Investigation Reveals Shocking and Heartbreaking Details of Tragic Crime

In the investigation of the devastating events that unfolded on September 22nd, 2022 in Harris County, Texas, a highly detailed crime investigator delves deep into the case of Takira Kai Kishana Glenn, a courageous and adventurous mother who fell victim to the controlling and violent actions of her husband, Greg Hightower.

The investigator uncovers a pattern of escalating abuse and manipulation by Greg, a Senior Chief naval recruiter, towards Kai, culminating in a brutal and fatal confrontation that left Kai dead, holding her 12-month-old son in her arms. As the investigator pieces together the events leading up to the shooting, it becomes clear that Greg’s facade of a successful and stable man was shattered by his inability to control his wife and his escalating violence towards her.

The investigator highlights the systemic failures in addressing domestic violence cases, pointing out the missed opportunities to intervene and protect Kai from her abusive husband. The tragic outcome of this case, where Greg’s cowardly actions resulted in the loss of his wife’s life and endangered their young children, serves as a stark reminder of the need for better support and intervention for victims of domestic violence.

As the investigator delves deeper into the complexities of this case, the true horror of Greg’s actions and the impact on Kai’s family and children becomes all too clear. The investigator’s impassioned plea for accountability and justice for Kai and her children echoes the sentiments of a community reeling from the shock and devastation of this senseless crime.

In conclusion, the investigator leaves the audience with a sense of urgency and a call to action to address the underlying issues of domestic violence and provide better protection for victims like Kai. The tragic loss of Kai serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked abuse and the urgent need for change in how we respond to and prevent such heinous crimes.


49 Comments to “Preyed On Wife and Children While Protected By His Powerful Position | Takara Glenn & Greg Hightower”

  • @Dozerdogy

    Wow what a complete psychopath.. this is so sad

  • @brianadams2785

    This a YouTuber talking about a man she never severed with or barely knew I’ve known this man since I was 18’ served with this man.. His wounds were self inflicted and I definitely don’t agree with his actions the victims are the kids and his deceased wife… YouTubers are people who exploit the lively hoods of others and their buisness for profit and this is a clear example and a shame

  • @jacquelineyoung1387

    Hey Annie girl how keep up the good doing a good job and it's pronounced Peoria Illinois

  • @valerietaft657

    Not much has changed in almost 50 years when I called he police on my ex(No 911 back then.) A report was taken and we basically told to kiss and make up. When he eventually put me in the hospital with broken bones, I was told I had to return home or my children would be taken away. Now it’s very different but still difficult to get protection. I finally snuck my 4 children out of the home very early one morning, went to a church that was open, grabbed t help and moved across the country with the clothes on our backs . My heart breaks for Tai’s family, especially the children!! 🙏🙏

  • @hhouston8027

    Yep. Harris County officer didnt even make my ex leave after they came for him assaulting me. Instead they told me if i called again, they would take my daughter from me because it was my fault for choosing him to have a baby with 🙃

  • @foreverwild9298

    Although..some women lie about abuse and make it harder for real victims.

  • @scared_pink_purple

    Word as advise cause i had to do this. As hard as it is. And it took me two times to learn my lesson. But just take your child and only whats essential and go to a shelter. Its awful to be considered homeless but its better then loosing your life or your childs life.

  • @jenniferjames7785

    Best way i can say how to pronounce it is pee/oria

  • @ktmualem

    This guy was a monster! My heart goes out to the victim, the kids and their families. That being said, to all women out there… if, for whatever reason, you can't or won't leave your abuser, stop getting pregnant by him. More pregnancies and more babies only trap you further. It makes it harder to leave. You are putting yourself and your kids in a more precarious situation.

  • @racheldonnini9683

    Still praying for this family

  • @en.v5965

    As someone who was assaulted by a military vet in harris county… and being told by the DA staff that Harris doesnt take DV unless there's a body bag.. 🥴 i was told our stories "didnt match up" as if your attacker would tell the truth..? I had that gut feeling of danger, and i couldnt make it to the door in time, but my physical wounds healed and I never went back.. my heart breaks for all victims of DV absolutely failed by the Harris County DA/Courts/police..

  • @christareimer2310

    Love your channel! It's Peoria. Pee-or-ee-ah😊

  • @caitlinstout6457

    I know it's a year later. I've only found you in the last few months, so I'm binge watching you. I don't know if anyone helped with the city name, but it's pronounced Pee-or-ee-uh.

