The confrontation of Sarah Boone in the Interrogation Room (alleged suitcase murder of Jorge Torres)

Unraveling the Mystery: The Intense Interrogation of Sarah Boone in the Alleged Suitcase Murder of Jorge Torres


20 Comments to “The confrontation of Sarah Boone in the Interrogation Room (alleged suitcase murder of Jorge Torres)”

  • @rherho1

    “I love Jorge still…to this day, love him…still!”
    Didn’t he only die, because she killed him of course, just one day before she said this? She’s bat shit!

  • @usmcamerican8201

    These up close and personal, real-life situations, brought forth by modern technology highlight a greater common concern which is the utter destructive force of Alcohol when mixed with emotionally unstable individuals and all having the potential to end in the same way. How many of these relationships, like Sarah and Jorge, as I write this, currently exist and how can society best deal with these time bomb relationships just waiting for the right triggers to detonate. Hopefully there’s a better solution than imprisonment or at some point in the future we may find our society with more than half its population in prison. To this end, if the people in this society were to reinstate a spiritual compass then maybe this case would have ended differently. In the past western nations have relied on the Bible for this compass. But nations like America have systematically removed this compass resulting in the Inevitable moral decay which in turn directly affects the overall safety, happiness, and national security of the people in that nation. Maybe a better solution is not more prisons but incorporating a Manhattan-like project designed to re-incorporate this compass back into the nation’s moral fiber thus saving that nation from total anarchy. What do you think?

  • @TruthHurtsSoGetAHelmet

    Of course they don’t care about people being in America illegally which is a huge crisis that needs secured. 🙄

  • @AB-hk1pq

    Two stinking alcoholics abusing each other. Throw her in prison for a very long time. Another toxic relationship between users.

  • @alexp0

    That's unfortunate she's real cute.

  • @maneckineckbeard1749

    How could they assume she's the kind of person who would slowly torture her fiancee to death by suffocating him in a suitcase…just because she slowly tortured him to death by suffocating him in a suitcase?? Clearly, they don't know her.

  • @nancyleehampton8

    Someone needs to tell her that 2.99 bottles of Strawberry Boones Farm is not actually called “wine”.

  • @fingchowder

    this case blatantly shows the sexism inherent to law enforcement and how differently male suspects are treated compared to female suspects.

  • @the_hero_inside

    This lady cop is coughing her head off.. Detective Officer Covid in the house

  • @AmyKristine

    She showed no true emotion not even faked tears The Behavior Panel is right very poor interrogation

  • @rayvrq13

    Man when I originally watch this video and they started playing it and then the laptop died like 2 seconds well more like five or six seconds into the video, I was so pissed that they gave it away and then they had to go get a fucking cord. That gave her ample time to be like oh shit. Man they should have had that ready to go!

  • @barbmurray8557

    She just wanted revenge for the abuse but dang

  • @bettyg7598

    The smoking gun. They got you stupid.

  • @BradleyVolk3

    Mentor you're absolutely right about her being too stupid to consider he would suffocate and die and realizing that when she finally did let him out she knew he was going to knock the dogshit out of her. You're the first person besides myself to point that out. I know I sure would have and I've NEVER laid a finger on a female. She makes me understand though why some guys do.

  • @BradleyVolk3

    Detectives Chelsea and Scott are not getting enough credit for getting this lunatic off of the streets, away from the public.

  • @BradleyVolk3

    Poor her. She's just as much a victim. She has to remember this and that should be punishment enough… She says that after murdering her boyfriend. She's a total POS of a person and nobody has ever confronted her about it before so she believes she shouldn't have to deal with it this time either. She's not even sorry or ashamed of herself. This whole situation is just an annoyance and inconvenience. She has to remember pulling him out and that is punishment enough. That's what she sees when she closes her eyes to sleep and that right there says something… She actually says that after murdering someone. Calling her a cunt would be unfair and offensive to cunts everywhere.

  • @sannyo6

    I wonder if she googled the buzz words to use to get out of this…. “Intentional” “malicious” the repetitive nature of her verbiage….

  • @sannyo6

    I don’t believe she forgot she recorded this….. imho she thought she could lie her way out & using big words, repeatedly, thinking that makes her look like…… idk but she’s sociopathic in her presentation to me…

  • @sabrinalennox2004

    Oh and Sarah wants to know when she can get Jorges ring. After all she tha paid for it! Unbelievable!

  • @sabrinalennox2004

    How dare they make poor Sarah feel bad for what she did. After all , seeing him dead is surely punishment enough

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