As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed the transcript for any potential clues or inconsistencies. The suspect’s alibi seemed shaky, contradicting eyewitness accounts placing them at the scene of the crime. Furthermore, forensic evidence linked them to the weapon used in the assault. These details paint a compelling picture of their involvement in this heinous act of violence. This type of crime is often premeditated, and the suspect’s evasiveness during questioning only adds to the mounting evidence against them. It is clear that a thorough investigation and swift justice are imperative in bringing closure to this case.


36 Comments to “The Dark Side of Social Media: Isabella Guzman, the Young Murderer Who Became TikTok Famous”

  • @annieelise

    What is the first red flag you hear in this case? There are so many!

  • @Ellomenameiatiara

    I think she looks better without makeup

  • @Ferrachu

    26:30 minutes/seconds in this video is oh so true for me (emotional and psychological). I was left in time out to stand for 5-6 not allowed to use the restroom and could hold it anymore. If supper was done at 6:55 and i didnt eat it and be in bed by 7:00 i had to throw out my dinner and go to bed 1½ an hour earlier the next night often times before supper was done and went to bed hungry. Bedtime was 7:00 p.m. until i moved out at 18. Was only allowed G and PG movies until adulthood. Wasnt given s*x education until almost my 17th birthday. Never was allowed to go to summer camp, sleepovers, stay home alone or to be able to cook on the stove or in the oven and SO MUCH MORE etc. When spanked they swung me around so hard and wildly it knocked out my front tooth. I was told i was never smart enough to pursue my dreams, i was a disappointment, how i could never be as good as my siblings, was always asked what was wrong with me, i was a burden, they thought thwy were getting a better child, etc.

  • @e-mail881

    What a useless conglomerate of cells! 🤮

  • @julsride3596

    I am actually interested to know about her familly cult. This type is the kind of dangerous one. Who knows what that girl went through

  • @JGolar

    Jehovah Witnesses are not considered Christian by Christians. We consider it a cult.

  • @jonathanmason9575

    Love 10 to life and the other Channel Serealously!!!

  • @dietdrpepper15

    Murderer: I was abused by my family!
    People: when? Dates? Proof? You know you have schizophrenia right?
    Murderer: so…can I get out?

  • @EmmaAnsonia-oo6tb

    I really believe her, buuutttt it's how you deal with things!!!! How many people are abused??? Me being one and I mean the program Shameless is nothing on my Life, it's hard to really judge😕

  • @commonsense2680

    I love what you said about being with the current generation that scares you because they are so superficial, uncaring, etc., including addicted to social media. On this girl (a product of today's generation), even based on her behavior grandstanding for the camera in court, she lives in her own sociopathic world. And, has NO CHANCE for rehabilitation. She will know what to say to sound like she is "cured" but there is no cure for her, since she does not even accept the problem. PLUS, given the heinous acts of murder she committed against her own mother, why would ANY parole board, or court, etc. think she is not a risk to society. Particularly telling is her "statement" or whatever to the public about how she is cured. She is clearly making excuses and will not accept any responsibility for the murder of her mother. She is lying about the abuse because she has had years to think about it, did not allege abuse before, and has likely read all the cases where allegations of abuse have helped people. I do not care if she had schizophrenia, or any other mental illness, her acts of violence are so bad that even with, and especially because, of her mental illness she should not be out in public EVER. I think too many murderers are using or thinking they can use as an excuse insanity (like that idiot Aidan Fucci). If people are using insanity, I would make the threshold as high as possible. I would NOT heavily rely on "expert" testimony because psych is such an imprecise science where everyone could derive a different opinion. This person was clearly spoiled in early life, figured out she can use any situation in her life to become a victim, especially mental defects. She has the classic signs of narcissism, and of course, now a sciopath. No one that gets an "innocent by reason of Insanity" should ever be free to walk out in public, instead they MUST at least be sent to an institution for the criminally insane, and there receive treatment for a lifetime.

