The Adelsons Behind Bars: Uncovering Jail Calls with Donna Adelson’s Loud and Upset Tone – A Closer Look into the Murder for Hire Case of Dan Markel


47 Comments to “The Adelsons Behind Bars – Jail Calls – Donna Adelson LOUD & UPSET”

  • @janicedebella2269

    the jury got it right!!! guilty as sin, all the adelsons were in on this murder, once lewis told the story of how they got paid to do this murder, rest is all out there,,,wendi should be next she got the ball rolling,, very vile people,, so many lives are ruined, and yet charlie and his mother cant believe he didnt get off,!!!!very sick family~

  • @D-Mula21

    I can’t hear shit in the first call

  • @xraygirl47

    Does this man ever ask about his son or his child’s mom? It’s always about him

  • @samspeer8575

    Charlie and his family are delusional and demented if they thought the jury of his peers were going to believe his total garbage of a double extortion story. All he is going to do is blame everyone else and everything else for his guilt conviction. Not one time does he say anything about being innocent of the crimes. His narcissistic behavior and entitlement is off the charts. Let’s see how well Momma Donna does this year in her court trial. Hopefully her jury will not buy the double extortion story. Stay tuned…

  • @arianaajbeaverhausen8175

    13:20 🤱 "Come here, do you want to talk to daddy?"
    👶 "No!"

    His own kid has heard enough of daddy's egotistical ramblings. 💀🤭😂


    George Costanza:
    Jerry, just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it.

  • @sarag5962

    Charlie only loves Charlie. A truly gross person. Donna is evil and have produced poison fruit. Congratulations Harvey and Donna you have produced 2 entitled narcissists that have no accountability and think the stupid world is out to get them. Charlie is such a man baby.

  • @francisbacon7738

    There is absolutely no responsibility or acceptance of the evil murder they know they are guilty of. Honestly what planet do they think they are living on. A planet where it is perfectly acceptable to extinguish the life of another human being and then live happily ever after. No you will pay for the evil you have done.

  • @Tee1312Jay

    Crime does not pay!

  • @claudiamontano519


  • @greyhoundlifesavers6431

    Shut up about venue!!!!!!!! Look at Derek chauvin venue you big effing baby!!!!!!

  • @offgridjack5779

    Hello this is a free call from Charlie incarcerated in the Leon County Jail

    To hear Charlie cry Press 1

    To hear Charlie whine Press 2

    To hear Charlie throw Wendi under the bus Press 3

    To hear Charlie describe his cell Press 4

    To hear Charlie trash Tally and the jurors Press 5

    To hear Charlie and Donna crying together Press 6

    To hear Charlie realize his life is over Press 7

    To hear Charlie and Donna trash Georgia Press 8

    To save your sanity don't listen to these freaks Press 9

  • @juliesimonson9181

    Darn I got my hopes up when I saw exclusive, but these are the ones I’ve seen everywhere else 🥵

  • @Jimbobjankowicz

    Charlie is the most honest human in history!
    Trust me, to be honest, honestly, and I swear to god on my children, all mean so much more when he says it 😂
    He's hysterical.

  • @MakeitRayne007

    You will always have RoRo until he's old enough to use google

  • @John-gw9st

    Don't talk on the phone

  • @georgiahomeboyy9855

    wow. ladybug is gorgeous!

  • @helenazalom4301

    I wonder why he didn’t leave the country. I think over the last 5 years he went to Columbia and Vietnam multiple times. He must’ve really believed he would never be charged or that he could beat it. I still don’t understand why the Adelsons weren’t arrested sooner. Audio enhancement? Could that really be the only reason why? I think they must’ve paid some people off or had some politician helping them.

  • @ReptilesGeniales

    11/06/2023 jail calls
    6:20 call Charlie – Donna & a little bit of Harvey
    8:07 call Charlie – Bri

  • @SherryHarbison-mx4qv

    All the Adelsons seem to consider Tallahassee a third world country whose inhabitants are so intellectually or culturally inferior that they aren't worthy of any respect or consideration! While the "elite" of Miami Beach are so superior & valuable that anything they do should be applauded or excused!🤮

  • @Kell-ic7yn

    I just subscribed loved your program glad I found it.

  • @LawNerd23

    Mr. Charlie The only thing people are shocked by is the fact that GUILTY came back so quick. No one is shocked that you were found guilty. She's lying to you and also just to let you know, sarcasm is missed in text and emails. It's only words so of course we're going to take it at face value. You're a college edumacateeed man and you should have known that.

  • @rosess100

    Why you killed Dan, charlie killer!!.You could have had stopped everything, beginning with your crazy mother and bad sister and super bad mother of her kids…you all killed their father. …do not cry…
    Dan is watching you how you suffer now..

  • @rosess100

    We all waited so long to see his fate as a killer. Now is our time to be thankful to the Criminal Justice System as well the Investigators and of course the Prosecutor, who did a superb job!
    Thanks ML.. for this video. I'm hook to your videos.

  • @tattoobuzz

    I can’t believe his lawyer would actually say to Charlie that they were “going to win”

    What trial was Charlie’s lawyer watching? Because Charlie’s lawyer was TERRIBLE

    He did nothing good and I listened to the entire trial. Twice.

