up with the girl in jail or dead.

  • @Sylvia_531

    People like him is also the reason I don’t give people my address. Don’t come to my house playing.

  • @Sylvia_531

    17:29 I’m just now listening to this and see this why I don’t play with people kids. Put your finger in my face and your mama not check you before I do.

  • @mileshall5795

    Why do I keep coming back here? Blonde girls don't do it for me & your SELF-RIGHTEOUS commentary is so…pick a word…tiresome, to keep things nice. The specilative dialogue is weak af, & your POSER ABUSE of band logos that you have never heard, bore me….lame!

  • @sidytav3120

    Definitely seems like a danger to society..alot of psychopathic behaviors ..after all this he continued to tamper with the jury smh ..sigh

  • @sidytav3120

    Terrifying case..😢

  • @destinyh767

    This judge needs to be on tape/molestation cases. They don’t get nearly enough punishment

  • @msbennett1978

    I’m not saying that the young man is innocent at all. There is nothing those parents could have done. The cops couldn’t do anything with the stalking. The school couldn’t do anything so what did you think the parents could have done? He was a monster in training. I wouldn’t want that child in my home either.

    With the laws are like they are you can barely discipline your child. Most people reward these kids bad behavior

  • @strawbricketteshortcake5460

    I’m not understanding why no one cared about this young man’s mental state. He obviously needed severe intervention and to be observed and treated by professionals. Everyone just said nope and turned their backs. Why is that? Not one person tried to get him into treatment and a more disciplined atmosphere…

  • @user-pw6uv8yu1n


  • @sail0rgoon725

    Protection orders mean nothing at all. And it’s harder to get them depending on states like that person would literally have had to do something to you physically to get one.. it’s crazy u have to get hurt physically just to get help.

  • @tnkn969

    Why did the parents allow a thug into their home?

  • @ashleypaoletta3397

    Wish the judicial system had this energy and enthusiasm for every murder case. This family got every single lick of their justice. This is how families should be treated and victims honored.

  • @kristinmartinez5398

    I absolutely blame his parents for his behavior!! They clearly made very minimal effort to intervene. They knew enough to call Kaylie's parents to let them know about him having a gun but that's all they did?? This poor girl could still be alive N he could have gotten some help if his parents were active in his life. They obviously didn't care that their 16 year old son was sleeping on the streets SMH

  • @Taswolf

    The relationship isn't toxic. He is. They should've gotten her away from him immediately. Sounds like a lot of schools aren't much better than they were when I was in high school. Mine let me get physically beat down to the ground and stomped on for a few years before expelling Me with an apology.
    This is sickening and heartbreaking. He should've been put away long before this happened instead of people letting him continue his evil agenda. They should've known better. He obviously doesn't have a heart or soul, so he doesn't care. A lot of people get convicted of accessory after the fact.

  • @bayleybarello1405

    Heyy guys!, I just wanted to come on here and tell every person who will see this that Jesus Christ is The Way, the truth, and the Life. Through Him is the only way to God, forgiveness, Eternal Life, redemption, and a fulfilling peaceful life. Jesus Has set me free from insecurity,depression, and he has set me free from my sins that kept me enslaved to the devil. All sin is wrong, Since us humans are prone to doing the wrong things, evil things, and making evil decisions, We are all by nature in need a saviour who is spotless, Holy, and without Sin to Redeem us, Make us His own, and a Saviour to promise us eternal Life when we die. At this moment if you were not born again spiritually in Christ, If you do not Have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ, If still live a life without Him, still remaining in our sin, we are denying Jesus's Access, Denying His Arms reaching our eager to save you and make you His own. He wants to because He loves you and cares for you enough to die on the cross, then was resurrected By God on the third Day. Now, Jesus will be back, this time not to save the world, but to Take those with Him who have loved Him on earth to be with Him forever in Heaven. Right now, You are like a man 8,000 ft up in the air, His plan is to flap his wings to attempt to land to His safety. That's foolish, He cannot save Him, TRUST THE PARACHUTE 🪂 ✝️Our efforts, our good deeds cannot pay for the sin that needs to be judged. God is a righteous judge and cannot let our Sin go dismissed. Same as the court of law, A righteous judge will punish a man who murder and raped 3 girls and give the man "his wages", what's is due to the man for committing his crime, same God gives to us. But instead, We broke God's moral law (lying,stealing,fornicating,blaspheming) and Jesus paid the fine. That's what happened on that cross, that's why Jesus said 'it is finished' just before he gave up his spirit on the cross. That's a weird thing to say before you die…but Jesus said it because he was saying that your debt has been paid, You no long have to suffer God's Justice on sin in Hell, Eternal destruction. But Here's the catch, We are heading to hell when we die until We accept Jesus Christ as the one who came to save us, Believe In what the Bible says about Jesus, and What Jesus says about Himself, and REPENT of your sins, Acknowledging them Before God, and forsaking them out of reverence to God for what An expensive price it took on the cross to save. You Have God's promise that when You come to Him in repentance, and a genuine faith, that He will Grant You Eternal Life, and You will now be called His Child. He will always be present and with you. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them"•Romans 8:28.🤍 Jesus Christ is the only way to be forgiven and to have a Life of Genuine Peace. I promise! He loves you!

