This detailed crime investigation has shed new light on the infamous case of Abby Williams and Liberty German in Delphi, Indiana. The defense has presented a shocking theory involving a cult connection and ritualistic sacrifices. As a crime investigator, it’s crucial to analyze all the evidence presented and understand the potential motives and alternative theories. The prosecution has responded to these claims, highlighting the importance of focusing on the evidence against Richard Allen. The new information is disturbing and has raised questions about the investigation and the possibility of multiple suspects. The case is complex and will require a thorough examination of all the facts to ensure justice for Abby and Libby. Stay tuned for more updates on this gripping and heinous crime investigation.


49 Comments to “Proof of Cult in Delphi Murders?! | Update & New Documents | Richard Allen Delphi Indiana”

  • @annieelise

    Download Jackpot World NOW: don't forget to use my Gift Code: ANNIE 😏 for extra $100 dollar Worth of Coins for new players how to use the code: click on the avatar – click “GIFT CODE” – Enter “Annie”

  • @user-xy4mr9hk2b

    I don't think it was only 1 person, if the girls weren't held at gunpoint. Either Allen is completely innocent or this was his initiation into the cult

  • @kobymurrell1335

    This is definitely gonna a crazy trail. If it ever gets there

  • @earthenergyhex

    Those poor little girls, the terror they must have been put through

  • @drintx5734

    Odin worship = Satan worship

  • @drintx5734

    I’ll bet a member of law enforcement killed the girls or is in the cult and is covering up for the murderer. Why would they not have kept the tree branches ??

  • @AlishaRossi

    Richard Allen

    1) confessed to his wife that he murdered the girls right after he did it,
    2) confessed to officers about being on the bridge and talking to the girls,
    3) confessed to wearing the blue carhart jacket that day (which was found during the search of his home),
    4) confessed to having the gun that the unspent bullet came from.

    Each of these things alone isn’t enough but when you add it all up together, it’s no longer circumstantial. It’s no longer possible that it’s all just coincidence. There is no way that someone who happens to be at the scene wearing the exact same clothes and having the exact same weapon just turns out to be at the wrong place at the wrong time of a secret cult sacrifice which there is no evidence for – we’re supposed to believe twig placement resembles runes and therefore he is innocent?

    The guy trying to get likes by taunting his son’s family isn’t right…but it isn’t evidence.

    There is no evidence that Odin cultists have ever killed anyone in the U.S., ever.. let alone these two girls. The cult story sounds a lot like the like satanic panic during the 1980’s which also turned out to be a farce.

    BlĂłt, the sacrifice once performed by ancient Odinists, was performed on livestock. The animals were eaten afterwards (not sexually assaulted or left exposed to the elements). The ritual was performed by women in the household in order to ensure the fertility of the land, a good harvest and peace. This murder bears no resemblance to the ritual. In the few cases where kings killed grown men, only the heads were offered. The SA of two little girls can not be blamed on religion. The motive is obvious.

    Richard Allen did it because it made him feel powerful and in control, same as all the other pedo rapist murderers. SMH.

  • @gjk540

    A cult? Oh, please.

  • @nicolemerriman-darling772

    Great job! Looking forward to your next video. Also, I think it would be interesting if you did do an episode on cults😊

  • @nicolemerriman-darling772


  • @nicolemerriman-darling772


  • @NyxxNoire

    I practice Odinism. Let me assure you, murder is NOOOOOT a part of Odinism! These are psychopaths using an ancient viking pagan practice for personal use.

    These runes are from the elder furthark. They can also be translated into actual letters.

    This was def a ritual formation. Abbys branch formation was actually not horns at all, but an actual Norse Rune Algiz and Nauthiz combined. Nauthiz being side ways, means they were inappropriately using these runes. Again, let me ASSURE YOU Odinism is NOT about murder so these poor girls fell victim to some absolutely demented people.

    Heil Odin would not involve a ritual sacrifice as he is the God of war and death, but not in a negative fashion. If anything, if the ritual was done to sacrifice these poor girls to someone, it would be Hel…she is the goddess of the Norse underworld.

    I hope these vssh0les are caught and fried for this.

    Peace be upon these 2 innocent children who were taken in such a crude, vain fashion.

    My heart breaks for the family and the victims. 😢💔

  • @annettejones7777

    I grew up 6 miles from where the girls were found. 😢

  • @dp97303

    IDK what to think but not good

  • @dp97303

    The system is crooked you have state and federal government together you have two sides of a fake coin cant trust them

  • @mikejenkins150

    Probably the democrats so sad there into that stuff unfortunately and the elites

  • @ashleynadine717

    I was for sure about Richard before… now I feel like there’s some police involved in this cult and the mental case of the group became the fall guy.

