The Bizarre Case of Phoebe Handsjuk: Part 2

Unraveling the Intricacies of the Mysterious Death of Phoebe Handsjuk: Part 2 – Dive deep into the perplexing circumstances surrounding the tragic demise of Phoebe Handsjuk, a young woman whose body was found at the bottom of a garbage chute in a luxury apartment building. The case involves numerous suspicious elements, including the presence of a significant amount of alcohol and prescription drugs in her system, leading investigators to question the true nature of her death. Stay tuned as we meticulously piece together the puzzle in this chilling tale of deception and tragedy.


31 Comments to “The Bizarre Case of Phoebe Handsjuk: Part 2”

  • @paulineannevazquez8233

    Some comments are disgusting Some people do no have empathy .

  • @Tleaves7

    Regardless I think Ant emotionally put her down there and helped create the circumstances for this tragedy to happen.

    I'm wondering if it was his sister that supplied Pheobe with the cocaine that was found in her system, hence both her phones going "missing" incase there were any communications between them about it or information on the going ons in their circles.

    With regards to no finger prints being found in the room she went down the chute, could a cleaner workinf in the building have moped the floors and wiped down the room before her body was discovered?

  • @23clockwood

    So the thing you describe in a quiet lecture hall, where you just want to scream, I think that’s an anxiety thing because I definitely have that happen.

  • @melaniemarrone9521

    Without choosing Recovery i think the outcome would have been more destruction and ultimately, an early death. But this case still haunts me, as does the other one with the young woman in Australian highrise that jumped/was thrown. Its just impossible to know what really happened.

  • @henryfonseca4198

    Why on earth
    Would you put yourself in a trash chute you say?
    Well i have no idea?
    Why do people stay with people twice there age?
    Why do people do drugs?
    Why do people run in & out of traffic?
    Why do we enable our loved ones drug & drinking habits?
    Because we love them.
    We hope they grow out of these phases like most of us do, & move on to bigger & better versions of ourselves.
    When your careless, careful people take advantage.

  • @Troopertroll

    I mean it seems pretty cut and dry that Ant Man did it. These situations 90% of the time it's the boyfriend, and if you've ever seen an apartment complex trash chute, you're gonna have an extremely hard time throwing yourself down that.

  • @michelledowler6235

    Without fingerprints someone had to have lifted her up she would’ve had to of grabbed on some thing because it’s physically impossible for you to step up 3 feet foul play was involved it might’ve been that friend that talked to the girl who found the body it might not have been it might’ve been someone else could’ve been someone hired I don’t know

  • @michelledowler6235

    The police so stupid they should’ve gotten the surveillance footage

  • @michelledowler6235

    I think someone killed her I just don’t know how

  • @margooneil5289

    Many people believe that depress people commit suicide. The truth is first you are depress while you are making a plan then once you decide you appear to people happy and smile because the weight of world is off you and your suffering is over. Just inserting another educated poi t of you.

  • @enigmariddle8222


  • @enigmariddle8222


  • @Angela-dx6cs

    You know if staff cared enough to watch the video to see the employee running around they also watched it further back to the incident. Of course their testimony would have been hearsay but you can’t tell me some don’t know the truth.

  • @Angela-dx6cs

    This is such a ridiculous judgment call of suicide.I don’t believe it was physically possible for her to insert herself feet down in a shoot. Also there are many easier ways to do this.

  • @Angela-dx6cs

    Good point on the bath, massage and cooked meal….

  • @Mandy-nt2cs

    If they saw the footage that day.. how could there be any uncertainty?

  • @C3yl0

    It seems that he snaps whenever anyone says anything that doesn't fit into his approval rating. This dude screams “I’m guilty from A to Z.”

  • @karentucker2161

    The poilce failed her on several things. First with the footage and second with the computer. I am between Ant and the guys she stopped to talk to on the way back up to her apartment. It's suspicious even that they didn't even get her phone or went to the supposed repair shop to retrieve it.

  • @Morticia1313

    I think Ant's behavior was very suspect. Why didn't they look into what was going on with her supposedly broken phone? Why didn't they take her computer & video from the hotel. Who would jump down a garbage shute to kill themselves? She had plenty of drugs. I don't believe Ant at all. In my opinion, the police did a lousy job at investigating this murder because Ant had a lot of money & people with money usually can get away with murder.

  • @shandajames5444

    She definitely did not commit suicide!!!! If she was that drugged and drank alcohol I doubt she would have been able to form a proper thought much less walk to the trash chute!!! She was a lightweight so all the substances she took would have rendered her immobile.

  • @TheShankari33

    The police in Melbourne would be intimidated by Ant the rich Man with a stupid drunk drug taking 24 yr. Old 'gold digger'. Old boys club…. Tragic. ❤

  • @mikaplaysgames310

    That man is guilty as hell. No shot she got in that trash shoot by herself

  • @mikaplaysgames310

    I know it’s not his responsibility but if I were Eric I would have been watching every minute of that surveillance footage and I would be backing up that damn hard drive

  • @jessiroseanne

    I'm convinced Ant did it and his family helped cover it up. It's very suspicious that years later he had another girlfriend who "committed suicide" as well.

  • @mahlynarthur9659

    So many influential friends. My first choice is A

  • @sharonfriedlund983

    The Australia documentary sounds so good I think I'm going to get Magellan now! I read " The founding of Australia and it was one of the best books I ever read!

  • @InsaneLibran

    I believe the Police Chief or whoever was in Ant's apartment to look at pics of Phoebe really messed up when he left because he had no reception without removing Ant and at the very least tape of the door so no one except investigators could enter.

  • @Kyvaluv80_mouse

    I have to commit before I finish the video, the corner said she had pills and alcohol in her system so then if u think about that for a minute there would be NO way she would have been able to get in the trash shoot alone, with all that in her system she probably couldn't even walk straight

  • @Ashley.Michell22

    I’m watching 2 years later and I want to know who did Ant pay off and how much did he give them. Sorry to his family but he was(is not sure now) a control freak! I feel horrible that she went back in the first place and that she was so lost to herself she didn’t listen to her gut but to everyone else around her.

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