The Clancy Family Murders: Result of Mental Illness or Premeditated Murder?

Delving into the chilling case of the Clancy Family Murders: Was it a calculated act of premeditated murder or a tragic result of untreated mental illness? As investigators comb through the gruesome crime scene, details begin to emerge of a troubled family torn apart by secrets and internal strife. With evidence pointing in multiple directions, the truth behind this heinous crime remains shrouded in mystery.Stay tuned for updates on this complex and disturbing case.


49 Comments to “The Clancy Family Murders: Result of Mental Illness or Premeditated Murder?”

  • @snicole042

    Cold blooded premeditated murder.

  • @jenniferbozick5385

    As a mother, I can never imagine doing that, but in the world that we live in today, I don’t put anything past anyone sadly

  • @christinecraigortiz

    I think she is mentally unstable and guilty and where she is locked up doesn’t matter as long as she is locked up forever

  • @Redshift313

    Cold Blooded Premeditated Murder !!! She is less than an animal… animals kill for their young not kill their young !!!

  • @michaelm6072

    She should have started with herself .

  • @gramppimipn

    Can you please 🙏 fix your eyebrows 😂
    There freeking me Out😮😮

  • @magangramm5685

    Is it possible to be both? 🤷‍♀️ how long does a mental break last? Is it possible that someone’s reasoning can be so skewed that they have the capacity to reason but not reason rationally? Or can you scientifically argue that if you have ANY reasoning capability you have the ability to reason yourself out of a situation like this? Is it possible for a person in a state of psychosis to plan and still not be in control because the psychosis limits their rational to the twisted logic of the psychosis and the twisted story they have in their head? Is it possible for them to be in control but only within the parameters of the psychosis? I really don’t know. It would be interesting to hear and expert speak on this.

  • @kenjiyoutube9

    The calculated nature of her actions contradicts the idea of her having psychosis. She had mental disease, but so did school shooters etc.
    Maybe what is unique about cases like this is that the murder has nothing at all to gain like not even revenge. It’s just sad for everyone involved.

  • @MargaretUffert

    Cold blooded murderer

  • @denisesisk6016

    This poor young lady was sick! I have absolutely no doubt! 😢😢😢

  • @kellyjackson4973

    This is demonic, we must fight the principalities of this world, choose the narrow path. Jesus Christ is Lord.

  • @lauriedaniele5967

    I think it was postpartum psychosis too much medication. So she looked up on how she could do it. I think she needs to be in a mental institution just like the other lady. Prayers for her family her husband who is going through hell right now.❤

  • @supernova11711

    I actually felt bad for her the first time I heard this story. I believed it was postpartum depression and she would have to live with what she had done for the rest of her life.
    Those searches changed my mind though. I hope she rots in prison and that the dad is one day able to find at least some level of peace and healing.

  • @lwalker1963

    She premeditated their murders!!

  • @GallifreyGinger

    Absolutely premeditated, and postpartum depression. Figuring out depression medication can be scary. The hormones after having a baby are pretty insane too. I had some postpartum depression and rage, but hurting my child never once crossed my mind.

  • @cheryll747

    Didn't we learn anything from Andrea Yates case?? She was as psychotic w postpartum as she was & they had her on half dozen drugs!! She should serve her time in memtal hospital!!

  • @joanneweed1683

    Why aren’t mothers removed from the home and away from the children when the mother cannot be left alone with the kids. A better option would be to remove mom and get her healthy before reuniting with children in the home with husband all supervised. Too many parents have ended their children lives, bc of struggling with life.

  • @lillyxlovexx

    And all yall were saying “FreeLindsay” smh I knew she was guilty from the start. Using PPD as her plea get out of here….

  • @alyssavargas799

    I feel like she would have had to be experiencing post partum psychosis to be able to use that as an excuse for this crime. But she wasn’t in psychosis and they have several ways of proving that. Therefore I don’t think that can be the argument here. Postpartum depression by medical definition on its own isn’t a reasonable explanation for killing 3 children. Psychosis? Yes. But she was in her right mind when she did it.

  • @sl8605

    I think her judgement was clouded by medications that she was on long before that day. As a prior benzodiazepine addict, I can tell you that you don't realize the consequences of your actions and she was on alot medications along with possible PPD.