  • @RosaHilldebrandt

    Tiktok in America is different in China. It was created to highlight peoples accomplishments in China
    It was switched in America to create chaos and confusion.

  • @LucyLu8787

    True phycopaths love playing mind games. They are highly intelligent. They live for the exact behavior she's exhibiting.. She is very very dangerous. She has everyone fooled. I don't believe she suffers from schizophrenia. But she is intelligent enough to be able to convince others she suffers from it. I would bet my retirement someone more than likely a nurse sees through her a female heterosexual nurse is able to see the con. These people are fascinating! But very destructive…

  • @JessicaCoffman-le1gd

    she might think she's rehabilitated but what happens if she stops taking her meds or something triggers her. She is schizophrenic, they are good at fitting in and faking emotions. I do not think it is safe for her or anyone else to let her out at all.

  • @martinhousemuse

    There is an entire school of thought that one can be insane and still not be inclined to harm others or murder others. That there is "insane" and there is "criminally insane". IMO, Isabella is simply a profoundly committed liar and manipulator and murderer. IMO, she's a skilled psychopath.

  • @jenna_jenna_jenna

    Schizophrenia is so difficult. My cousin is schizophrenic and it’s one of the most complex and complicated illnesses to treat successfully long-term. My cousin was a kind and gentle soul prior to whatever triggered the illness in his late teens. If he isn’t medicated, he will do harm, even to those he once loved. They commonly think the medication is poison. If they are convinced to take it, it’s also not uncommon to want to stop medication because they feel better and don’t think they need it anymore. These things make it very difficult to treat successfully long-term, which means, they can remain dangerous. We had to mourn the loss of the person my cousin was, because he’s truly gone. It’s heartbreaking.

  • @user-gm5dz3xr6m

    She literally thought she was someone else… We cannot trust a word because she believes her own delusions. She should forever be kept under strict supervision.

  • @rosemclean2519

    I have a serious issue with this case cuz I have a 8 years old niece behaving exactly the same as Isabella at this age and I have no clue how to help my sister and my niece. This case is so damn triggering for me

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    I'm so sick of these cases with ppl saying they were insane and blah blah! It's an excuse they use, cause it works!! You obviously gotta be bat shit crazy to kill someone but that doesn't mean they get off!! She knew what she was doing that's why she locked the door so she couldn't be stopped…. which meant she knew what she was doing, and that was wrong! Ppl like this should NEVER be allowed to walk free…the moment they stop their meds, the psycho will come back!

  • @angiegray6627

    I keep wondering why the stepdad didn’t knock down the door? I know in traumatic situations you never know how you’ll react but that would be my first inclination if I heard my family members in distress.

  • @Evanthebat15

    She’s a psychopath and should never be allowed out to society or she WILL kill again. Also disgusting how social media tried to rise her to fame just cus she’s pretty. Ugh this young generation.

  • @Jessica-jf9pb

    And she looked DEAD at that camera to show she wasn’t crying. Seemed coherent to me.

  • @Jessica-jf9pb

    She probably has scars on her hands from stabbing her mother!

  • @VanessaAscunce

    Ryan dude, unless you live in a castle with dungeon metal doors… MUST THROUGH THAT FREKAIN BATHROOM DOOR. Stop the crazy chick🫣

  • @jo-annajordan2346

    She should remain right in the mental institution she is definitely psychotic, what she did to her mother and smiling in court she should e really jailed for the rest of her life.

  • @malva3027

    Isabella is a sociopath who got away with murder, Period. She outsmarted the whole system, in my opinion.

  • @alafairxvx

    Her statement that she is no longer mentally ill is odd since schizophrenia does not go away.

  • @micheleangelabrilliancetyp5723

    She watched /study forensic files show enough to know how to play the system, lie, pretend to be schizophrenic??? Is she a pathological liar ???
    She should have went to prison like jodi arias??
    There’s the afterlife after death’s dimension where purgatory exist? Who can lie and pretend to King Satan and Satan’s demons devils??? Does KARMA exist in the afterlife??? Did John Wayne Gacy show any remorse before the lethal injection??? How many murderers gets away in the world 🌎???

