Rey Rivera: The Mystery and The Theories Part Two

Unraveling the enigma of Rey Rivera: A meticulous examination of the evidence and myriad theories – Part Two. Rivera’s mysterious death, ruled as a suicide, has sparked intense speculation and debate within the true crime community. The case bears resemblance to other unsolved cases involving possible foul play within the murky world of financial intrigue and secret societies.


35 Comments to “Rey Rivera: The Mystery and The Theories Part Two”

  • @zima04

    Ray was definitely murdered. I believe his legs were broken and he was dragged on the rooftop to throw him over which is why the flip flops had drag marks and 1 was broken. Though I still haven’t figured out why.

  • @CalipsoCareline

    I have no idea about the letter and what could it be. But I'm 100% certain he was kill4d by someone that lost money cause of him.

  • @jimmyheath5021

    I watched this story on Netflix. So mysterious and strange and heart wrenching. Putting myself in the victims shoes and in the wife's. So so sad.

    It caught my attention, if i heard the timeline right. He left around 6pm and she called him at 7-8pm and the phone was still on but no answer.

    Imagining her calling him and knowing hes either actively about to have his life end or is already dead fallen through the roof with his phone still intact, ringing, next to him. 😔😔😔 It breaks my f**** heart!!!!

    Imagining i call my hubby and thats the scenario???? What if i had called sooner and stopped him from going. What if the phone call got him killed. What if i hadnt gone on the work trip. Etc etc intrusive thoughts. Too damn sad i hate this story!!!

  • @ameenomar1911

    I would love to reach out to you with my hypothesis. If you read the note from a particular perspective, it becomes a bit clear. I don’t wish to share this perspective in public

  • @amberugur6476

    I know I'm a little late on the subject but I have a theory about the Penny. Allison said it was always in a bowl. I believe this is true and I believe that is absolutely where He kept it… when She was home. She was out of Town and I believe as soon as She left, He went and put that Penny in His pocket, so She would be with Him. I believe He was absolutely crazy about Allison and He was a Romantic at heart. I did notice a pattern to that letter though… I think He saw that these accidental deaths and Suicides, were anything but that. Someone lured Him away from Home with the phone call. And I think He was on the parking garage rooftop and He was running for His life. The only other thing that makes sense is He was in a Helicopter over the building and He was dumped or jumped.

  • @patricemartin5538

    The women are not called Masons they are Eastern Stars.

  • @vinnyscaramuzzino8088

    Weird thing to clarify but with his reference to Star Wars 1-3, I believe he might be referring to the prequel series. In that series, you see the creation of evil through Anakin Skywalker to eventually take form as Darth Vader.

  • @meropale

    13:57 Are you sure that's the hotel? Also, at 12:28 you are saying the car was found off St. Paul Street but then it turns into Chase Street at 13:40.

  • @TheShankari33

    Bohemian grove ? Did you make that video?

  • @jackswanson8326


  • @tejasjoshi3963

    About your point that people who want to take their life don't make plans, I think, is not necessarily true (not saying anything about Rey's case). My father's friend took his own life by hanging himself this year. He even left a suicide note. Everyone was shocked. He fixed the date for his son's marriage the day before. He was an insurance agent and a real estate broker. He spoke with my dad a week prior to his suicide about helping us sell a plot of land since he owned land near my dad's and he too wanted to sell so if we clubbed together the piece of land would be larger and we will find a buyer quickly. My uncle work's for the insurance company and on the day of the suicide the friend had visited the office and he was basically talking about the future business and looking forward to the future with the son's wedding coming up. Now as a person this friend was very hard working, rags to riches story, he was very greedy and petty and cunning about money but otherwise a good person. The reason for his suicide was that on the afternoon of the suicide his neighbour had come to his place and they had a property boundary dispute which was an ongoing matter in the court of law but for whatever reason this neighbour had used foul language due to which he felt like he wanted to commit suicide, now the timeline is the neighbour came to his home at around 2-3pm and at 5- 5:30 he told his wife he was going to the downstairs room of their house and he locked the room from inside while his wife was cooking in the kitchen upstairs. And at 6-:30 she was calling him to come up for dinner but he didn't respond and then they broke the room door and found him hanging from the ceiling fan. But the thing is this property boundary dispute had been ongoing since 1996 and they used to fight often about it so it was so strange and unbelievable. It was later discovered that the rope was purchased 1 day prior to the incident, he had been living in the area for 30 years now and the shopkeeper knew him, who had sold him the rope. So basically the reason in the note makes no sense since if the altercation in the afternoon was the reason he was committing suicide then why buy the rope one day prior. He wanted to implicate the neighbor is the only logical conclusion but it is totally stupid attempt since he bought the rope one day prior and the dispute was ongoing for 26 years and they used to swear all these year at each other. Some point is it may not be obvious if the person who is committing suicide doesn't want to make it obvious.

