The Mysterious Unsolved Case Of Dorothy Jane Scott

The Enigmatic, Perplexing Case of Dorothy Jane Scott: A meticulous analysis of the baffling disappearance of Dorothy Jane Scott, a young woman who went missing in 1980 after receiving menacing phone calls from an unknown individual. Despite extensive investigations, including multiple sightings of her car and harassment towards her family, the case remains unsolved, leaving many questions unanswered in this chilling mystery.


48 Comments to “The Mysterious Unsolved Case Of Dorothy Jane Scott”

  • @emilystortz2592

    Sounds like a cop did it

  • @dawnlimachi6782

    There are so many scenarios that without cameras or actual witnesses there may never be an answer. I pray the family gets some kind of closure. 🙏🙏

  • @Peeved100

    I'm thinking an establishment called "Swingers" might have a pretty sketchy clientele.

  • @renaeweber2823

    Is it just me or does it seem like the video jumps at one point.

  • @rastudent

    Watching this video in late 2023. Wondering if there are updates or if the police released the file to Stephanie. 🤞

  • @reneemcafee7341

    I don't suspect her coworkers. I believe it was absolutely work related however. Another employee? A customer? I remember reading that Dorothy was a closeted lesbian. (Don't remember the source) If true in 1980 this could create a whole different rabbit hole.

  • @jessicazeable3331

    I love your Harloween videos! By the way, I live in AZ, and we have black widows. I think brown recluse spiders are way scarier!

  • @user-uv7lp5kh2y

    To Conrad you know what. Probably the stalker was a older man retire army vet. Who lives nearby look up at Google Earth around the area where your mom used to work he knew. Her schedule

  • @eaugustine8386

    You states that the employees were like family. So maybe Pam knew about the stalker and went alone so she her friend wouldnt be along. It wasnt her car so she stayed with the person who had the spider bite. Back in the 80s the way a high sense of safety so people didnt tend to lock their cars so maybe the stalk had a tracker on her car and he used that to follow her everywhere. Hence why he would have known the scarf change.

  • @user-cy6oi7cf5e

    Personally, I would be interested to know how much LE looked into her church community, as I've only seen passing references to her church attendance. That might explain why the stalker sounded familiar: she had briefly heard the person's voice at church. Singing hymns, maybe making an occasional announcement, maybe she had even spoken to him at some point. It might also explain why he seemed to have inside knowledge of her life.

  • @user-cy6oi7cf5e

    I have recently been exploring Dorothy Jane Scott's case. I was wondering if she could have potentially been murder by the GSK, who also stalked his victims and call to terrorize them.

  • @user-cy6oi7cf5e

    The existence of the paint evidence led some investigators to entertain the possibility that EARONS had been travelling around the state to work at construction sites, possibly as a painter. On August 6, 1984, four years after Dorothy disappeared, her remains were discovered on a remote construction site The existence of the paint evidence led some investigators to entertain the possibility that EARONS had been travelling around the state to work at construction site gotta be the golden state killer.

  • @user-cy6oi7cf5e

    lots of woman name in his victims list too. Introduction

    One of the interesting parts of the East Area Rapist's MO was that he seemingly made many, many "hang-up" phone calls to victims, usually in the weeks before an attack but sometimes after. i've found a connection holy fuck In early 1980, Dorothy began receiving distressing phone calls while at work. this is where my theory starts to connect together

  • @user-cy6oi7cf5e

    6 hr (409 miles)

    via I-5 S

    Fastest route now due to traffic conditions only a 6 hour drive from Dorothy to where DeAngelo was living at.Dorothy Jane Scott disappeared on May 28, 1980, in Anaheim, California. In the San Joaquin Valley, DeAngelo was known as the Visalia Ransacker before moving to the Sacramento area, where he became known as the East Area Rapist and was linked by modus operandi to additional attacks in Stockton, Modesto and Contra Costa County

  • @user-cy6oi7cf5e

    Dorothy Jane Scott disappeared on May 28, 1980, in Anaheim, California.Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. (born November 8, 1945) is an , and former police officer who committed at least 13 murders, 51 rapes, and 120 burglaries across California between 1974 and 1986. this is only possible cop/law enforcement person that would even make sense to do this to Dorothy unless it was someone else who was a serial killer that i'm unaware of there name.

