As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously scrutinized every minute detail of the transcript, unraveling clues and piecing together the puzzle of the crime.

Through my expert analysis, I uncovered crucial information that shed light on the perpetrator’s modus operandi, such as their meticulous planning and attention to detail.

Furthermore, I identified patterns in the suspect’s behavior that aligned with characteristics commonly seen in cases of sophisticated financial fraud.

Delving deep into the intricate web of evidence, I meticulously examined every word spoken in the transcript, deciphering hidden meanings and uncovering critical insights that would ultimately lead to the apprehension of the criminal mastermind behind this elaborate scheme.


45 Comments to “Shocking Truth About Cults + Crime Headlines with Cult Expert Mike King | SERIALously w/ Annie Elise”

  • @annieelise

    Stay tuned to the end of this video for bonus footage of the flds neighborhood and the prophet’s house, recorded by Mike King.

  • @richardhorn7688

    Is this the same Mike king that is an expert on the history of the Austrian painter?

  • @kai_kenway

    I love this collab. Listening to you two is so entertaining and I love how you two interact, just like friends, joking and laughing together and sharing the same passion for true crime. I wish there were more videos with you two but hopefully in the future!

  • @DigitalHolicGamer

    I love when you have Mike on your show. Thank you.

  • @shirliwhite3643

    Have you ever looked into the cult of Jim Jones. That one was horrible.

  • @CajunMFN

    Spatial awareness is very important, I’ve heard people say oh you’re paranoid but I’ll be the one who will see it coming and be prepared for whatever comes, hopefully it’s ok to say this, I was told by a police officer to always remember my ABCs= Always Be Carrying to protect myself and others who can’t.

  • @loripassos4514

    ANNIE PLEASE READ THIS ITS IMPORTANT! I just want to clarify some things about religions and actual Biblical Christianity. First of all what Mike said about Peter is incorrect; Peter wasn't the rock Jesus was building His church on the Rock was Him, Jesus! And Christianity moved forward despite Catholicism which hijacked the Christian Faith and seriously perverted biblical truth and still does to this day. Many false religions are pseudo 'christian' cults orchestrated by the devil including Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah's witness, FDLS, Christian Science, etc. Scientology is definitely a cult. Islam is a false religion. And so many other cults like Freemasons, Satanism, Witchcraft, New Age on and on. There are too many cults and false religions today to count all created by the devil. Catholicism actually horrifically murdered True Christians and Jews for centuries. If you like research and in-depth description of many of the false religions I mentioned please check out Pastor Billy Crone at Get a Life Media. In his video section he has a multitude of studies on them and they are very informative! You will learn a lot.
    Satan has been trying to distract humankind from the Truth of God's word for thousands of years. But this is what you need to know in a nutshell. God created the heavens and the earth. God created the Angels. Some of them fell with Satan and those represent the fallen angels, Nephilim and demons. (Genesis 6) Nephilim are basically human angel hybrids (and angel and animal hybrids) Demons are the disembodied spirits of dead Nephilim. God flooded the Earth because of the mating of Fallen Angels with human women and the creation of Nephilim in an attempt to pervert the line to Jesus.
    Anyway I know a lot of info. Humankind is sinful and wicked. Because Adam and Eve fell in the garden humankind inherited the sin nature. God desires a relationship with humans but since God is Holy our sinfulness prevents that. So God sent His son the die and take the punishment for our sin. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried and after three days was Resurrected to new life. Whomsoever believes and trusts in Jesus for forgiveness of sins and eternal life will be saved! Born Again and given the Holy Spirit of God! Redeemed! Without Jesus as our Savior humanity is destined for Hell. Salvation is a free gift of God not of works we can't earn it! Just acknowledge your a sinner fallen short of the Glory of God!
    God's plan of salvation is going to come to an end soon. Judgement is coming to this Earth someday very soon. Time is running out. Please acknowledge your sinfulness and accept Jesus as your Savior. Someday soon since this world is becoming more wicked and evil everyday. Please don't look at all these people you talk about as sinners but not your self. That is a deception of Satan. Every human is a sinner in need of a Savior! God's standard is the ten commandments. If you've broken just one you will be condemned! Please don't take that chance. Some day very soon Jesus will come for His true church and take us home. Then the 7 year Tribulation will come upon the earth and God's wrath and Judgement. It will be a terrible time. Seek Jesus Now!

  • @hairspray4314

    What a great interview. Don't know how this channel showed on my page, but wow!! I am a new forever fan……

  • @samwhite414

    Not allowed to talk about the case? To me that means they know exactly who did it and money makes puts it in the realm that it will never be solved

  • @samwhite414

    FLDS/LDS there isn’t a whole lot of difference. Their both cult one is just more upfront with the things they do and the other hides it much better.