  • @ashleynadine717

    If they were trying to depict the hanged man… next to the magician. They did it inverted, meaning the hanged man in tarot is enlightenment so inverted… creepy

  • @HollowApollo1

    I definitely think the murders are ritualistic, but I don't think that proves cult activity or a conspiracy.

    And I dont think the blood on the tree looks enough like an F to convince me that's what it's supposed to be.

  • @evwaldron

    I had to hunt this video down again because I'd remembered watching it back when it was new… and honestly no other videos on this case come even close to being as comprehensive as yours.

    One update/correction, the rune is Fehu not Ansuz.

  • @edwright480

    The second bullet found is so suspect. There is no chain of command, and given the times between the findings anyone could have put it there. The police in charge are totally incompetent.

  • @paulaousley2012


  • @sarajeanmarinershera208

    It's ridiculous to think anyone other than RA is bridge guy. What are the chances that a man wearing the same clothing, with the same height, weight, and characteristics was on the trails without being seen by anyone, at the same exact time. Oh, and lets not forget about the bullet from his gun being between the bodies. I wish common sense was more common. The poor families have been thru so much and now this.

  • @jadilewis455

    I think RA is innocent.

  • @user-zj1ft5tx5f

    All BS added by the defense. They need all they can get to try and keep him out of prison. He is guilty, and if he had someone help him in any way he should be spilling his guts soon. He confessed to his wife and mother………recorded on correctional phones…..not quite as smart as he thinks he is.

  • @Angela.M21

    Has she covered the fact that since being jailed, he has stated to several people that he killed these girls. All of his acts could be just that. His attorney's are leaking evidence that has a gag order.

  • @billyc768

    They need to go back and look really hard at BH. His voice sounds very much like "down the hill" guy. I think the guy that's currently accused of the crimes probably didn't do it.

  • @JessicaCoffman-le1gd

    If this is true, this is insanely creepy AF. It gives me chills listening to all this. I have no idea how you were able to research this. I feel like I need to be re-baptized after hearing all this. I just pray whatever happened to these babies, it was quick and they didnt feel much of anything. Also if this is true, i'm gonna need them to find these folks ASAP. I mean it does sound crazy. But honestly, who would come up w/ this as a defense? Who has time to make this up as a lawyer?

  • @tellasmella

    Something in me since Richard was arrested always told me it’s not him… this has just made that gut feeling that he’s innocent even stronger

  • @Jusdepommerose

    But as someone who studied Nordic runes, the sticks around the bodies do not resemble them at all. (Also runes were used as divination method yes, but also plainly as an alphabet. I just wish people knew there is nothing "creepy" or "satanic" about runes.) So it could also be that the murderer placed random sticks around to make it look like runes to place the blame on Odinist? This case is so confusing ugh

  • @rissaroisu

    So what if BH and his friend were “down the hill” and Richard was just telling the girls their friends were “down the hill” thinking they were looking for BH and the other guy. So the girls went down there, maybe also thinking Richard was creepy, just to get away from him.. I don’t know how to put it into words. But I think you get the main point I’m trying to make..

  • @shelleynobleart

    I can't watch this, but I have always believed these girls were killed for dark content ordered by a larger organized CP content provider. I believe the killer filmed the kills for this purpose and is taking the full fall now. The owner of the property they were murdered and posed on was higher up in the group imo and has since died.

    Serial killers like the accused are one level of terror but this kind of potentially made-for-consumer content would strike even deeper, if I'm right.

  • @youtubeanalyticsshare

    Has anyone done a backround on Rick, anything that pops up in his past, his criminal record, anything that indicates that Rick is capable of committing this kind of crime. A killer with this profile must have a past that evolves to the point of killing innocent children!

    If Rick planned this crime, he must have known the girls, he must have known that he would be there then, on that day, prepare everything, take the weapons, think of everything, do it himself, and at the same time be so sloppy that he would be caught on tape, that they will not take mobile phones. It's either one or the other. Did he do it premeditated, without leaving a single trace, or did he do it in the moment and again managed to get rid of everything and leave no evidence, except for a recording of himself? It can't be both?!

