In a shocking turn of events, new body cam footage has shed light on the disturbing details of the case involving Ruby Frankie, Jod Hilderbrand, and their children. The footage reveals that Pam, a close friend of Jod, was involved in the events and even tried to cover up for Ruby’s actions. Pam’s role in the case has raised suspicions about her knowledge of the abuse and neglect that was happening.

The investigation took a dark turn when it was discovered that Ruby and Jod were involved in a child abuse case, with children found malnourished and locked in a safe at Jod’s house. The shocking details of the abuse and neglect that the children endured have left many wondering how such atrocities could have gone unnoticed for so long.

As the investigation continues, more questions arise about the extent of Pam’s involvement and her possible role in the abuse. The case has gripped the public with its shocking revelations and the deep-rooted ties to a disturbing cult-like group. As a highly detailed crime investigator, I am determined to uncover the truth behind this heinous crime and bring justice to those who have suffered. Stay tuned for more updates on this chilling case.


20 Comments to “Shocking New Details & Bodycam Footage: YouTuber Ruby Franke of ‘8 Passengers’”

  • @bergercookie

    Ruby is sadistic !!! Accusing her own child of being addicted to porn since the age of 3 and suggesting that is why she had to separate him from the others is so vile and disgraceful. Even if the child a toddler could watch porn at such a young age it’s her responsibility as the mother to monitor that behavior and get professional help if he had such an “ addiction “ . Every time I have to see Jodie’s face she makes me ill with her fake smile and evil look in her eyes . Pam is definitely complicit in this because of her lack of reaction to hearing Ruby’s kids were found abused in Jodie’s house. Anyone w a soul would be horrified no matter whose kids they were. Come on. And don’t even get me started on Kevin….,,, 💯 complicit. Not even a question

  • @cedrics5241

    Damn, the father is so messed up too. He needs to be investigated thoroughly.

  • @soyamor24k

    Did ruby closed the channel?

  • @amandashaivone8781

    Officially found guilty!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂

  • @kelleygaring5652

    I am torn, I don’t agree with her ways. However there are many things happening in society today that I would definitely call child abuse and people call “normal”

  • @commonsense2680

    Every time I hear about this case, another horrible thing is brought up. I cannot believe this Pam practically bragging about using those poor girls like slave labor and maids to clean her house. And she acts like that's normal??? Who the F accepts watching children because there is a family emergency then puts the kids to work as maids in a house they don't even live in? That is just so evil, exploitive, and disgusting. It seems that anyone associated with Ruby Franke is an assh*le!!! I have them, just like I loathe those Turpin parents. I hope they get SA'd in jail over and over!

  • @commonsense2680

    OMG, I cannot believe the father tried to have his daughter arrested! Is he getting custody of any of the kids. I cannot stand that monster, he should not ever get anything and should be arrested. I hate him.

  • @rebekahcopeland500

    Wow that work photo of Pam is a work of art! she's almost unrecognisable. so ruby tells pam she has a family emergency and asks her to pick up the girls and pam's first response is "yes, i need some house work done!". this cult is all about the the responsibility of children. no wonder she was only mildly surprised that the children were restrained inside of a safe! she seemed to think that buying them ice cream was worthy of an oscar nomination.

  • @rebekahcopeland500

    Kevin is advised of serious concerns relating to his children; that they are missing, that there are concerns for their well fare, that police and child services are invsetigating and his primary concern is having his daughter arrested for theft? (she returned the items immediately, btw). just shows his parenting priorities.

  • @rebekahcopeland500

    a 2 year old has inappropriate sexual behaviour? jesus fucking christ! how can she possibly know what is in a 2 year olds mind? what kind of behaviour can that child have been doing that puts other children at risk? distortion anyone?

  • @Valeria-mq3qn

    I feel like Annie is “that” friend that is there to spill the tea, and I love that! However, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… sometimes she crosses the line between covering True Crime and being overly opinionated in a very inflammatory way. At 28:37 I don’t think the dad was trying to press charges on their daughter for taking electronics out of “fear” of what the authorities might find. 😐 Girll, be forreal. 🙃

    If anything, that sounds counter intuitive and just absurd, IMO.😅

    Let’s take a moment to take a deep breath and chill out with the nonsense. No ma’am’s….🙃

  • @FWvidChick

    In no way am I defending anything, just want to say that the cayenne pepper would not hurt. Why its being used to dress wounds is ridiculous. I've used the mixture for skin irritations and hive. Works well. But wounds…wth. Those poor kids. So glad Russell escaped and now they are hopefully on the road to healing.

  • @cjjohns2627

    How has no one taught this piece ofshit Kevin a lesson , this dude he was never there 🤬 someone send him to Jesus

  • @cjjohns2627

    If you love your kids you don't go out of your way to starve a 6yr old or put them in a safe and hand cuffs 😒

  • @cobindel

    i hope she never sees the outside world again, she’s the lowest grubby cat ever, karma will get her

  • @robindestasio7563

    She has her 6 year old making her own lunch?? Pam wasn't surprised about the abuse, she's a member of the weird group Ruby was involved with. Pam having the girls clean her house, just another case of using these girls as free labor. Kevin reminds me of Chris Watts personality 🙁 Kevin was afraid his culpability would be shown on those devices his daughter had.

  • @craftymusiclistener

    This account is LITERALLY getting me through this pregnancy nausea and annoyance. Love this channel!

  • @StarrBucks

    They definitely got tipped off by mormons in law enforcement

  • @NavigatorMother

    Yeah, you can have my twelve year old daughter to scrub your floors for nothing, while you show zero emotion at the news the rest of my children are severely malnourished, dehydrated and covered in lesions of unknown origins that i no doubt can tell you all about. Because we're all members of a ladies club aren't we? Makes perfect sense. We're all batpoo mad in this little church.
    Trust them as far as i could throw them.

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