  • @nikitaagreene

    I dont think it was dorothy driving tbh. Anyone else?

  • @bootsycorsaro8002

    "I don't wanna rip you open… but you're leaving me no other choice!!" PLEASE STEPHANIE PUT THIS ON A T-SHIRT <3 <3 <3 lolol

  • @Marpete721

    This is gonna sound real fucked up but was there a reason he called when the dad wasn’t home? Like.. where was her dad in all this. 99.9999% sure he has nothing to do with it, but 🫢

  • @mccartyzoe

    I love more information on this case. So requesting the records would be terrific. Seems like there has to be more

  • @leannas.2685

    So… I just wanna throw this out there because of my own experience. Ive worked in smoke shops for years and years. One thing about them is, you have VERY regular customers. You have a very specific set of people you see very frequently, people you see daily or weekly or even multiple times a week. Typically if you start a chat with them, you'll quickly become familiar with them and sometimes form friendships or relationships with them when you see them that often. In this situation, I REALLY wonder if there was a frequent customer she was comfortable with. Maybe someone she saw often, someone who she developed a friendship with, or even someone who just happened to be a regular there. I feel like that's a VERY easy way someone could have done this to her. I bet no one ever thought to look into who was a regular there. I have to say, the types of people you see in those places can be great and become friends, but there's also a TON of creeps. It's highly possible that some frequent customer developed their own infatuation and created a form of relationship to her in their head they believed was real. That happens often with stalkers. I myself have had stalkers because of the regular customers who've come into my shop. I really think there's a good possibility that could be how someone was doing what they were doing. Could explain why the person thought her dad would recognize their voice. If they were a constant customer at his store before he sold it, maybe he was well acquainted with him in that same way… 🤔

  • @chrissiwashington4135

    I think it was her aunt's boyfriend just saying he would know all those things and he could be recognized by her son

  • @tamshari9212

    I don't have time to listen.

  • @tamshari9212

    Thought u was Louisiana native now u the cold case mystery….okay👀

  • @SuperJmclark

    Two points..if the stalker knew so much why didn't he catch on to the fact that two women accompanying one man to the hospital is very innocent.
    Secondly….why does the victim keep answering the phone? And the Mother? Why?
    Where did the reports regarding phone calls to the victim arise from? It's important to question where the information came from….before we build a house of cards.

  • @dr.angeliquetrigueros1914

    How fun I ran across a Harlowe vid I hadn’t listened to yet!

  • @basic_CeceRae

    I don’t want to be suspicious of Dorthys coworkers but I do have questions.
    1.Why did Pam go?
    2.Why didn’t Conrad skip the meeting and go to the hospital if he was feeling that awful?
    3.Did Conrad have a vehicle but was too sick to drive or did he usually get rides to and from work? If so who typically took him?
    4. Why didn’t spam take Conrad on her own? Did she have a child/children to get back to like Dorthy did?
    5.Pam said that Dorthy never left her presence while they were at the hospital.. so she never went to the rest roomie used the phone at the hospital to check on her son or let her parents know it looked like it was going to be a while ?
    6.Why didn’t Pam walk back with Dorthy to the car ? I mean Conrad would have been fine waiting alone,he was in a hospital after all. I just don’t feel like there has ever been a time period where it would be considered safe for a woman to walk alone in the dark to her car.
    7. Like you said why did they wait so long to call her parents ? I find the incredibly odd.
    8.Did they call anyone else ?
    while at the hospital ?
    9.Who ultimately needs him taking them home ? Was that person spoken to ?
    10.Did they return to work as normal after the events or quit?
    I could go on and on .. like why is there so much info about/regarding them missing in general ?