  • @kiowells

    I think she should be charged with 3 counts of murder and if shes saying shes crazy then fine life in an insane asylum. And the father should be charged with neglect because he knew he should have never left those kids alone with her. Crazy insane didnt just show up as soon as u went to get take out.

  • @kileymiller5881

    I love your videos it fills a hole I didn’t know I had this is why I love mysteries

  • @seabellz

    You can suffer from post-partum-depression/psychosis. I will NEVER believe that leads to murdering your children. She’s obviously a full-blown psychopath. Nowhere does it say in the DSM manual or elsewhere that symptoms include “murderous impulses”. Severe depression yes. Detachment from reality yes. Murder your babies? Absolutely not.

  • @brittstrouse271

    My postpartum depression was THROUGH THE ROOF BAD, and not for ONE FREAKING SECOND would I ever even THINK to lay a hurtful hand on my baby. He is my life even in extreme postpartum depression. This woman is pure evil. End of story.

  • @StaceyNeil-dz5sk

    Premeditated murder for sure 😢

  • @lelabryant6409

    We just had a father in our community that came home with kids murdered, wife dead and several pets deceased. Police are saying its a murder/unaliving themselves. I truly think it would take a lot to do such a thing. It breaks my heart. But what else can I come up with other then mental illness? But is that right? Are these going to go to prom, get married. That good old fun work drama? These kids are not going to experience that. With children of my own and doing all I can, we go to church regularly. I manly teach Sunday school during the gospel. But when I do get to listen, my pastor has said " a nation who kills their children is a nation that is doom to fail"

  • @middletech

    Sooooo typical of a woman not taking responsibility for her own actions.

  • @kimberlypainter5169

    Question, can't certain brain scans show if there was/is psychosis?

  • @jillruben8924

    She’s guilty. Horrifying what she did.

  • @kweenz109

    She knew what she was doing and could have stopped it. The planning that went into this was too much for me to ignore.

  • @Camey71073

    It could be either. I know it's easy to be quick to blame her but post partum psychosis and over medication could've caused her to act in a way she would not normally act. Not saying she's not guilty, just saying, this one is a difficult one for me until I hear more.

  • @susanpugh5265

    I believe she was indeed mentally ill & had tried to seek help, with know relief! We don't really know what goes through ones mind. Maybe she didn't want the children to not be found & wanted them found in a short period of time?? Who knows? I do know that a healthy minded woman wouldn't kid her children!

  • @edsonkidwell2522

    I'm sorry but she searched methods pickup times for food ordered clearly she was pre planning like a shark dropping uts fins before an attack mental instability she should have check in for treatment and stayed

  • @sunnydae6602

    That doesn’t prove that she didn’t have post- partum psychosis.

  • @karenshepler7128

    This case is very important to pay attention to as it could be a little bit of both .witch she should of pushed harder for help if needed…

  • @s3psis_

    You can have mental issues, but still no right from wrong. She knew what she was doing.

  • @jessicagarcia1037

    The incident was undeniably distressing and profoundly devastating. I don’t believe it was cold, premeditated murder, I believe it could potentially be linked to postpartum complications exacerbated by medication.

  • @meganburns9763

    She was well aware of what she doing… the evidence shows that. She deserves the full sentence for what she did to those INNOCENT babies.

  • @isabelmarie8201

    Yes she planned this, however she has said her mind wasnt right for months. It wasn't right when she researched, and wasn't right still when she killed her children either. How could she be sane??
    I believe that there is a bigger picture here..

    What is the effect of all the processed and hormone riddled food they feed everyone in America? Then all the other harmful additives going into her system. And then you add a bunch of pharmaceutical medications- that are just chemicals manmade into deathly solutions to mask symptoms- changing her brain chemistry and everything she was as a person!!
    She even tried killing herself to fix these intrusive thoughts and feelings. I won't and can't know what she was thinking, but it's pretty obvious by the outcome that all the polutants going into her system from her environment changed her thoughts and thought process.

    Sadly this is becoming more and more common. I dont think these people are all born evil or planned on letting demons take them over, or whatever you now believe these murderers are. The truth is that we hear it time and time again. Fathers and Mothers, who people are genuinely shocked that they could do whatever horrible thing they did, committing these horrific crimes!!

    Honestly we need to find the root problem of all these sad, heartbreaking actions. Fix this at the root of the problem, instead of trying to just rake up all the leaves after they have fallen!

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