    Heyy guys!, I just wanted to come on here and tell every person who will see this that Jesus Christ is The Way, the truth, and the Life. Through Him is the only way to God, forgiveness, Eternal Life, redemption, and a fulfilling peaceful life. Jesus Has set me free from insecurity,depression, and he has set me free from my sins that kept me enslaved to the devil. All sin is wrong, Since us humans are prone to doing the wrong things, evil things, and making evil decisions, We are all by nature in need a saviour who is spotless, Holy, and without Sin to Redeem us, Make us His own, and a Saviour to promise us eternal Life when we die. At this moment if you were not born again spiritually in Christ, If you do not Have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ, If still live a life without Him, still remaining in our sin, we are denying Jesus's Access, Denying His Arms reaching our eager to save you and make you His own. He wants to because He loves you and cares for you enough to die on the cross, then was resurrected By God on the third Day. Now, Jesus will be back, this time not to save the world, but to Take those with Him who have loved Him on earth to be with Him forever in Heaven. Right now, You are like a man 8,000 ft up in the air, His plan is to flap his wings to attempt to land to His safety. That's foolish, He cannot save Him, TRUST THE PARACHUTE 🪂 ✝️Our efforts, our good deeds cannot pay for the sin that needs to be judged. God is a righteous judge and cannot let our Sin go dismissed. Same as the court of law, A righteous judge will punish a man who murder and raped 3 girls and give the man "his wages", what's is due to the man for committing his crime, same God gives to us. But instead, We broke God's moral law (lying,stealing,fornicating,blaspheming) and Jesus paid the fine. That's what happened on that cross, that's why Jesus said 'it is finished' just before he gave up his spirit on the cross. That's a weird thing to say before you die…but Jesus said it because he was saying that your debt has been paid, You no long have to suffer God's Justice on sin in Hell, Eternal destruction. But Here's the catch, We are heading to hell when we die until We accept Jesus Christ as the one who came to save us, Believe In what the Bible says about Jesus, and What Jesus says about Himself, and REPENT of your sins, Acknowledging them Before God, and forsaking them out of reverence to God for what An expensive price it took on the cross to save. You Have God's promise that when You come to Him in repentance, and a genuine faith, that He will Grant You Eternal Life, and You will now be called His Child. He will always be present and with you. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them"•Romans 8:28.🤍 Jesus Christ is the only way to be forgiven and to have a Life of Genuine Peace. I promise! He loves you!

  • @michelleruss9877

    Not an ounce of shame in that whole boys family. Frightening.

  • @alicianbuck

    I do NOT agree with your commentary at the end acting like it’s just so easy to pick up a family and move, and like her parents somehow didn’t protect her. As I said earlier, I know this family and they now know about this episode, and I’m now sorry that I shared it with them. How horrible to lose a daughter like this and then have some crime blogger sit up on her high horse and act like her family is somehow to partially blame. WOW.

  • @commonsense2680

    I totally agree with you that parents need to be held accountable for their minor child's criminal activity, whether it is secondary to the offense, or some lesser statutory offense. Everyone could see the evidence of this result coming and chose to ignore it.

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