As a meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to analyze every detail in this transcript to uncover the truth behind the heinous crime that has occurred. The suspect’s hesitant responses and contradictory statements raise suspicion about their involvement in the robbery at the jewelry store last Friday. The timestamp provided by the surveillance footage places them at the scene of the crime, despite their claims of being elsewhere at the time. Additionally, their nervous demeanor and evasive answers during questioning suggest they may be hiding crucial information related to the case. As we delve further into this investigation, it is crucial to remain vigilant and scrutinize every piece of evidence to ensure justice is served for the victims of this brazen crime.


46 Comments to “Targeted & Brutally Attacked at 20 Years Old | Morgan Harrington & Hannah Graham”

  • @annieelise

    Thanks for joining me today guys! Why does this keep happening? Let me know what you think in the comments below.
    And, if you want to talk more about true crime outside of just live streams, join the 24/7 private group text by heading to

  • @clarkharvell5242

    So many monsters out there, just waiting for an opportunity. SA offenders are not punished enough! horrible >_<

  • @brandim9872

    I think anybody who is in the situation where your jailed you’re not getting out so be naked sleeping on the concrete floor is going to be first priority over showing emotions to people watching him talk to a judge. You know he’s in jail plus he is stripped down naked plus they’re probably holding him in a cell that only has a hole in the floor for him to go to the bathroom so there’s no blankets no clothes no mat, so yeah I think he was thinking of himself and that situation, but I think you would too

  • @sallykohorst8803

    Older video i have not seen so will now. So glad i found your channel.

  • @water2wine1

    I followed this case closely. They could have caught him sooner and Hannah could have been saved. They dropped the ball. I still have questions. He was allowed to plead guilty without recounting the details. Btk had to give details publicly. Disgusting though he is.

  • @greeneyedlilpup745

    What an entitled sob! Poor criminal! Ugh. 😡

  • @Doadab13

    Today’s world people only care about themselves. Everyone is in shock guilty or victim. Everyone handles it differently. But it’s still all about them.

  • @kaylamorris283

    I'm from Charlottesville. There are plenty of bathrooms available there. I don't even know why she would have left the venue. There's no bathrooms close by outside of jpj. Also that area is within walking distance to most of uva campus, housing and is always very busy even in the middle of the night. I really want to know why she left the venue initially

  • @lanahaxer4935

    You never see such a large amount from crime.stoppers. 100k plus the 50k from Metallica 😯 thats incredible. I'm glad to see them putting up more than 5 or 10k but I wish they never had to do that at all.

  • @susanpugh5265

    These girls did the right thing by calling a cab,but they didn't know that they would be murder! Young ladies please stick together in pairs, or groups, if one person has to leave,you all leave!

  • @BlackGoddess112

    I will never understand how a sick person could do heinous crimes, take the victims lives and once they are caught, they go to jail or Prison and they end up complaining about stuff when they wasn’t crying at all or scared and that will always confuse me.

  • @mandiebolt9996

    Honestly, why even treat him for his cancer? Sounds appropriate to me.

  • @scottbattaglia8595

    What always like totally breaks my brain, how could you ever enjoy sex. Really like I totally feed of my partner it's just so weird you could ever perform during a S.A. it's just so so messed up. I assume most people are like me, and those who could totally be ok doing that while hurting someone, must have like broken brains, it's just unfathomable to me…….

  • @davidcasler1391

    Oh BOY! How did I miss this one!
    I’ve been a FAITHFUL FOLLOWER for years (even before you were married!!).

  • @pamwaskey6535

    I live in Virginia and I remember this case . Just horrible crimes happening for no reason.. love your channel Annie Elise your children are just the cutest.

  • @brandydiane8004

    Metallica has been my favorite band for 40 years and I had no idea about this. Thanks Annie for sharing this case.

  • @PaulineBruce-vq6cf

    I thought I could subscribe free, And Here I See I'd Have To Pay, $4,99 , Is That True? Just Wondering!!! Great Story, And I Heard This After It Happened!!! I Love Your True Stories!!!! RIP Morgan And Hannah,Who Were Both Killed By This Freaky Dude!!! WOMEN JUST BEWARE Of YOUR Areas!!!!

  • @laurieowens8510

    Even if he was prosecuted for the SA while he was at the College, he would have gotten a slap on the wrist. They are only now (and not often, still) taking crimes against women more seriously in the courts. And if you’ve got money to afford a good attorney, you get off. So no, I don’t believe that he wouldn’t have been around to kill these other College girls. I think he would have started killing them earlier on so they couldn’t testify against him. There is still no real justice for women who are SA.

  • @auroramorris9741

    This man is so disgusting! And he sounds like a f**king idiot when he talks. Like he smoked his brain cells gone. It’s horrible what he did to these young women and their families. I think he doesn’t deserve to have any clothes the whole time he’s in prison and I also don’t think he deserves to f**king bed the whole time! He should sleep on steal bars on the floor every night for the rest of his life. Without any heat. I think everyone would agree that as a human being we don’t claim him as one of us. He deserves to be on some other planet by himself. But that’s just my personal opinion.

  • @novembershanghai

    Also, I can guarantee this….if MEN were the ones getting SA'd by other men….there would be more strict sentences for sure!!!

  • @novembershanghai

    There will be plenty of situations where Jesse gets defiled, trust & believe! Have fun in prison, you sick P.O.S.!

  • @kimberlyhemminger3822

    She always talks so slow that I have to watch it at 1.25 speed

  • @kimberlyhemminger3822

    I love how she had to explain that cell phones used to have physical batteries that could be removed 🤣

  • @jenniferwilson1450

    So I know it's been a year but I just now seen this. I am married to someone who used to be friends with this piece of crap. That friendship ended when he tried to force himself on my sister in law. This piece of crap is housed an hour away from where I live.

