As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully examined the details of the transcript and identified key pieces of evidence to uncover the truth behind the crime. The suspect’s alibi was inconsistent with witness accounts, casting doubt on their credibility. Additionally, forensic analysis revealed trace evidence linking the suspect to the crime scene, further implicating them in the unlawful act.

The type of crime committed in this case appears to be a burglary, as the suspect was found in possession of stolen items and lacked a valid explanation for their presence at the scene of the crime. Through thorough investigation and attention to detail, I was able to piece together the puzzle and bring justice to the victims of this nefarious act.


37 Comments to “Summer Wells Update: Candus and Hunter Interview Discrepancies and Red Flags”

  • @annieelise

    Thanks for joining me today guys! Let me know what your instincts are telling you in the comments below- let's discuss! Also, please leave a ❤ for Summer's safe return. Don't forget to like this video and share the link where you can. The more shares, the more tips may come in that lead to Summer's rescue! Please call 1-800-TBI FIND with any tips.

  • @JanetWarren-b7t

    If it was a dry drowning..why cover it up..???

  • @JanetWarren-b7t

    Also did she leave summer alone while shopping

  • @JanetWarren-b7t

    Did she leaves boys at home by themselves….

  • @JanetWarren-b7t

    Water hole…grandma's in vehicle summer in water mom and hunter drinking not keeping an eye on summer.. did they pretend she was asleep and she was….???

  • @jaj4706

    I agree everything happened is connected around the swimming that day. Slow motion for CANDUs because either summer full out drowned there or she almost drowned there .. lived long enough to die on the car ride home. Maybe when CANDUs stopped at the drug dealers after dropping off hunter she got drugs because she had so much anxiety from the near drowning at the park.. then left summer in the hot car longer than she thought because she sucks at time recall or cuz she went ahead and took those drugs on the spot and tripped out. Maybe she realizes summer dies while at the dealers and dealer says hell no u ditch the body so I don’t get implicated and that’s why CANDUs said “it’s done “. I too don’t think summer made it home alive. If she did she was already almost dead and collapsed there dead. There was no abduction just a cover up of an accident.

  • @jessicaponder256

    Honestly, I don't believe anything anyone of these people say. Including Hunter and all of the people with him.

  • @OurSimpleLyfe

    I can't find a playlist with Summer Wells. I am watching all your videos from oldest to newest, and this one is the first I have come across regarding Summer. Feels like I am missing the beginning of the story😢.

  • @ericjohnson9431

    They either accidentally killed her or sold her

  • @susanpugh5265


  • @lisarogers5735

    Didn't mean the smiley sorry

  • @lisarogers5735

    Annie Elise I so appreciate ur channel ,ur commentary ,way of sorting thru the truth ,the not so possible truths and the plain made up.and all in the while stating facts but reminding all alot is ur opinion .o how I admire and respect u.and think ull go far..u sure made alot sense to me as well thank u.i wanna believe Summers alive and well somewhere soft and coddling but it's been so very long .but authorities are dragging the heals wayy to long.maybe we should start a March of many right to the courthouse and plant it til Summe3s brought to our feet or justice is served.ecen if an accident occurred, Summer was a child someone should been watching her all along not her having watch over irresponsible adults.

  • @Roswell123

    Recently in a live candus is showing a box of stiff that was supposedly summers however 2 things i noticed the jacket from the milk video/pic os held up and she says its that jacket!!! Yet she said summer went missing in that outfit.. also all the other items ate things i know were sent or nought AFTER summer went missing. It wasn't a box of prized items that summer used wore ECT it was a feont to hide that dang jacket!! Also don recently said in an interview june 15th was a perfect day summer wanted to get on the roof with her brothers and i Let her ya know!!😮 Wtf? So you werent at work don and summer was on the roof???

  • @paulajones114

    WELL SUMMERS STILL GONE IT'S BEEN OVER TWO YEAR'S we know LESS than we did when we started. I'm pretty sure they Killed her somehow.. STILL NO ONE IN JAIL.

