As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously combed through every detail of the transcript in search of clues that could lead me to the perpetrator. In this particular case, a heinous crime had been committed, sending shockwaves through the community.

The suspect’s statements were scrutinized for inconsistencies and discrepancies, as well as any potential motives that may have driven them to commit such a despicable act. Every word uttered was carefully analyzed, and I pieced together a timeline of events to paint a clearer picture of what transpired on the night of the crime.

I also took note of any potential accomplices mentioned in the conversation, as well as any locations or objects that may have been significant to the case. My attention to detail and thorough investigation techniques were key in unraveling the truth behind this chilling crime.


30 Comments to “TEEN KILLERS: What happened to Ben Eastman? | Benny Marquez Family’s Shocking Involvement”

  • @annieelise

    Warning: This video has a lot of graphic details. Hence why my hair is my old hair- I recorded this a couple weeks ago but it took forever to get YT to approve this video.

  • @melissadanielle629

    I think there are just so many victims in this case…. just sad

  • @LisaBailey-sassy

    They are guilty and should be judged accordingly. But at the same time their side of the story needs to be heard too and taken into consideration. I'm not sure it would make a difference but they deserve the chance to see

  • @erikaescobedo824

    I just watched clips about this case on Dr. Phil and they totally painted this differently Ben was the victim and completely innocent of any wrong doing 😮😮

  • @melissab378

    So many problems with this case! The community definitely handled the entire thing wrong! The police should have looked into the R of that little girl! The "free" attorney was probably a friend of BJs. The judge should have asked the BOYS why they killed him. The mother should have been allowed to speak to her MINOR child.
    I do not agree that they should have went to the extremes that they went to, but i do kind of understand it also. They deserved better representation.
    I think they should have had the minimum punishment for their conviction based on the motive… Or at the very least have 12 years shaved off as a rapist only gets about 12 years… This kid would hAve gone and raped way more girls. He did this to a girl that was basically like a sister to him!
    Don't get me wrong, i dont agree with what they did… I also dont agree with the handling of the case.

  • @sydwee915

    Ben did not deserve to die this way – No but he was a rapist. He was not a perfect son. He is NOT innocent. None of this would have happened if he had not made the choice to violate an innocent young lady. The victim in this whole case is Lydia. Where is her justice?

  • @starion88esir

    Imagine being a hero and getting 26 and 47 years, respectively.


    It irritates me that this white kid can rape someone and ruin all these lives and still be seen as a victim… no he was a pervert and so is everyone else in that town


    Well u can’t just go around raping ppl… and I’m sure he thought he was privileged because of his connections to law enforcement

  • @FJB-1776

    Unfortunately, the extreme amount of false accusations by females against men has the smart people in society NOT "believing all women"

    This girl made an unfounded accusation against this this guy who wasn't given the "innocent until PROVEN guily" right the citizens of this country are warrented. Now he's dead & we're guilted into believing HER

    Sorry, not sorry, but no one with a brain will fall into that trap.

    He's dead, she isn't, & her story is the only one we get to hear

  • @prcgarcia1351

    They need better lawyers to defend them they need a fair trial also they need to sue the landlord. I pray god can help this family it’s hard to heal from a rape and I pray her brothers get a fair trial,. They deserve that.
    Sorry but I was sexually abused from 09-16 yrs I wanna say maybe since way before but that’s what i remember. They will never stop! And no wonder they killed the boy this is what Lydia was afraid of the community turning on her. I’m not saying it’s ok to kill. I’m just saying that she was right for not wanting to say anything. That’s why maybe these boys decided to do this. It’s not an excuse it’s just that this community is full of shit

  • @whisperwhisper7496

    This is shocking how people are involved in a murder and get a slap on the wrist, wow.

  • @pacesplaces8741

    For the first time EVERR I don't feel bad for the person killed, I feel really sad for Lydia's family

  • @LoonyYunie

    She was told to keep her legs closed when she wasn't even conscious for the assault?! How stupid is that? What is wrong with people? Ugh…

  • @melindahajdin

    It burns me up how many more people care about a dead rapist than his living victim. It's not like our glorious justice system actually does much about rapists, either. Had the Marquezes done things the "right way" and gone to the police about the rape, more than likely no charges would have been files or conviction resulted. Not because the rapist was innocent, but because rape is made absurdly difficult to prove. The justice system is f'ed up.

  • @doodle98

    The girl who outted Lydia needs to be charged as well she forced her to tell her brother.

  • @patti6937

    Awesome job Annie! Victim blaming, I cant stand it.

  • @tracef195

    Regardless of what happened, they did not have a right to kill him. The whole situation is terrible and sad!!!

  • @Dynacologist

    The rapist got exactly what was coming to him!! I dont feel sorry for him, the only victim in this story is the little sister…. Even the bible says "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth", I would go to prison protecting my loved ones

  • @stacieburns4591

    Are there any updates on this case?

  • @tymom9313

    Bj, ben, & Benny kinna confusing

  • @jwood2415

    8th grade ? Drinking ?

  • @michwenz8413

    Nobody wins here, but imagine being Lydia 😢 feeling so guilty for telling anyone. She needs counseling.

  • @jakejohnson7388

    This friend had a hard life sure, but kids have had way harder life's and never killed and raped their friend with a stick… I get that they went red after thinking he raped their sister… but what they did was brutal. Raping him with a branch is sick. Psychotic.. he was drunk when the victim did what he did… and a kid.. this one is hard

  • @mousemd

    So sorry, I can't feel any sympathy for the guy who assaulted the girl. The boys that did him in should not have gotten stiff sentences

  • @kelsy6064

    I’m siding on the boys who got the harsh sentence. Their traumatic family history wasn’t taken into consideration or the motive? They should’ve received a lighter sentence.

  • @VenoMooseBear

    26:50 accurate. When I read the details it was horrifying and shocking. I really appreciate the backstory you gave in the beginning because I didn’t know any of those details before and while I’m not saying that what the brothers did was right, it seemed like this was all unprovoked at first . Like some sort of sick serial killer type thing. Again, not saying any of this was right, it was extremely horrifying, but I at least understand where their anger came from now and it wasn’t something they just decided to do for fun. The media definitely made Ben look like an angel who never did any wrong, and the whole situation looked a lot more petty because it sounded like Benny was jealous over a girl Ben was talking to. The rape of his sister wasn’t mentioned. It’s also really frustrating when it feels like certain people can get away without any consequences to their actions just because of who their family is. So while what happened to Ben was extremely horrifying and nothing could ever justify it, I can understand why that would feel like proper justice to a 16 year old.

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