  • @jom9494

    As a man, i just can't comprehend women espec. Women who get married young and bang out a whole bunch of kids while not knowing much about their partner. You got to at least be together 2 years before you even think about having kids or tying the knot. I had a bad start in relationship and i will never never NEVER get married. It's your choice but this love shit doesn't much work. You go that route and you must pay the convenience. I have little sympathy. If you lonely ..start gardening, get a pet, but this lovey dovey shit got to stop!

  • @malisamccrary1662

    The only way I got away from my x was the military sent him over seas and our daughter and myself couldnt go with him and that was our saving grace. I am from a military family and I dont think that every man or woman that was or is in the military is a bad person but it seems like the men and women in the military need help and they are not getting it because it is drilled into them that they are big and bad and they can handle anything but they are still humans and theres some things that they cant handle. I did 13 yrs and I still have problems and I am still in therapy for the things that I had to witness and the things that I went thru while I was serving. These bad men and women is one of the things that gives the militray men and women bad names but we are not all bad theres still some of us out here that are good people.

  • @jacquelineyoung1387

    I think that it was all of the above that he got special treatment and like you said he's a coward because why would you pick up your three-year-old you know why you're being shot at to use her as a shield and then just throw her down like she's nothing you're definitely correct he is a because only a coward would do something like that to shoot her while she's holding the baby what if you would have hit that baby then he took the coward's way out they look the other way because of his status and that's not right I don't care what your status is if you do something like that you are supposed to get that paper doesn't mean anything it's just a piece yes I do believe a plan should be in Pace when something like that happens woman and her children can get out safely without being harmed in any way I think that is all of the above because of his status and he got a slap-on-the-wrist to where he can come back and do it again I commend her neighborfor knowing what was going on maybe he couldn't do anything about it but he knew because she couldn't find it in somebody that she was able to trust to let them know what was going on with her and that's a good thing I think there needs to be a plan put in place for when something like this happens because you see it more and more everyday you hear about a woman being killed by her husband or her deranged ass boyfriend they cannot understand that she doesn't want them anymore and she's ready to move on with her life people show you who they want to show you you're so right people wear a mask and that's a shame I dealt with a person like that and they showed me who they really were it wasn't anything violent but the lies and stuff that came out afterwards and they finally took off that mask and I really slow who they really were and what they were all about because when they show you who they really are that's who they are that's who they really are instead of being honest and letting it who they are I'm the type of person I don't have to wear a mask because I know who I amI let people know that I'm getting involved with this is who I am accept me for who I am if you can't then you need to move along because this is me and there's no mask and there's no hitting nothing with me I am who I am and I can't be nobody but myself when they show you who they really are that's who they are and he took the easy way out he's a coward

  • @Doadab13

    Weak liberal laws and punishments.

  • @FarrahField

    My gawd she is STUNNING! Inside and out. It’s the possessive jealous type that can’t handle being with a beautiful woman.

  • @QueenTeaSipper

    My goodness this is sad😢

  • @alanunderwoodsr8622

    So sorry this happened. I feel like the system is broken and nobody has the balls to fix it. Praying for everyone.

  • @FirstNameLastName-pg8rw

    Dont blame the justice system for domestic abuse. Blame the losers that beat, AND the women that keep taking them back.

  • @berryblulight

    That s crazy! Discovering who he really was? All the domestic violence was a red flag. Anyways it seem people just don t get it. When the guy is becoming verbally violent, a bully and then low and behold physically violent. Tape him!! Record the escalation! If you have a bruise take a picture. Then get out without telling him anything! Move away with the kids….And when you re safe then get help to put him away! Get lawyers behind you who know how to do things and put these bastards away. It s better to be smart than dead. For once the police did he right thing they shot him dead. That whole situation is innaceptable period. The trauma these poor kids will have for life.

  • @dayzeddork1128

    If those other guys weren't there imagine what could have happened to the kids 😭 thankful they were there at least… horrifying what someone who "loves" you can do…

  • @raginacaruthers5953

    It's awful these people just snap when they can't control every so sad for the family . Humble TX is said without the h sound

  • @anaisnein

    Prison 4 ever. And yes. He totally got away with it

  • @anaisnein

    How many times!!!????