    Especially if we consider ritual murders. Then there must be some forensic trace on his devices, that he was investigating this particular cult, that he designed everything to deceive everyone around him and his closest ones. What is the motive? His social life is full. He has a steady job, no criminal record, can maintain a relationship, works right next door in child protection. It turns out that he is literally a master of manipulation, a highly intelligent manipulator, a psychopath with a narcissistic personality disorder who is very organized, so much so that he can do all this while living in the community, sometimes at work, and sometimes at home. There is no evidence that this is so. Such persons are waiting to be caught, to brag, they cannot stop killing. They have difficult childhoods, they evolve in all aspects of evil, and there is not a single serious indicator here unless they have the gift of bilocation, levitation, etc…

    In the five and a half years after the murder, there is also no change in his behavior. No repeat acts, no psychological cracking, until he got to prison as I understand it.

    Phenomenologically, philosophically, psychologically, I was interested in the case because I am a theologian, philosopher and psychologist And there is no basis on the basis of his behavior, his past, whether from a psychological, spiritual or any other aspect, that he is the one. Unless something is being saved for trial. Otherwise, this will only be a show for social media warriors!

  • @tanyaboyce1959

    BH definitely did it!! So scary!

  • @addieperryman

    This crime seems to be very advanced or more than one person just bc the limited evidence. Like either dude had experience before. If Libby was smart enough to take a pic I’m sure she or one of them or one them told the other to run away. It just seems a lot of time had to be taken for this unless it was two people at least. The ppl were searching for them like literally right after they knew something was wrong. So idk it can be him but if him he either has that experience prior (like was child porn on his search history). I always believe in transparency I understand protecting the case but some things should be made public. The secretive just like the Bryan koberger or however u spell that. When it’s like that it makes it look the prosecution is worried or knows it a weak case. Sorry for the length

  • @daisyrain35

    I think it is possible that the 1 man we saw on Libby’s phone is the 1 single man responsible. Multiple men were never seen. Defense teams go straight to cults often. I don’t think anyone made him confess to his mother and wife on private phone calls. It’s all a reach. He shouldn’t be out of jail if he brutally murdered two young girls. It wouldn’t be safe. I’m not sure if he is the man in the video, that will have to be seen in trial..

  • @JustCommenting

    Well that formation of sticks in the bottom right at about 42:00 looks a lot like the description of the sticks found on Libby’s body, if that description is correct. That’s from BH’s social media? Would be interested to have him explain what that rune means to him.

  • @jacintabeck7528

    It’s 9pm at night while I’m watching this and this is pretty scary .. seeing how the bodies were and the sticks .. scares me a lot

  • @Teaspoonofsplenda

    I am definitely interested in a deep dive on this Odin cult. Thank you again for keeping up updated.

  • @jermelhester1826

    Good video. I've been following since the beginning.

  • @darnellwilliams9917

    Damn girl, you’re bringing up more concrete facts than court TV. Keep doing what you’re doing because this whole case stinks to high heaven. And the good thing is that the entire world is watching. These investigations where not transparent at all, the things that they shared seemed really delayed but at the same time if I’m not mistaken The feds are involved with the investigation or is the sheriff leading the investigation? How the heck could they not initially collect the sticks as evidence??? Something stinks or it’s just a lot of inexperience on their end. I really hope the the truth comes out frfr✌🏾

  • @MaisieB9103

    Police can match up voice on video of man on tracks and Richard Allen.
    Has he offered to take polygraph ?

  • @trailofatrilliontears1045

    That is the most ignorant and biased definition of Odanism I've ever heard. A lot of white supremacists in prisons have taken Norse Mythoogy and made it theirs, but that does not mean that regular ppl who practice that form of paganism are white supremacists It's actually pretty offensive to be lumped in with such a group. And also to have ppl think that Norse pagans do sacrifices. I can say that just by looking at Libby in that pose it was definitely deliberate because she is in the hangman pose from the tarot deck. They would use that pose for Odin because he took on that pose when he was gaining wisdom. He also sacrificed an eye. This is absolutely horrifying, and whoever did this is deranged.

  • @audreykassem8010

    Of course it is to taint the jury Poole. Read the footnotes of the franks theory which was thrown out. Let me ask you Annie did you belief Jose Baez too

  • @djnlb2

    now tarot cards are not in anyway demonic etc I'll save IT, YET with minor modifications, the first girl appears as the magician face down card I and the other girl i Is in reverse as the Hanged Man card with small differences card XII. You decide but don't jump to conclusions

  • @user-tn6oi3iv1f

    Yes, please have a deeper investigation of this cult

  • @user-tn6oi3iv1f

    I don’t believe this man is guilty of anything

  • @user-tn6oi3iv1f

    Yes, I believe it was out of a cult ritual

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