The Casket Girls of New Orleans

Unraveling the Mystery: The Intriguing Case of the Casket Girls of New Orleans

Delving deep into the shadows of history, we uncover the chilling tale of the Casket Girls of New Orleans. These mysterious young women arrived in the city in the early 1700s, carrying their possessions in simple caskets. Rumors swirl about their origin and true purpose, with some claiming they were vampires or ghosts haunting the French Quarter.

In reality, the Casket Girls were young women sent from France to marry colonists in Louisiana. Their casket-like luggage was likely a simple wardrobe trunk, symbolizing their journey to a new life. Despite the innocuous explanation, the legend of the Casket Girls persists, captivating those who seek to unravel the truth behind this eerie chapter in New Orleans’ history.


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