  • @truckertalknow

    Statistically, over 50% of women LIE about DV. So maybe that's why cops can't believe each woman.

  • @nicoleboothe8586

    I absolutely feel like the system is broken in so many ways. I also feel he got special treatment. These things happen way to much. Same with DCS and violent offenders not serving full sentences. Broken skin so many ways.

  • @cassandramagnusson1787

    Anyone else notice that if you peel everything away….the biggest issue in all these stories is the police!!!!! I am pro-police, dont get me wrong. But seriously sometimes, i swear they really can be lazy shits!!!!

  • @onnickac6468

    I honestly feel like something truly is up with the military WHY DO THEY ALL END UP HAVING THESE TYPES OF ISSUES. I swear they either get strung out on drugs become murders or commit suicide or end being batshit crazy…. Why???

    My heart goes out to this family man this is just SOO bad🥺🙏🏽🫶🏽

  • @domrobinson1245

    men are picked over women in domestic violence situations. I know my abusive spouse was. I had a new born and my monster of a, now ex, was believed over me on my moms property, where he was not invited, with fake id that he handed to a police officer. my mom, my infant and myself hiding in the mobile home, and he was stalking me in the drive. cops let him leave. he was abusive and a bad alcoholic. Children lives dont matter. They just dont care about children

  • @kims7287

    **several more rounds** must be what the newscasters say when it's too many to count 😰
    Also, speaking of cameras, Amazon has spy cameras (WiFi or non) for around $30 if anyone needs one. The ones I have are about 1x2in but they have smaller too.

    All those babies without a mom now 💔💔💔 😭

  • @brookescott3244

    I love how in America the term "don't judge a book by it's cover" only applies to negative situations. In America if you're a cop, military, Christian, or "good looking" then you're just the best fucking book ever fucking written. OF COURSE the cops here believed the military man over the woman being abused. America: the country ruled by power-hungry, greedy males.

  • @SP-kd5fy

    This is so sad. There definitely needs to be change within the system. I can't remember what episode it is but Derrick on Crime weekly (he is a former police officer) discussed how the rules limit what police can do in these situations.

  • @boydnelson1961

    Thank you, Annie, you are great with a sick story

  • @rossettepardue140

    So many stories on all the true shows I watch come out of Houston or Harris County. It is frightening because guess where I live?? Yeppers There are a few stories that come out of my home state of WV but no where near enough that could support multiple true crime shows

  • @spencerjane732

    Such a kind, beautiful and loving lady taken far too soon ❤
    It is way to often that persons of authority turn into monsters!
    DV needs to have or create strategies for its victims..a failsafe..a haven ✝️
    These occurrences are too frequent and destroying lifes along their paths.
    We neex fo pray for these children and the Mommy that held them together ❤️ 🙏 💙

  • @meghannnielsen2776

    I called the police on my ex 12 times . He broke into my house (22 times kicked down my door) and constantly harassed me for a year. They never did anything , claiming it was criminal mischief. Then he broke in one evening by kicking my door down once again . He was an mma fighter , he raped me and broke almost every single bone in my face . My jaw was wired for 28 weeks , 28 stitches in my lip, 5 plates and 15 pins and 4 screws later … I can’t count the surgeries . I believe over 30… all because he was never arrested . He now spends 42 years in Huntsville prison . The court case was grueling having to deal with this monster and all the family that supported him .
    Why does it take death or coming close for these monsters to be held accountable?! The signs are there , the justice system is failing us women .

  • @aric5011

    A day in hell is more painful than an eternity in prison. I'm glad to know he went straight down.

  • @cassandrapollen5482

    It’s hard to leave being he is military and she had his children. It is hard to leave, we are afraid to leave. They still have kids together there is no escaping so we think that it’s easier to jus stay. A paper won’t stop someone if they really wanna harm that person they will. Emotional abuse is heaving as well because you fall for that person you seen the good.

  • @BlackGoddess112

    I will never understand how any person can take advantage of their spouses and or their power from their job to get away with horrible crimes.

  • @debcromlish3630

    Unbelievable and tragic! No one helped her n then she loses her life. I pray the family is okay n her poor kids. 😢

  • @haydendenard2693

    It's a hard system to fix because I have seen women and men both lie about DV to get custody of just revenge from cheating etc. Then you have true DV situations and the people who fake it are largely to blame for the way the system works

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