On Bluefield Avenue in Princeton West Virginia lies a small brick house with white trim and a cozy covered front patio, a picturesque home that hides dark secrets. This was the home of 14 year old Kiara Jackson, a tall girl with long dark hair and a tough exterior. Kiara lived with her mother Sarah Mullins, her older troubled sister Alana, her younger brother Gabe, and her violent stepfather Roderick Neal.

Roderick was a frequent abuser, constantly hurting the children and their mother, with the police being called regularly for domestic assault. Despite this, Sarah always opted to protect Roderick, even bailing him out of jail each time he was arrested. The night of December 2nd, a drunken Roderick accused Kiara of stealing his phone, sparking a violent confrontation that ultimately led to Kiara’s disappearance.

Kiara’s body was later found hanging in the basement, her throat slit and a noose around her neck. The discovery of a journal detailing the sexual abuse she endured at the hands of Roderick further added to the horror of this case. As the community protested demanding justice for Kiara, rumors of her being pregnant with Roderick’s child surfaced, raising even more questions about the motive behind her murder.

The failure of the system to protect Kiara from her abusers has sparked outrage and calls for accountability. While Sarah and Roderick have yet to be charged, the investigation continues with the hope of bringing justice for Kiara. The unraveling of this case continues to reveal the heartbreaking truth of a young girl failed by those who should have protected her. Stay tuned for updates as this case continues to unfold.


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