The Blindside, the other side. The Thouy family responds in court. The Emily Show Ep. 214

Uncovering The Blindside: A Deep Dive into the Thouy Family’s Courtroom Response on The Emily Show Ep. 214.

In this episode, we delve into the intricate details of the case involving the Thouy family as they face accusations in court. The true crime investigation uncovers shocking revelations and hidden truths as we explore the other side of the story. Stay tuned as we uncover the dark secrets and unravel the mystery behind The Blindside.


29 Comments to “The Blindside, the other side. The Thouy family responds in court. The Emily Show Ep. 214”

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  • @gowanderlustwithme

    It’s hard to believe that the Thouys walked him to the NFL year after year to sign his professional contracts for him. 🫤Why they were encouraged to do a conservatorship legally – who knows unless it was because he was no longer a minor – and they were simply attempting to protect him from exploitation.

  • @GentlemenMonkey

    Would love a follow up on new developments with this topic.

  • @AbbeyHNormal

    Need more information about this case!!!

  • @shellycee9681

    11/23/23 he may have known he was under conservatorship not knowing what that meant or thinking it was the same thing as adoption with parental bonus(Such as medical responsibilities for the Thouys)

  • @ancaprodan3685

    They rode the wave of generosity, family and publicised it so much that this conservatorship revealing feels like a complete breach of trust.
    They lied to everyone.

  • @bridgetmiller6884

    The Tuoys next-door neighbor owned the production company that made “the blind side” and the Tuoy daughter married the son of the owner of the production company. I think the conservatorship was created solely so that they could sign away Michael’s rights to his own image and likeness for all time to the production company owned by their neighbor and whose son their daughter married

  • @aldoabruzzi6417

    Well, the truth is starting to come out. On Wednesday 11/8 the Tuohys lawyers provided the court with the accounting paper trail that confirms what the Alcon Entertainment execs and the Tuohys told everyone back in August. They provided tax forms showing that the family received only around $432,000 from the film over the period of 2007 to 2021. They have evidence that Oher's share ($138, 311.01) was paid to Michael Oher in 10 installments dating from June 2007 up until April 2023 . They have pictures of the checks they sent to him, and when he refused to cash those checks, they have the deposit slips showing that the money was instead deposited into a trust fund for his son. Ouch!

  • @tamzinhinds6522

    It’s a possibility that he didn’t fully understand what a conservatorship trully meant until he finally decided to go to a lawyer and learn the truth and what he can do he new the name because the told him the title but he didn’t have the opportunity to give INFORMED consent it’s really sad this is just so sad regardless of my point of view being correct or not 😢 I truly appreciate the way you explain things I’m obviously to a lot of the legal side I couldn’t understand it and my brain wants get amnesia of any English when I’m trying to read so I appreciate finding someone who creates videos explaining in an easy to understand way ❤

  • @sarahrodriguez7101

    The Thouys probably didn’t do a proper adoption bc of his age. He was already almost an adult, but they wanted to help him grow and make better choices as they would do for their own children. This was the only way in their eyes. However it still doesn’t take away the pain Micheal is feeling after finding out he was never TRULY legally adopted.

  • @sarahrodriguez7101

    I don’t think this has nothing to do with money for Micheal. I think he understood he was under a conservatorship but barely found out this year that it doesn’t mean he was ever adopted and he’s deeply hurt. I think too many people take advantage of others with a low IQ and big hearts and Micheal is the perfect example.
    However I don’t think the Thouys are bad either, it’s shown that they took none of his profits. I think they knew Micheal was not very smart and they were afraid he’d make bad choices so they took control over his life for his own protection.

  • @hazelangus

    It could even be the case that they did not lie to him. A conservatorship is called a guardianship in some states, right? So, they could – theoretically – have called it a type of legal guardianship. Not only would that have been literally true, but he could also honestly have believed himself to have been adopted by them.

    This family takes you in, treats you as their own, feeds, clothes and houses you. They go to court to get papers signed to make you part of their family because, they say, the NCAA require it. They call you son sometimes, by their own admission. You call them mom and dad. Unless they reinforced and reminded him of the deal regularly, that this was just a play-pretend adoption and not real, just to keep the NCAA happy, how else is he supposed to feel?

