In 2011, Ivon Baldelli vanished without a trace, captivating the attention of the media and sparking an international investigation. However, the disturbing details that have come to light since then have left investigators shaken to their core. While living in Panama, Von would faithfully email her family every week, until suddenly, the communication abruptly ceased.

Recently, a gruesome discovery was made by a worker clearing some land near Baldelli’s residence – human remains were found, sending chills down the spines of those involved in the case. The FBI has honed in on a person of interest in the investigation: Baldelli’s boyfriend, Brian Brimager. It is believed that on that fateful night or the following morning, Brimager mercilessly killed and dismembered Ivon with a machete, disposing of her remains in a desolate wooded area on the island. Furthermore, he callously took the life of her loyal dog.

To add a sickening layer to this already heinous crime, Brimager callously joked on social media about selling the same machete he used to commit the grisly act, casually mentioning his previous use of it to dismember “one stripper”. The chilling disregard for human life displayed by the perpetrator is a stark reminder of the evil that exists in this world. The painstaking investigation into Ivon Baldelli’s disappearance and death continues, fueled by a desire to bring justice to her memory.


18 Comments to “The Gruesome Murder of Yvonne Baldelli”

  • @middletech

    Girls love them bad boys!

  • @ramonquinones2765

    I've actually been to the island where she was killed and I've talked to some of the locals. Actually the lady that owns the bar of where they used to do their guitar playing. She told me that Michelle the night that Michelle went missing Michelle she had seen Michelle in tears. She had seen Michelle crying hard and he she had seen. Brian pulled her in the hotel into the hospital by her head and never never said anything because I'm the island you know there there's certain things you know that there's island rules, this girl literally gave everything she had. This gave everything she had nothing else to give. She had just gotten divorced. She trusted this man and this man killed her and her dog because he was living a secret life, the one that I feel the safest for in this entire situation is her sister Michelle , her sister Michelle died trying to find her sister do you understand what I'm saying she died she ended up with cancer and died and is now with Yvonne then she finally reunited after all of this, that is what you should be talking about That. Everybody has already seen a dateline and discovery. You guys need to come up with stories that are not being told. Why don't you get on the case of my daughter, my stepdaughter who got shot and killed in Pennsylvania by a man, my niece, my daughter was only 21 years old. Just had a son got killed by an ex-boyfriend because he couldn't keep her left her body dead in the middle of the road and on a real route and Pennsylvania for her to be found she shot once in the back of her head, and once in the bed, her back and left there for dead. Why don't you talk about stories like that why don't you talk about stories that nobody else has heard about quit being like every other person out there and redoing all of these stories come up with new stuff I have already seen her story on dateline and 48 hours on after dateline and BC she's been on everything People that have not been on there and share their murder stories get their story out I have about 10,000 people 10,000 stories that I have resource and done myself that I'm just too scared to open the blog and do throughout get a hold of me. I have plenty of data for you just please get off the Yvonne Story, or she's dead and her sister died trying to find her give them that respect

  • @ramonquinones2765

    What is the reason he got rid of? The dog is because they knew for a fact if he would've kept the dog and the dog would've went back to California with him his what his new his fiancé that is over there the one that has his kid would've known that he was cheating instead of over there on business, Brian was telling this girl, the one that he is married to now the one that he has the kid with he was telling her that he was over there at Costa Rica on business. She knew nothing about Yvonne. OK she knew nothing about her and what makes me sick to this day is that lady who is a member of Congress OK she is a congresswoman still with Ryan going to the prison and seeing this man I still don't understand how he would leave Yvonne for that she looks oh my God she looks like a giant Barbie doll. She looks like a plus size Barbie doll was a natural beauty, a beautiful natural woman who could not have kids and Brian broke her when she found out that she had a child over there that he was having an affair. Yvonne found out about everything that is what led to her death

  • @ramonquinones2765

    See love OK I'm watching more of this and I'm seeing that OK you've got some facts right but the person that she was staying in contact with when she was in Panama was her sister Michelle Michelle was the one that she was emailing every single day she barely talk to her other family Michelle was who was the link to the whole familybut the last email that was sent to her from Panama was not from Yvonne at all. It was from Brian after he had already killed her but still.

  • @ramonquinones2765

    OK let's put it this way. The man killed her, then turned around and had a secret life because Yvonne couldn't have children and he ended up having an affair with the girl that worked in the office with him which led him to meet the president of the United States now to this day the girl, the mistress is now his wife and is still Still with him while he is behind bars, knowing that he killed Yvonne and is still raising their beautiful daughter together, she goes and sees him in prison every fucking two weeks OK Annelise you wanna think that this shit happened in your town. This girl is originally from Puerto Rico. Her family is from Puerto Rico. Her sister died from cancer waiting to find her. do you know that her sister fought her entire life until she died from cancer Trying to find her sister her sister's last dying breath was trying to find Yvonne OK this is a story that you need to tell properly because yeah you've got the little hints in the kick to it but you don't have the fax you have what everybody else has told you or you have looked up you don't have the facts. Have you talk to Yvonne's family like I have have you sat there and saw her her family her aunt her uncles her sister her brothers, the people that I've been looking for her have you talked to them like I have no you haven't, I can tell you to this day they're still struggling with Yvonne's death and I can tell you this days are not happy that people like you keep covering her murder because they don't want this shit publicize they don't want her to be remembered as a murder victim. They want her to be remembered for the beautiful, amazing woman that she was.

  • @godskongofwar898

    Boyfriend sounds like he’s got a great sense of humor lol

  • @user-Kim.Jackson

    This has been covered many times.

  • @lauriedaniele5967

    Oh my goodness ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

  • @karlamuhammad7276

    When black lost women ever going to be content?

  • @cathymoreno1300

    I always love your videos and your podcast.. you truly are a beautiful woman inside and out Annie

  • @coolgirl-ug9gq

    😡😡😡what a pyschopaat ,poor women

  • @chriscook8936

    I'm sorry but, Annie, your beautiful…I could listen to you read the phone book….😊😊😊😊

  • @ogfaye

    Why the dog though💔

  • @Manjeepo1

    That's some demon 💩

  • @annmoore8696

    I remember this Case and They finally charged Him Right ❓
    Her Sister passed away not to long ago 😢

  • @veronikquevillon178

    I love your nails ♥️♥️

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