Highly detailed crime investigator uncovers major updates in the Jared bride again case, a tragic murder conspiracy slowly unraveling. The police have been eerily quiet until now, shocking developments leave us wondering what else is yet to be revealed. The latest updates in the case will leave you speechless, as justice begins to unfold. The backstory of a targeted ambush on Jared, a dedicated father, shot dead while moving a tire near his ex-wife’s home, raises suspicions of a planned hit. Surveillance footage of a blue Ford F-150 truck suggests a connection to the crime.

Shanna Gardner Fernandez, with a rocky divorce from Jared, faces scrutiny and speculation surrounding the circumstances of his murder. A tattoo shop employee’s testimony reveals disturbing conversations, hinting at a potential motive behind the murder. As investigations progress, the connections between Henry and Mario, Shanna’s husband, raise eyebrows. Mario, now under arrest, faces charges for first-degree murder, conspiracy, and harming a child, with damning evidence linking him to the crime.

Shanna’s media interviews and public statements come under scrutiny, as her innocence is called into question. Moving across the country just as connections to the crime are being uncovered raises suspicions. Mario’s arrest brings some closure to Jared’s family, but the investigation continues. State Attorney Melissa Nelson vows to seek the truth and hold all individuals involved accountable in Jared’s murder. Kirsten, Jared’s widow, vows to continue fighting for justice until every responsible party is charged.

Amid ongoing developments in the case, the unraveling of the murder conspiracy sheds light on the tragic events surrounding Jared’s death. Shanna’s involvement, whether direct or indirect, remains a point of contention as investigations unveil new evidence. The trauma experienced by Jared’s family underscores the impact of his senseless murder. As the case unfolds, more answers are sure to come to light, promising justice for Jared and closure for his loved ones. Stay tuned for updates on this complex and chilling crime case.


21 Comments to “SCORNED! Ex-Wife Planned Microsoft Executive Murder? New Arrests and Details | Jared Bridegan Case”

  • @annieelise

    WOAH! The house of cards is really beginning to crumble in this case! Who do you think is responsible?

  • @ericjohnson9431

    She's rich and entitled thought she could get away with it and just didn't think things out

  • @breach669

    Excellent break down!

  • @Kali-Moe

    Come on this is not your 1st video criminals don’t give two ducks who’s in the car or who isn’t in there all they care about is the money! Nothing more nothing less. The fact that this POS just wanted the money and didn’t care about the sweet angel who is now may be traumatized for the rest of her life doesn’t matter to them. Keep up the perfect job you do. I’ve gotten my whole family hooked on your channel. Happy new year.

  • @roxannefuentez8779

    When her kids find out what she did than what will she do. Nothing but sadness for all these kids

  • @charlene6329

    Is there any updates on this case?

  • @trinat347

    She reminds me of my bf ex wife ( ive had my own interactions) and that's all I'm going to say

  • @makkido1164

    You are so beautiful ms.annie

  • @davidhill500

    GDAY BLONDEE…..THE WIFE ORGANISED THE MURDER…( in my opinion )WHAT DRONGO CANT SEE THE OBVIOUS…..I reckon Shannon is on MARIOS LIST..( the naughty and naughtier list)….I doubt if I will give a rats if she gets deleted…nor will MARIO…..😮

  • @kaylanone-ya8410

    Either the ex wife set it up manipulated & married the killer or the killer was a manipulative stalker who embedded himself into her life… this could have been a super fucked up way of expressing his love & loyalty to his new wife so she would have both kids an a new family with the dad fully out of the picture.

  • @user-nk7tq3hz3u

    Annie I believe she was the mastermind and follow the money trail

  • @davidjames7382

    His ex is forcing crocodile tears…her body language says something completely different. She has been "coached" for the interview. Too many coincidences.

  • @BiPolarBear128

    My God The number of murders associated with LDS ( Mormon ) is racking up big time , what is with this cult ?

  • @susanpugh5265

    He didn't deserve this!

  • @Dawna61

    In my opinion!, Shanna SHOULD be put in Prison for the rest of HER life, WITHOUT the possibility of parole…Her kids SHOULD go to Kristen so they can be around their Siblings…IF for some strange reason the kids go to Shanna's parents, there should be NO financial help given to the kids to help raise them…
    I 100% believe Shanna WAS involved in the killing of her EX. that's why she fled the state of Florida and went to Washington State…and because the PARENTS knew of the situation of getting Shanna out of Florida, I believe they ARE an accessory.. (Trying to 'Hide' Shanna from the authorities)…NO money from from her Family or Friends, should be accepted…Shanna knows for a FACT she WAS involved whether SHE was the Shooter or was part of the planning…Asking someone if they knew anyone that could SHUT MY EX UP, I would take that seriously and contact the authorities…
    So in my opinion!, Prison for LIFE, NO parole…Shanna IS totally guilty…

  • @jwilkinson341

    They will or have already cut a deal With Mario to take the death penalty off the table to snare her, she is the mastermind.

  • @dreamangus1505

    Relationships are a lottery. Jared lost out big time when he got involved with this witch.

  • @dahliacheung6020

    I definitely understand Shanna's selfishness as it's probably got a lot to do with her parents and their own selfishness. Stamping Up is an MLM or multi-level marketing company, essentially a product based pyramid scheme (these are sometimes also referred to as commercial cults due to the level of brainwashing and control that takes place in them.) These types of companies depend on participants in the business "opportunity" spending and even losing money, and on them recruiting others to spend and lose money, in order for the owners and the few people at the very top of the pyramid to be very wealthy. Most people who start mlms tend to be very money hungry, narcissistic, do- anything-for-a -dollar types of people, though that is likely to be disputed by their brainwashed reps. It's all so very twisted and if you can't tell I hate mlms and the way that participation and proximity to them ruin lives.

  • @luciel4502

    She is involved in my opinion. Ex wife when crying on TV interview had no tears in her eyes 😮

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