  • @tothemoonandback3073

    Lucky guy gets cancer treatment.. there are free people that don't get that same kindness..

  • @chick-fil-agal2264

    I'll never 4get when they caught him me n family was loading up our car from spending time on the beach in Galveston, a small vacay Houstonians visit

  • @vinnievenus3570

    Is Jesus crazy for saying Luke 14:33 is factual? It just doesn’t make any sense. How could Jesus say forsake the glories of the world and earthly family in Luke 14:33? If you want to rock n roll in heaven?

    What’s going on ? By way of 2nd Peter 3:7-17? Is Jesus literally crazy in Luke 14:33??

    Please? Somebody tell me!!!

  • @jamiedriscoll9781

    13:35 "The police….were …ready" 😃

  • @jnbg61584

    Around the time of the Brock turner story, I saw another story about a man named Brian Banks. He was convicted and spent *6 YEARS* in prison before the “victim” recanted her story, saying it didn’t happen. How they convict someone with such little evidence is beyond me, though I’ll give you two guesses on what the difference between Brock and Brian are

  • @Nymeria..

    With that Brock Turner case. Omg it made me so mad. There was also another case where a young man was driving drunk and killed people and the sentencing was much lighter bc they were affluent growing up. It’s so insane. I know money talks but come on ppl. That Brock will reoffend. There’s no doubt in my mind. I pray he doesn’t but everyone including the justice system just gave him the okay bc he has money.

  • @dustin0579

    Look… I don't want to be that guy and I'm sure Morgan's friends feel horrible but I'd NEVER abandon my friend for a concert…
    As soon as she said they wouldn't let her back in I'd leave and blast the concert on social media.
    If I drive someone somewhere I don't leave without them, that's just basic… ESPECIALLY if I know they have no ride home.
    I live in VA and I said the same thing when these cases hit.

    I know I'll get shit for this but DO NOT LEAVE YOUR FRIENDS IN A STRANGE PLACE. If you come together you LEAVE TOGETHER.

  • @LabRat6619

    Morgan had a bleeding head when leaving the gig but not one friend helped her! That contributed.

  • @ashleyl7087

    Annie! Please cover the Rebekah Gould story. Buford Arkansas. There’s quite a bit of info online to cover it. She was a college student who was brutally murdered. They just found her killer a couple years back. She was murdered in 2003 I think. Please!!! Cover!! It! 😊❤❤❤

  • @carriemcginnis

    Annie, I think you're missing a couple things here. He didn't say "what" is the Virginia one, he said "who". Also, yeah, he's complaining about not having clothes and sleeping on a "hard thing", but what I'm really taking away from this, is a lot of disconnect. He's either not the brightest lightbulb on the porch, or he's not connecting some dots, whether they be factual, emotional, or societal. Now, yeah, I know it's a bit disingenuous to suggest that a killer has failed empathy 101, but he really seems to be missing out on something here. I kinda feel like if the judge had responded with something like "the blonde, the blonde was Virginia", dude would have had roughly the same reaction as he had to the judge repeating the charges.

  • @tracyhale6217

    I know I’m about a year late with this, but I wanted to provide some additional information about what the defendant said at arraignment. It sounds like they had him in suicide watch, which often means they are naked in a cell without anything in it. Sometimes it’s called “AOC” ass on concrete. I’m not defending him, but I think even the most compassionate and remorseful person would complain about that situation.

  • @terribarefield

    These girls need a gun…period

  • @mandymcalister9183

    Girl! I work as a correctional nurse & that’s nothing new ! Just about EVERY INMATE complains of how bad the food is, how hard their bed (or Mat) is, among so many other things. Even the one in for murder… let a murderer get a toothache, it’s unreal.

  • @joshuatree929

    The sketch looked just like James of metalica…
    Jesse Matthews jr looks just like metalica singer, just like him.
    Maybe identical to Lars.

  • @leighhunterjumperz3038

    It comes down to voting in law & order, (not paid off by Soros) AG, SA, GOV. it's gotta start at ur local level; CA, NY won't even arrest ppl & definitely not certain minorities even if they do, no bail & they're right back out assaulting & battering ppl — It's gotten SO bad, they're (idiots in Congress) goal's emptying ALL prisons in USA (Angie Cortez' idea) in 9 years & they keep THEIR armed security while taking our 2A. That's NEVER going to happen when you vote in no nonsense ppl. Allowing homelessness and rampant drug use ISN'T kind or compassionate to them or us "America 1st" is saving US before the trillions go out to 180 other countries. (Sorry there's just NO way to "leave politics out" ) when we know what works… This angers me, my hometown is just about as safe as it was in early '70s, because we've put the right people in office here, we do not feel for the predator but for the VICTIMS!! ❤️🙏❤️

  • @darksoul479

    Is there anything we can do about it? Of course there is. Women need to stop walking around drunk. That would be a great start.

  • @perfectlyimperfect9129

    I don't belive for 1 min.that SA. predators can be " Rehabilitated " If they do it once they will for sure do it again and same with killers.I absolutely belive if the Punishment fit the crime we would have less Tragedies! The cancer is probably Karmas way of giving him a slow painful death that he deserves 💯 % ! I'd let him suffer !

  • @soph1314

    I live in Cville & I had just moved there the summer before Hannah was killed. I was so young i didn't really understand it at the time but it's so heartbreaking.

  • @karlamuhammad7276

    U treated 2 girls 🌹 like trash n now U WANT COMPASSION 😕

  • @bec7080

    I know this is an old video but that sketch is one of the first times I've ever seen a sketch and it give me cold chills. Just the look on the face.

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