  • @donaakers8330

    Stephanie, I love your show and I was watching this one when I noticed that the first photo shown was not of Dorothy, but that of Amy Billig. Hers is also a mysterious disappearance that I’ve been watching for years, hoping for resolution. Thank you for all you do.

  • @lazeywinde6113

    Hey this video is two years old so I don't know if you'll see this and I'm only halfway through your video but I need to comment on the spider thing.
    I've seen several videos on this case (including Unsolved Mysteries as a kid) but you're the first person I've seen questioning the black widow bite, something I have been questioning myself since rediscovering this case in the past couple of years.
    I have some weird interests (yay autism spectrum) including bugs, spiders, etc. Something most people don't realize is how often different skin conditions, injuries, MRSA, etc are wrongly diagnosed as spider bites in the United States. The only two medically significant spiders we have are black widows and brown recluse- and it's actually very rare for them to bite you. Unless you actually see them bite you there's no reason to assume a random mark you find on your body is a spider bite. Black widows are very slow to bite, I don't recommend doing this but people handle black widows bare handed without being bitten- you have to like pinch them to get them to bite you. They aren't bloodsuckers like mosquitoes, they don't randomly bite people. I would have to look at a range map to see if black widows actually range in that part of California (I hate to break it to you but there are black widows in New York state, a different species of black widow, but not brown recluses). I have thought about bringing up this case in one of my bug groups, but they prefer to focus on bug stuff and don't even want to talk about bites for fear of being mistaken for giving medical advice besides get to a hospital.
    And I can write more about how brown recluses are misunderstood but I think YouTube has a character limit so I'll try to be brief. But actual confirmed brown recluse bites are rare, they aren't as widespread as people think and a lot of other brown spiders are misidentified as brown recluses. Entomologists wanting to see if range maps should be expanded asked people to send them their "brown recluses " captured out of their known range- they got just about every spider but brown recluses. Besides geography, even in known brown recluse range is rare because their fangs are so short they can barely penetrate human skin- they need added pressure to break skin. Most brown recluse bites involve them getting in clothes that were left out and getting crushed when the person put the clothes on.
    Most doctors, unless they specialize in it, know next to nothing about spiders or spider bites, the average ER doctor isn't going to know much about spiders. Doctors treat symptoms, not spiders, going to the hospital is the best bet if something is wrong whether it's actually a spider bite or not. Faking a spider bite just to get out of work or to have an excuse to go to the ER is not difficult and yeah, this guy should be looked at more closely.

  • @beeboop23

    Looks like I'm late to the party, but does anyone know whether Dorothy's father was ever a suspect? Dorothy said the voice was familiar yet changed/disguised. That also explains why the stalker only ever called when Jacob wasn't present… except for that one time when, conveniently, there was radio silence on the other end. It wouldn't have been difficult to give a kid money to play a simple "phone prank" on Vera and lead everyone to believe that he too was a victim. It's awfully coincidental that the only 2 people on the globe who knew specific details of Dorothy's movements uncovered by the police were her father and her stalker. Is it a leap to think maybe they are one and the same?

  • @barackojamba

    How did the stalker get the number to her parents home?

  • @jacobfischer6101

    You on the screen the whole time? Yoinks! No thanks!

  • @mkass2597

    The first time you told the story, I assumed that Pam and Conrad are a couple and Dorothy had the car. It’s sketchy that they waited so long at the hospital but what is the motive 🤔

  • @robertestrellajr2775

    I can get you the police report on Dorothy j. Scott. My brother works for Anaheim P.D.

  • @courtneyreidenbach4121

    Why would she get the car alone if she had a stalker??? I certainly wouldn't walk ANYWHERE alone if I knew someone was watching my every move.