  • @greeneyedlilpup745

    Claiming to be better with a mental illness is common. What patients don’t realize, is they are “ better” bcuz of the meds they are taking. It’s also common for patients to stop taking their psych meds bcuz they feel better and so they don’t need them anymore! It can be a viscous cycle!

  • @georgekatsireas4324

    Oh about the killing part.
    2)It was so personal,very clear that.Full of rage…she empty everything on her mother that moment… whatever was in Isabella's brain that reflected by the wounds she created on her mother's body…
    3) regardless if there were negative emotions too…and beside the fact that somehow the murderer was stimulated by that police call her mother made(in reality it was just a matter of time in Isabella's mind to form a reason to do what she did)that was not the major reason she killed her… Isabella killing her mother happened with paranoia and psychopathy even though she is a sociopath and not a psychopath…and she knew exactly why she was killing her mother,that is a fact….for me… regardless the restI am talking only about the actual kill.

  • @georgekatsireas4324

    I stopped at 22:16.
    1) I will start with the comments you made for generations.The generation we have now and the new generation are products of the old ones 👍👍.Which means you make videos for money/fame/subscribers,money again and you picked that topic and you add your personal dramatic tone,eh,new generations are more direct with what they want and what they do 🤷🤷,is that bad?
    2) Isabella at the court showed not much but a lot by showing not that much.
    A)There wasn't any smirk of a person who did something very bad and tried to hide it and thinking that she was fooling anyone and oops here comes the smirk!!!Nope on the contrary we saw an aversion…that kind of smile appeared,an aversion of how people see her..that kind of attention of how people,media, anyone sees her!About her pointed her eyes,yes she was saying exactly that…"Look at me I will not gonna cry"that part is the most important one…Why she was pointing her eyes?She emphasized (body language)that nobody is gonna she her crying even though a very few moments later almost immediately she was about to cry, another very important information.People seen her as a monster,the problem is she is not only that.She new that,also she have seen her as a monster 🤷.My point is she is 80% sociopath and 20% psychopath…She has emotions…that very moment she was about to cry and she didn't it was not about her mother but about the reflection of her through media and people in general which it is a true picture but not just that.She didn't have anything against anyone else and that was very clear (except the media and that image of her through media and people in general)if you see the video at the court she is friendly(not faking it)with lawyer and calm …
    3)A lot of informations are missing,most important there is a gap in her story of how she became exactly that person,the main source…it is not very clear…I know she was abused,I know her brain was broken,I don't know how exactly that happened,I know more or less how that worked in her brain,I have already those evidence and the result,the evidence never lie..
    4)Her mother calling the police and worry about her safety and about her daughter (Isabella)that was not fake,that was 1000% true and that evidence is very clear to me that her mother wasn't a bad person (not that I see Isabella as bad one but I don't wanna sey more),so why Isabella targeted her mother in a way that end her life?Well her mother definitely she didn't intentionally tried to hurt Isabella,her mother was a passive carrier while Isabella was both(passive and active negative carrier)…no more comments 👍🤷

  • @ansleythegreat

    The reason why she did that thing with her eyes was because she claimed she had blue eyes and the real Isabella had brown.

    She claimed for a long time that she was this woman named Samantha. (Probably due to her schizophrenia)

  • @ShainaThompson949

    Thats an excuse..the kids now a days.. think its cool…. n wanna be like her… the kids now a days are terrifying … God Bless there Soul and may they rest in peace

  • @arrowhead2407

    She stabbed her mother 151 times. 79 of those stab wounds were to the face and neck. I watched her interrogation video. She pretended to be someone else the whole time. She said she wasn’t that horrible girl who killed her mother. She should never be released. I think she will end up killing someone in the mental facility that she is in someday. Horrible human being.

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