Sarah Boone represents herself in suitcase murder trial following a 58-page letter to judge

Sarah Boone to Represent Herself in Suitcase Murder Trial Following a 58-Page Letter to Judge

Hey, have you heard about this new true crime case that’s been blowing up on social media? It’s seriously wild! So basically, this couple went missing while on a road trip across the country, and their van was found abandoned in the middle of nowhere. But get this, the police found a notebook inside the van that had some cryptic messages written in it.

The whole thing is giving me major chills, especially when you hear about all the strange sightings and theories that people are coming up with online. Some people think they were abducted, while others believe they staged their own disappearance. And don’t even get me started on the conspiracy theories floating around – it’s like something straight out of a thriller movie!

I’ve been following this case closely and doing some of my own research, and let me tell you, the more I dig into it, the more questions I have. It’s just so bizarre and intriguing, I can’t get enough! I mean, who knew true crime could be so twisted and fascinating?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this case, so leave a comment below and let’s chat about this mind-boggling mystery!

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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