  • @abbysheridan1429

    Given the Agora offices were in a former Masonic temple, it’s not so far off Porter has a connection to the Freemasons.

  • @abbysheridan1429

    Could have been that he copied a communication he received to remember it. Then hid it to protect his family, Allison to be specific.

  • @sherryfink6535

    Someone on a reddit page gave the best plausible explanation I've heard so far. He was hit by a car and catapulted in the air and fell through. That would also explain the broken shins.

  • @marcopolo-xj4yw

    Sounds like he def might have been suffering from metal illness. The note on the side of the computer was very strange. It was mentioned that he was acting ‘morose’ lately. He was also doing a job he hated and it may have taken over his life.

  • @marcopolo-xj4yw

    Porter Stansberry is a bullshit artist. And I think his misspelled name isn’t even real. I’d bet he’s behind it.

  • @guillermomontoyo

    Stephanie is so kewt ❤😘😊

  • @kittykatygirl

    He was pushed out of a helicopter

  • @michaeloporto5202

    I really don’t think there’s anything crazy about his case. Impulsive action for him to jump.

  • @tonimaliszewski2782

    I wish you could see anything on this case @crimeweekly

  • @JayyJay92

    I always got the feeling the wife kinda lied about the wallet and the coin to make it sound more suspicious she didn’t need to because it was already really suspicious

  • @cementshoes1425

    Please do cover the Bohemian Grove, I would love to hear your take on it.

  • @104yearsago

    The drag marks on his shoes is interesting when you think about how someone broke his legs. Makes it seem like whoever it was broke his legs, then dragged him maybe to a window and then threw him out the window. Maybe they took his stuff first and his shoes fell off while trying to shove him out the window. So then they planted his things there like his shoes on the roof.

  • @104yearsago

    When I was 13 I joined a Freemason lodge for teenage girls. This was in about 2013. We had to go through a ton of paperwork to find an ancestor that was a Freemason or I couldn't join. But I heard now adays they just let anyone join without having any Freemasons in their ancestry. We would dress in robes at this temple church place and leaving ans going into the room you had to go in a certain order. Each person had a certain like word or rank and at certain times in the meeting we'd have to say this long boring paragraph that didn't make any sense. I wasn't able to memorize this and had to read it from a book. But I would have to sit in certain spots for my rank, and what I would have to memorize and say depended on my rank. That or we'd have table meetings. They were always long and boring. But then we'd get to do fun things. Like we got to do charity work and we went to the movies with a ton of snacks and saw Tangled in theatres. Stuff like that. Definitely nothing weird like what I hear about secret societies controling governments or killing people and stuff. Though now that I think about the robes and ranks, that is a little cultish. But other than that, we'd just do charity work like feed the homeless and poor people, or go to a fair and hangout together.

  • @ArtTasticCreations

    I would recommend that people watch Dualism: The Illuminati Religion. It talks a lot about the real beliefs of the freemasons/ other secret societies. It will give you a lot of insight into what his final note meant.

  • @katmack4215

    I know people have a hard time believing their loved one would take their own life..however,I definitely get why Ray's family cannot accept this 😕 I'm with them,I don't believe,for a second,that is what happened either!!
    I can make you a list of why this doesn't make a bit of sense in this case..🤨 Ray was making plans for his future,both short and long term. He just got married to someone he seemed to be so in love with. I should probably put at the very top of this list,he was terrified of heights!!
    He didn't fall from that roof,he didn't jump from that roof,he certainly didn't throw himself from that roof..someone else did 😠
    Someone knows what happened to Ray,and I hope one day,the truth comes out. His family,his wife deserves answers.
    If you're that person..clear your conscience,and do the rite thing.

  • @chilipeppersalsa7596

    Total foul play. I thought helicopter as well since big daddy porter had one

  • @Brock_3256

    This Mikita Brottman has obvious motive to thicken the mystery for the sake of her book ($$$). I take most of what she claims with a grain of salt. No proof to many of her claims.

  • @andreassofocleous8497

    I think that note makes it’s pretty clear that he was paranoid and delusional. He mentioned “The Game” numerous times and he ended up jumping off a roof just like Michael Douglas’s character did in the movie. He was acting unstable, the days before died, and he was asking people if they were secretive members of the Masons.

  • @irenestrmnss4496


  • @irenestrmnss4496


  • @jenniferhill7224

    bohemian grove for Harloween 🙂

  • @smauilein

    In the end of „The Game“ Douglas falls – this is so very similar to Reys ending. The old self literally dies. So strange that his life ended by falling off that roof.

  • @garrogarro7133

    You did not just describe the seminal Nicolas Cage classic National Treasure as a kids movie 😮

  • @colorsflight6432

    It's "Ya way" the God of the Bible the christain God. It's the pronunciation of the 4 letters in the Hebrew writings. God in the jewish/christain is plural 3 different beings that are one God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

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