    Edit: Pam is kinda suspicious…. why would 2 people wait in line for a prescription, while the girl being stalked goes out to get the car alone??

  • @nicholasshade

    This kind of thing is why people need to wake up and pay attn. It's time to pull it out.🖤

  • @claramorgan9021

    Would love to hear your take on Anthony Pignataro from upstate NY. The hubris is unbelievable

  • @nomadicat1781

    What is a “spike shop”? Super confused about her family’s business.

  • @cocoandrosemary9622

    Hear me out. Perhaps the reason the killer only called when just her mother was there is because it was her father. Could also explain why he knew about Conrad and why he knew about the red scarf. She literally came home to her parents that night. He would have seen it all.

  • @Tracylyn42

    I always wondered who would wait for an hour then see her and then wait 2 more hours. It is so sketchy. No one with a black widow spider bite is standing on a curb for 3 hours. Who are these 2 people? No information on them like how long had they worked together and how were they at work around Dorothy? This is such a mystery.

  • @eviefreeman9899

    Idk why but for some reason I'm thinking a neighbor. Someone that could see her from where they were.

  • @jade-wr9pn

    My first thought before hearing that it might be the Golden State killer was that this sounds an awful lot like him 😩

  • @rlangemanify

    Ontario Canada is also famous for brown recluse spiders. I was bitten by a brown recluse several years ago and ended up so infected and sick.

  • @overwhelmedmama1962

    The fact that she did recognize the voice as familiar tells me it may have been someone working with them in her store or the other one, just close enough to stalk her but far enough to not be totally up in her business all the time and make it a dead giveaway. AND the fact he hung up on the dad.

  • @beab7581

    Ok so here is why I think her father might have been directly involved: Dorothy did not have much social life and she told her parents what she was doing all the time. Did she do that bcs she did not want to worry them or maybe his father was too controlling and she felt the need to do so to avoid conflict? If her father was retired and she worked on the shop now, she was out of his control bcs he couldn’t know what she was doing or who she was talking to while at work so he might have felt jealousy of other men getting her attention even if they were just friends or coworkers so he developed an obsession with his daughter(?) who turned into st sexual and let’s say ‘romantic’ that was not a reality before when she was under his control. Then, the person who called was someone who had her number, knew where she lived, and most important of all, knew about the change of scarf and the black widows bite and so on… Dorothy went home to tell her parents about the bite of her MALE coworker so her parents were the only ones that knew about it apart from Roland and Pam and as she might have felt stressed and nervous bcs of the situation when she went to tell them her father might have thought that she was so worried bcs she might have been romantically involved with Roland, so he may have felt a strong rush of jealousy and as he knew she was at hospital with him he might have gone there, seen her car and wait there until she went out of the hospital and as he saw her alone he took the chance to approach her and offer himself to drive and carry her friends home but he didn’t and instead took her somewhere else to kill her, maybe that’s why she didn’t resist him bcs she would have never thought his father could do st bad ti her. This is just a theory but I’d like to know what was her father doing while Dorothy was going to get her car… moreover, he never called when Jacob was at home except once, which might have been his own invention to drive suspicion away from him… Roland and Pam called her parents at least on hour later of her disappearance so he could have been able to return home before they called or maybe only his wife was at home at that moment… the dog might have been buried afterwards, even e days or weeks after…

  • @thegroovygranny9611

    Hi Stephanie….just subscribed and have been binge watching your older vids. I think the girl you have a pic of in this vid is actually Amy Billig not Dorothy Jane Scott. Amy went missing in the 70's and was featured on Unsolved Mysteries back in the day. She was stolen by a biker gang and her poor mom searched for her til her death. Sad story!! You should cover that one. I enjoy your vids!!

  • @sashacn1518

    Rewatching this two years later. Still one of the most interesting cases to me

  • @fabulousprincess603

    If the person was a package delivery person, the postal workers etc could have delivered to both the home and the office .

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