  • @hazelangus

    Paragraph 7: "Discovery that he was not adopted" and "Being aware he was in a conservatorship" – those are, potentially, two separate things. You could be aware you were in a conservatordhip and not aware you had not been adopted, at the same time.

  • @tiffanyascencion7178

    This breaks my heart. I loved this story and admired the tuohys for adopting a beautiful child in need. This whole time, I've been hoping this was one big misunderstanding, but it sounds like it wasn't. Like they didn't really love him and treat him as their child. So disheartening. And I can imagine that oher feels betrayed

  • @stephss

    How many of THOSE type of Conservatorships exist? With no accountability? Who operates this system? How do we continue to live in a world of apathy and willful ignorance…? There are people being harmed by this system…this **finger swirl to the courts** appears to be corrupt. The victims deserve better.

  • @issybo415

    Wowowow yes please keep on this!

  • @harukogirl

    The turnaround on the book is actually slow. John Grisham signed a 600k movie deal for his second book – The Firm – BEFORE the book was released. And THATS what put Grisham on the map. Movie deals are often made immediately after a book is released, or even before it’s released.

  • @gypsygirlcrista

    Timmy this is basically boils down to they wanted to provide for him while he was in college and couldn't do so because of NCAA rules. The way to get around that was having a conservatorship so that they could take care of him like they done for the year-and-a-half before he graduated high school. They were millionaires when they met him, I don't believe they profited off him in the way that he is betraying it and if they did I hope he gets the cut of the money that he deserves. However, this family took care of him when no one else would and he would not have the life he has if it was not for them. To me this is just a sad situation and it's insane that this coincides with his second book coming out. It's too much coincidence

  • @suzglass

    Maybe he was aware of the conservatorship in 2011, but didn't realize there were no family ties associated with it until Feb 2023.

  • @mamalovesthebeach437

    This is all so very sad…

  • @liseklerekoper2441

    Yes, it’s Michael’s story, but would it have ever been the story that it was without the Tuhoy’s involvement? If they hadn’t gotten involved to help him with his academics so that Michael would have passing grades, he wouldn’t have been eligible to even play high school football.
    I’m not defending the Tuhoys, just trying to look at both sides.

  • @orphanedhanyou

    The Roman empire influenced so much of today. Yes anyone should think about them often.

  • @orphanedhanyou

    Is the medical portion due to football being a potentially dangerous sport & as their ward that gave them the power to get him care in case of injury?

  • @orphanedhanyou

    You may be ABLE to adopt adults but that doesn't mean that was best for the family or what any of their lawyers advised. I could easily see that when it's an adult, a formal adoption doesn't seem right for some family's just like changing last names or calling family members new titles isn't always done. That doesn't mean the conservatorship wasn't done with hidden motive but it also means just because it's not what you would have personally done for an adult under your care that it was "wrong".

  • @brendapeterson7039

    I thought Michael came to stay his senior year or something close to that. It would make sense they would not adopt an almost grown man. It also makes sense they would use family terms like mom, dad, son some of the time but not all the time. I grew up in a single parent rocky home and family was a shakeup thing. I would have loved to have a real dad but would feel very weird at calling him dad etc.

    I wonder if all this came up now for some unknown reason? If the conservatorship was left unattended for 19 years, there has to be a reason it’s coming up now. I wonder if Oher is being encouraged to do this now. It wasn’t money before in the last two decades so why now? It will be interesting to see what emerges of it all.

  • @LReno-di9cm

    1. He knew he was not adopted. 2. It was not just his story. 3. Conservatorship didnt involve money.

  • @ldunne100

    Hope you’ll get up to speed on Barry Morphew situation bc a trial will be coming and it’ll be big.

  • @kwiet23

    The conservator was put in place because of the regulations for football players and families. It is that simple. This wasn’t an adoption, it was done for legal reasons.

  • @dianeemanuel8541

    Perhaps MichealOrr did not fully understand the exact nature of a conservatorship vs adoption until the coverage of Brittany Spears conservatorship.

    Also, Sean and Leigh Ann seem very comfortable “bending the rules” – the film rights seem like a cheap loan to themselves at best. And why keep saying you would agree to dissolve the conservatorship – just do it.

    Just because S and LA claim there is no estate does not mean it is true – needs investigating. KEEP GOING WITH THIS TOPIC❤

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