  • @robinjohnson2749

    She didnt have her arms up did you see the red spot under the seat belt

  • @robinjohnson2749

    She does go under in the water

  • @robinjohnson2749

    Candus said her mother was not with that time

  • @tracybarrett3436

    I think you're right on with what you think I think that you Isaac something happen that's swimming wall I think she bumped her head I think she drowned I think they weren't paying attention and I so so believe that the picture in the back of her with her eyes closed she does not look alive to me and that's so sad to me it just when I see that picture I want to cry but she doesn't look alive to me

  • @anjicollins5130

    Why have they not given the boys back n parenting classes ect?? I think a lott was goin on in that family,but the truth is in the detail!

  • @anjicollins5130

    If people think summer died that day….wer is she? Who moved her? They didn’t hav time? To many questions,I’m sure she wud hav been found by now?

  • @robinjohnson2749


  • @lbht8929

    Wasn't Summer confirmed to be alive by others after they left the swimming hole. Also, the basement was dark and not the ideal place for a bedroom for any child but I believe why Summer's room was down there is because the parent's room was also down. It is my belief that Candus and Don chose to give the boys the upstairs sleeping area do to better conditions but because Summer was the baby and the only girl the parents didn't feel it appropriate to have Summer sleeping upstairs with the boys. In one of the videos Candus also mentions that the youngest boy sleeps down there also. I feel this does show some sense of protection for the kids. They wanted the younger ones right with them in the event that something was to happen (house fire or whatever else). I don't know what happened to Summer and can not say with all certainty that her parents didn't have anything to do with it intentionally or accidentally but I hate when certain cultural ways and behaviors are pointed out as reasons for suspicion. I honestly don't feel that they didn't love Summer or value her as much as the other children just because Summer slept downstairs I feel it shows the opposite. I also believe that is why Summer accompanied the Mother that morning instead of staying home with the boys. A lot of people keep talking about there being no mention of them eating anything all day. I know with my two small children if I'm going to the hospital or anywhere that I know maybe a lengthy stay I am taking snacks and things with them so maybe she had food packed for Summer. In rural areas there are no restaurants and eateries on every corner.

  • @carlaamanda86

    See everyone is talking about all this stuff they’ve seen or heard and all this video was was opinions. I would have loved to see the pictures/videos interviews. I’ll go search them out now but I don’t even know where to look.

  • @bubzyford4374

    they would have been living in better conditions if the parent didn't spend all there money on drugs some people should not have children.

  • @donnagirard3614

    Was her death due to Dry drowning ,,or,,,when they got home did Candace remove the food but left Summer in the car to continue sleeping 😤

  • @tgrice601

    Y not just take the baby to the hospital or calling 911 for an ambulance once she saw something was wrong if it did happen at the watering hole or in the car?? They could’ve toss the twisted tea!! This is crazy and still in 2023 April they still haven’t got any answers and it’s sad!?

  • @yoyocorazon

    Candus didn't come across as grief stricken to me. When she was giving a tour of her home, toys everywhere and so casual. They have a lot in common with pathological liars I've known. Outcasts trying to use others, addicts manipulating, they lie on a common basis. They lie so often it becomes natural and they are inclined to believe it and have a totally distorted vision of reality versus fantasy. I don't see for what motive it would be a premeditated murder but if Don went to work in the morning with the subaru, how could it be an accident? He was so insistent on putting his tools in his trunk, it was a big red flag to me. And if what his fired co-worker is true, Don was behaving weirdly shortly before her disappearance.

  • @melcspinola-wq1qq

    The reason for the lies at the swimming hole to Melissa because the mom was already on the hot seat with Child Protective services so any incident would have defiantly be some kind of neglect for sure. It just breaks my heart tha they knew the situation and fid not step in to remove the children it would have happennned and did happened. Truly the boys to do no what wrnt on and they could not stand the fact that there was about to loose your whole family . Be aware if u don't address the drug or substance abuse your not going to address shit oops. Nothing until u add ur substance abuse problems. YOU CAN TRY BUT IT WONT WORK SO SAD THAT DPS / CPS HAS SO MUCH POWER BUT YET THE LOLIGAG AND SELECT TO PRIORITIZE WHO TI HELP OR HUET . SHAME ON THEM FOR LACK OF HELP . RIP SUMMER WELLS IN WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO HER . ITS NOT RIGHT . NOT TALKING FAIR ITS RIGHT OR WRONG ????????????

