Suzanne Morphew Search Update: Scent of human remains found on her husband BARRY MORPHEW'S property!

As a seasoned crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, it is imperative to carefully scrutinize every word spoken in this transcript for any potential clues or inconsistencies that may lead to solving this heinous crime. The suspect’s alibis must be thoroughly verified and cross-referenced with any known facts about the case, such as the time frame of the …

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NEW CHARGES filed against Lori Vallow PLUS Chad Daybell's property searched again yesterday! Update!

As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully examined the transcript for any clues that could potentially lead to a breakthrough in the case. With my keen eye for detail, I was able to spot inconsistencies and discrepancies in the statements provided by the witnesses. One particularly interesting piece of information that stood out to me was the mention of a …

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