Rogue Police Officers | DOUBLE EPISODE | The FBI Files

In Puerto Rico, the FBI and the Puerto Rico Bureau of special investigation known as nie uncovered a ring of corrupt cops known as the death squad. The investigation began with the 1980 murder of Jessica Trujillo, a witness under police protection who was killed while pregnant. Special agent Fernando candelario and special agent D Rosario were shocked by the lack of cooperation from police officers, leading them to suspect police involvement in the murders.

One breakthrough came when detective Victor suse agreed to cooperate with the FBI and provide information about the death squad. Through Victor, the agents uncovered a web of corruption involving dozens of police officers, lawyers, and business people. They discovered the death squad was involved in armed robberies, kidnappings, and murders for hire.

One of the key suspects was Alejo Del Monte, the alleged leader of the death squad. Victor’s cooperation led to the foiling of a kidnapping plot involving a jeweler’s son, Mario Ramirez. While Alejo was arrested, Mario was safely rescued by FBI agents who intercepted the ransom drop.

Eventually, Alejo and other members of the death squad were indicted and arrested. Alejo confessed to his involvement in Jessica Trujillo’s murder, revealing the extent of the corruption within the police force. The investigation led to the disbanding of the rebel cic division and a renewed sense of trust in the police force in Puerto Rico. It was a long and arduous investigation, but in the end, justice prevailed, and the corrupt officers were brought to justice.


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