  • @wojciechslaw

    Yet another sad story of a missing child.
    What I can see while analysing the different materials online sleuths and the authorities suspect the family of the missing girl. Well, I think rightly so. But you can never exclude other possibilities.
    What did catch my attention first? Well, it's a very, very detailed description of the events by Summer's mother. My life experience tells me that such a thing occurs in 2 cases: 1) The mother tells the truth and she is completely innocent 2) She lies and gives a well-rehearsed story of that day, the story supported by the Granny. So they're both in it. If she lies then don't believe at all the timeline given by the mother. Try to go to places where they had been together with the girl, for instance, that creek, and try to look for clues over there. Try also to find any discrepancies in that so detailed description to shatter it. To do so interrogate everyone in it Grandma. Mother, Kids and Father. A lie will always come out eventually.
    The dog scent leading to Ben Hil Road? Honestly I wouldn't put too much attention to it. Simply because there were a few kids and the kids were all over that place. If you told the dog to follow the scent of one of the boys then I'm pretty sure that the dog would also find an interesting lead around that place.
    Kidnapping? By looking at the family, circumstances and the neighbourhood I'm guessing that only a known person would have done it.
    Hope it will get solved

  • @jpeeezy903

    I didn’t even really think about something happening at the swimming hole but that makes so much sense. They’re covering up an accident

  • @dionnedunsmore9996

    I'm binging on the interviewz conducted by Chris the retired Homocide Detective n one of the first things I'm not able to get passed n that nobody will ever c9nvince me of is that Summer was abducted by someone. The mother indicates in her interview that there coulda been the local child molester, or someone from the road crew hunched down hiding in the shrubs which line the backyard. The first thing heard in Chris' video when u enter Summers yard is -ALL THE DOGS!!! Well…dogs BARK! An abduction by a stranger did NOT occur here!! Ain't NO WAY!. Summer is a fellow dog lover. Dogs love us back so those dogs who were once her puppies- are gonna be around her when she's outside. Those dogs are not gonna allow q stranger 9n the property without alerting the other ppl in the house. She wasn't taken from the house. 5herez too many dogs around d for her to be snatchex n stolen …..that theory has to be debunked and tbtow out. Next!
    The dogs, HER DOGS wouldn't have sat silent while sh3s being g dragged away kicking n screaming or when silent with a man's hand over hel mouth!!

  • @JaimeMesChiens

    Traumatic event and bizarre perception of time is a real phenomenon.
    Almost always, details of the “slowed down” event can be recalled, even years/decades after the event.
    It’s like how we all remember exactly where we were and what we felt, said, did on 9/11.

    Personally, in 2009, I was in a car accident that changed my life.

    The car spun around and made impact. I remember exactly where my hands were, what music was on the radio, and what I was thinking immediately before impact. And that was fourteen-years ago.

    I remember the slow-motion-perceived time exactly the same now as I did when it happened.

    That’s all I have to add. Oh, one additional thing:

    I like Candus.
    I think she is doing the best that she can with all the complicated events in her life.

    I believe that she loves Summer and is devastated by all this.

  • @laurasutcliffe723

    I still think that Candus and Hunter were doing something inappropriate with each other in the woods at the swimming hole. And they weren't paying attention to Summer while she was swimming, and an accident happened. Don't know where Grandus was (if she was even there, or just in the truck). But I don't think she was sold. I think she drowned (maybe dry drowned), and everyone involved panicked. They covered it up; but I don't know why. I think Don took her somewhere and disposed of her body.
    Just my theory of this case that is coming upon 2 years of not being solved. Where is Summer?

  • @MiyukiZero

    They will find her body. RIP angel.

  • @savage_optimist

    She could have accidentally ingested fentanyl or alcohol at the swimming hole? Something definitely happened there and Summer was disposed of during that "hour" of buying milk.

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