    I can’t find a single piece of positive criticism

  • @Pinklady12

    Brianna needs to move and change the kids name and get far away from

  • @Pinklady12

    Was he with the mother of his kid ? I didn’t think they were together? Does he get to keep his money to give to his kid ? How does that work

  • @lorieromano

    It's kind of interesting listening to him being brave when I'm pretty sure he's going to flip on his sister once the rubber hits the road

  • @ClassicClippy

    Also, if they found ME (Charlie) guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, which is just impossible; then Wendi is definitely guilty.
    But what is interesting, Donna is not at least trying to save Wendi. She just goes along with it.

  • @BartendressTwin

    So true Mentor. Boils down to his "credibility." He didnt see it as such😮

  • @adebocook

    It definitely wasn't the Jury, Charlie and Donna. Can't kill people. Never an option. If you need to talk garbage for hours on end knowing it's being recorded, you go right ahead. Still GUILTY. You still can't kill people and own your shit.

  • @cannibalcupcake333

    Is he in the same prison as Sigfredo?

  • @andrearel3703

    Charlie thinks he's better than a Sergeant who did twenty years in the Army. What a delusional turd of a human being.

  • @ants84

    Charlie complaining about the jury and his “unfair trial” with Donna wailing away on the phone like they’re the ones who are the actual victims, makes me want to vomit. Truly despicable people. 🤮

    PS. Who’s the gullible moron on the phone with Charlie at around 54:00 ? Is it that family friend who wrote that awfully delusional op-Ed? I have no clue. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @KaLeCaFe

    I like how Charlie has pivoted from being an expert on extortion to running a prosecution. A real renaissance man 🙄😂

  • @mirandaajames-1574

    After his testimony, he was sure everyone believed his version and he would be found not guilty. It was him, all him. He was masterful. After the verdict, suddenly it’s everyone else’s fault but his 🙄. Even though he hired a whole separate team to stack the jury in his favour, he STILL complained that process was a sham…because he lost. He played dirty and still lost! The lack of self awareness and entitlement of this man is nauseating. This whole family is despicable.
    It’s painful to know these are the type of people raising Dan’s children.

  • @sarahs2288

    Brie thinks she’s got Charlie all to herself now, but once a cheater, always a cheater…He’ll end up two timing her with a bunch of prison groupie pen pals. He’ll probably even marry one of them.

  • @jeng8401

    Brianna was way too kind to him after the hell he put her through. And he was just eating it all up. All he should have cared about was Roman. And it was all just about Charlie for Charlie.

  • @daybyday1437

    Donna must be withdrawing horrifically in jail .oof if it is hard to fo it in your own home ,i can't even imagine going through them in jail….dont feel sorry for her…markels been suffering for a decade….they getting every bit they deserve.. Harvey's hard work and retirement going to waste..all gone now

  • @daybyday1437

    Brie,i know you read these because i saw u got snarky with fanci fiction …now your life is fanci non fiction…you getting dirty money from an evil family and I feel bad for your son…. Charlie does not love you or his son ..he loves only himself…just because he didn't shoot the trigger doesn't mean he he is not a monster murderer….along with his whole family…. everyone is at fault except him. What a narcissist…im never a mean person but i have so much disdain for the adelsons especially after these phone calls thought life was going to be good financially traveling and living your best life but now you have to go to Tallahassee to visit charlie ..and you are now even more attached to this family especially after these calls….your " in laws" ( sorry charlie never married you ) one is in prison and the other wont be here much longer….you suffering.01;compared to the markels for ten years….inknow you are a nanny but it doesn't take a degree to look at the evidence and see your son's dad is an evil monster …you can even hear Evps in all charlies calls… perhaps its danny haunting you all like donna admitted he was….listen closely to what you were called the phone after the verdict…use ear buds…You really going to find out the truth one day ( even thoughbi think you know) you never said charlie you are innocent. .sus

  • @AFDM007

    Is someone able to provide links or names to all of ML/Ladybug’s Channels?

    I’ve been a fan of this channel since the early Hoyt Birge days but I’m not very YouTube saavy. I got lost when the channel started branching out 😢

  • @carolyn_r

    Thank you so much Mentor Lawyer (who was mentioned in the tapes) for cleaning up and sharing these calls.

  • @carolyn_r

    There are so many points I can make but here's one: If Donna and Brianna are so upset why didn't they bother to go to the sentencing (and the trial). One plus One do not add up here. There is never a mention of 'they should find the person who did this' or 'I'm innocent'. It's all about the jury lied, the prosecution lied, they cut and pasted the evidence to make it seem true. It's very disturbing to listen to. They need to acknowledge the elephant in the room. They know amongst themselves that the verdict was correct and they are keeping the lie going. This family is mentally ill.

  • @panzertooE-CollartrainingPAGER

    We both know this Bree is going to find someone else

  • @nataliestewart9912

    All I hear is clicking

  • @user-zp9br7jk9k

    i would be suicidal.. life, without parole.
    that to me, is not life, it's not living… it's only surviving.
    every day in fear, knowing it is never ending until i die.. where does one summon the will to live in that situation.

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