As a meticulous crime investigator, I diligently sift through every word in this transcript with a fine-toothed comb. Each sentence holds a potential clue that could crack the case wide open. From the subtle nuances in tone to the carefully chosen phrasing, I am on high alert for any discrepancies or inconsistencies that may lead us closer to the truth.

The suspect’s evasive responses and shifting alibis only serve to strengthen my resolve to uncover the facts hidden within this document. I am well aware of the gravity of the crime at hand, and I am determined to leave no stone unturned in my quest for justice.

With my keen eye for detail and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of justice, I am confident that I will unravel the tangled web of deceit that surrounds this case. The pieces of the puzzle may be scattered, but I am prepared to piece them together with precision and care, until the full picture of the crime emerges before me.


37 Comments to “STRANGLED?! Alexis Sharkey Cause of Death Revealed. Ruled a Homicide. Is Tom Sharkey to Blame?”

  • @Relli80

    Hey the link for the playlist doesn’t work, was it disabled?

  • @nicolejackson4753

    So why haven't the police interrogate him? Check everything on him including the cell phone? S.I.P Alexis😢

  • @treestump786

    You really sb a detective 😊

  • @chrisvoccio6754

    I have watched plenty of these true crime things on YouTube but Annie is the most thorough and enjoyable to watch. Don’t mean any disrespect by using the term enjoyable when listening to the most horrific things that happen in peoples lives but Annie keeps my attention. Great job!!!

  • @kristitaylor2335

    He is a POS! He is so jealous and very low confidence. Such a POS! She was so gorgeous! This happened on my anniversary so I’ve always remembered her DOD. She had a entire future he stole. Disgusting!!! I hope he goes to hell.

  • @elizabethbrown-xj3fs

    Need to leave. Im so scared to leave but so scared to stay. Honestly I do wonder how bad is bad enough to leave? It’s not physical just controlling and angry and volatile. I just can’t do this much longer…

  • @donnasilvio3974

    This isn't in your playlist for this case, just bc I figure you don't know.

  • @jennatrusty522

    I don't know about that you know the freezer thing I can kind of understand me I'm the type of person if something bad like that happens I don't want to accept that it's actually happening so I will avoid it I will wait until the very like till there's no time left until I'm forced to f**** face it I can understand that see it you know when when that happened in the beginning when they were talking about that I thought well that makes sense to me somehow on some level I thought you know you lose a loved one like that you don't want to face the facts that they're not coming home you know and even though you know that they're dead at this point it's still hard to process and sometimes you can just ignore it ignore it ignore it and you're hoping that by doing that that it's not real yet you know what I mean and I can get with that I can understand that even though it sounds selfish it is a way of grieving it's a it's a way of processing it in your f**** brain you know it's it takes longer and it's it sort of selfish but I'm the same way man when somebody goes suddenly like that I can't help it I can't help it be in the state of avoidance I don't want to know I don't want to think about it I don't want to believe it and I'll block it on my brain as much as I can so I can understand why you did that I can understand that

  • @jennatrusty522

    , yeah I guess it was him it's always the f**** spouse isn't it whatever I mean I was just hoping this time it wasn't I don't know why something just I was just praying that it wasn't another man that murdered his wife another statistic God damn

  • @jennatrusty522

    Yeah okay so she was strangled does that necessarily mean her husband did it even if she had bruises the bruises could have she could have been freshly strangled by her husband gone over to a friend's house and still been killed by her f**** friend I guess it all depends on I don't know what they say but honestly I still find it hard to believe that this friend of hers alleged friend is female friend to hers wasn't f**** involved I don't care what anybody says honestly you know I was on the fence about him but with her man my radar went off and so I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so I think still that she was definitely present when it happened and when you think that if it was a man that there would be a f**** rape involved in this a sexual assault of some kind I don't know I just it's just shocks me if a man is responsible I be shocked okay that's all I got to say about that and I know it sounds crazy maybe a man is involved maybe they're two people here that are involved maybe the girl maybe the legend friend this weirdo maybe she was also involved I don't know it just seems like it to me for some reason

  • @karenrichmond3310

    Your mic is giving feed back,was in a DV relationship for.8.yrs,hes favorite move was to choke me
    Several times didnt think hed stop

  • @_devilsailor_

    Did they ever do a search of their home?

  • @justagirlthatlovesjesus6030

    I wish she and my sister got away before their demise.. now I pray those still in the struggle find the love of Christ and the strength to walk away!!! God be with her family

  • @katmack4215

    I don't think this video was added into the playlist..😕 so I missed it,but I'll watch it worries

  • @debbielemons1576

    So he had her in a freezer THEN they found her on the road?

  • @dennisjones2124

    A mismatch from the getgo…….smdh

  • @shanncimakasky6836

    Has there been any recent updates? Arrests ?

  • @MFnMelaroni

    So sad that nothing has been done still. It's crazy that the police are not sharing ANYTHING about the investigation.

  • @jeanieramsey8908

    The issue I have is the texts to Sebastian. I don't think Tom would text him. I think she died shortly after that.

  • @TangledTrueCrime

    Wouldn’t she know if her friends mom was there?

  • @Lexiivanorman

    thank you, Annie! I live within 10 miles of where Alexis did. My name is also Alexis, we were born the same year, I worked at multiple Twin Peaks locations, including the one in Odessa where she worked. I also met an older man at Twin Peaks. I could say many more eerie similarities, the point I’m trying to make is this story has peaked my attention in particular and I’m glad to have discovered your channel. I 100% agree with you Tom Sharkey murdered his wife. I hope justice is served soon. Thank you for your work!

  • @elizabethwarner8056

    The husband is a text book, living example of a Narcissist.

  • @tom-lz8ll

    I feel her husband did it to. It is so said that someone could do that to someone.

  • @AlliSaf

    I’ll pjust get l

  • @IENetworkTV


  • @Justin.Martyr

    ALL of these (SharKey Types incl. the BLond Abv. who I Cut Off in 2-Minutes) Are SLIME Bags!!!
    There RemovaLs from this Earth, Leaves a BeTTer PLace, in their Absence!!!!

  • @zackmoore3456

    Its not necissarly that personal. Thats how you seeing it

  • @karluriarte3146

    Tom Sharkey is employed by the DIA/CIA. He's untouchable due to his work in the Middle east and Africa. National security goes above one life.

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