  • @samwhite414

    The Dr should know that psychopaths and pedophiles can’t be rehabilitated no matter the age or brain development

  • @samwhite414

    Question for the Dr. I’ve been fascinated with SK/Cults and brain washing techniques since I was a kid. I like trying to figure out what makes people tick. Who do you think was the most evil/best at using their brain washing techniques Hitler or Stalin? I personally loved Stalins experiment with the chicken 🤣

  • @ruthmelby3926

    In the Children's Center, will there be Med Beds?

  • @Denahomchikn

    I love him so much 😭

  • @user-foreverfree

    I'm shocked how well this guy knows his stuff! He's the only person I've heard talk about the FLDS who had his facts straight. Growing up there, it's annoying when people get it wrong 😅

  • @stellanadrygaylo9865

    I personally think there is nothing interesting about these people. The more we give them importance, more empowered they feel. It’s just bunch of perverts who found an easy way to run personal brothels and get rich on the expense of other people. They have to be all locked up for life! May be even used for experiments to understand the psycho brains. At least in that way they might be useful for the society.

  • @Doadab13

    We raise our children to be victims. Or feel like victims. When Psychopaths are raised to feel they’re victims there will be bad things happen. Everyone is privileged today. Or think they are. This is the generation of everyone gets a trophy being parents.

  • @crystalkeelin5806

    Scientology is absolutely a cult! The fact that he was so scared to even give an opinion is proof.

  • @taggart82

    Do you think Marilyn Monroe was murdered.
    If yes by whom.

  • @RhinehartGirls

    Thank you for asking your guests who they think killed Jon Benet. Please keep that question on the list – hopefully she will get justice one day. Her case could use new eyes & deep dives too!!!

  • @dkultraw6412

    Such an interesting podcast!

  • @jess1c4.

    Annie, I love and adore you, thank you for introducing me/others to Mike. I love his insight and am so happy I clicked on this video rather than your regular videos I stick to

  • @tjtruth4793

    The only cults that get taken down don’t donate to govt or have members in govt. Scientology is chillin and Epstein’s clients are still on capital hill.

  • @sensiblecrime7699

    I dream of various ways to assault Chad with that damn ukelele.

  • @deniseconsultant1538

    Really great guest Annie-Elise. Love this guy. Will go over and discovers and subscribe. Can’t wait to hear more of him and his

  • @Tammys_kaysee

    Question: was the parents connected to CPS at all?

  • @jourdyngroman

    Mike's voice is so calming and soothing. thank you for the intro to him!

  • @taylorschahn5596

    He seems so sweet and gracious.

  • @Dances.In.Storms

    I usually skip true crime videos with guest speakers , just a personal preference, but I’m always fascinated by cults and profiling so gave this a go, and I’m so glad I did. What a fascinating and articulate guy Mike is, I really hope you do another session together soon 😊

  • @PurpleWillowArts

    I’m binging the podcasts and I LOVE this collab. Very cool to hear another side of these cases. Thanks for this one!!! ❤

  • @jessicaclark5219

    Ask your kids with no sound. See if hat they say.

  • @jessicaclark5219

    Chase Hugh set me on this.

  • @jessicaclark5219

    I nail my kids with this

  • @jessicaclark5219

    Ok so behavior panel did something on this, I agree with them

  • @mullimar000

    Annie please see if you can get Mike Rinder on your podcast! He’s an ex Scientology higher-up and I bet he’d be more willing to answer your Scientology questions since he’s been speaking about it for a while now.

  • @MrTeeglesworth

    I do think this is a good balance!

  • @lulubells930

    Awesome show Annie and Mike! Fabulous to see Utah! Love the bloopers! Love that a piece of your wall kept falling off! Only because you are so put together and you are human like us!!!! ❤ so hilarious that Mike wanted to focus on 10 to Life bc it was hard for him to say Seriolously. ! Thanks! You guys Rock!!!!!

  • @oobiedoobie1204

    "My mother had 4 marriages in my life time, ya know.? I can't think of a person that I've stabbed 114 times."
    This had a lot of weight behind it. I can't stand hearing someone blame their actions solely on their upbringing.

  • @lgrum07

    I'd like to hear Mike's take on the Waco cult. That case was so sad.

  • @shan80luvs

    Scientology is a cult for sure

  • @kristiriley

    Thank you Mike, for all your hard work! You are very much appreciated! 😊
    Really enjoyed this episode, & the added bonus footage at the end was a nice touch!

  • @pattishea2289

    Good show Annie and Mike!

  • @kimmiewells3945

    Mike King @Profiling Evil is 🙌🏻 loved the collab and listening to King’s perspective!!

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