The Problem With Cuties

Unraveling the Enigma of “Cuties”: A Deep Dive into the Disturbing Web of Deception and Deviance. This true crime case involving child exploitation and abuse has sent shockwaves through the community, leaving investigators scrambling to piece together the chilling details of the crime. Stay tuned as we uncover the dark truths lurking beneath the surface of “Cuties.”


27 Comments to “The Problem With Cuties”

  • @RockyMountainOyster

    Y'all got a red flag hobby

  • @user-qk5tv4zw1r

    OMG, Stephanie, i watched this movie. What a waste of time is that it's clearly for people who love watching inappropriate children. Makes me sickšŸ˜¢

  • @haileyranson8255

    I fully believe that the sexualisation and objectification of women's bodies in Western culture is completely another form of oppression. Its impossible these days to be a woman or a girl. Even as a 30 year old mother i struggle to accept the changes in my body after having a baby and generally becoming a woman; i look back on photos of my 19 year old self and hate the way i look now. Its ridiculous because in a lot of ways i was still a child and growing then; why is it more socially acceptable to look like a teenager than it is to look like a fully matured woman? It terrifies me for my young daughter if i feel this way when things seem so much harder for young kids than it was for us. It seems like girls especially are walking around looking 20 when theyre 14. I dont have an issue with that necessarily if thats what they enjoy and want, but i think its hard as a woman to really understand how you really want to be because of all the outside, strong influences we face and how cruel the world can be these days. I grew up listening to my dad complain that on a day to day basis my mam just dressed casually and comfortably, and that she didnt get completely made up for him when he came home. That she didnt show enough skin etc. Now he tells me that because im a mother i should dress modestly and sometimes makes me feel like im doing something wrong if my boobs are on show (in a normal way. Not like fully out šŸ˜‚) just because theyre big since i breastfed. The double standards are unreal and ive struggled for years between wanting to feel like myself and attractive but feeling like i cant dress like that because im a mother and because my body is bigger and/or different. Im sure men face plenty of difficulties growing up too – now more than ever – but its really hard to be female in the world šŸ˜¢

  • @MandyArtGames

    This is such an important conversation that we need to continue today. Love your videos Stephanie and came across this older one. I myself lost my innocence too early, and I am still dealing with the implications in my later adult life, including therapy, medication, and a lot of reflection and healing. And sadly it takes little in today's world to open pandoras box for kids – our media and social media is toxic.

  • @irelandfromattilio4505

    I watched this movie (as a minor) and it just made me feel… filthy. Like I was watching actual CP. Watching the film made me feel so disgusting for watching it that I couldn't even finish it. It felt like watching CP and, no matter what context you try to put behind it, that's wrong. Those shots on their private areas were entirely unnecessary and the film definitely would've driven the point home better without those shots.

  • @hard2handle27

    Stefanie, you are an amazing person with a brilliant mind! Thank you for doing this review. PLEASE do a review of the new movie Barbie!!!!

  • @colorsflight6432

    I don't understand this whole bashing the way people raise their kids like of course if your more conservative or your more liberal your going to raise your kids with your values. So if your conservative your kids are going to be raised in a conservative household. I was not raised conservative by my mother at all and I don't even want to think about all the influences and the things that happened to me due to this but she was a stripper/prostitute who really didn't pay much attention to me so it's not like a more normal liberal upbringing. I have decided to raise my children more conservative due to my life experience and I homeschool my children. So my 13 doesn't act like children in public school. She is very modest. But the thing is I think people should be able to raise their children how they want but it's the public spaces that I have an issue with. If you choose to raise your children more innocently I feel you have a right to go into public without seeing all this overtly sexual stuff everywhere bc you are a tax payer ect you guys see what I mean. I wish we could just go back to stayes and communities. Some states and communities choose to be more conservative and that should be ok and available and vice versa but it seems like everyone is like no my way is right and the whole damn country has to change to my point of view or else!!!!!

  • @NovahPrime

    This movie is a frikkin mess

  • @michhaynes7272

    Ive never seen it or heard of it, but I will enjoy hearing about it, your a great storyteller.

  • @phonepup06

    Discussing difficult topics is very important; and bringing light to the exploration of young girls and the impacts social media can have is a great example. However, to do this you donā€™t cast children to play children that are at risk of exploitation. If the whole cast were adults I think there could be an argument made (and I believe the movie should have some kind of disclaimer at the start explaining); and even then it might need some story changes. But she is essentially making content for people that are interested in watching young girls.
    Also, I really hate that they kind of glamorize Ami being friends/in the group with the girls that were awful and bullying her. Angelica kind of indoctrinated her

  • @eljay1980

    The guy who said "Hey cuties, guess what I just watched" makes me feel physically sick, he makes my skin crawl – he admitted to being turned on by 11 year olds! So wrong on every level. He claims he doesn't support P's but he is behaving exactly like one!!

    Everything about this film makes me uncomfortable from the 'story line' to having to train genuine 11year olds to behave in such a sexualised way. In my eyes, this film has been created for an audience we all know is illegal. The actresses parents should be held accountable for allowing their children to be used in this way!! It breaks my heart to know that these children's lives have potentially been ruined by the decisions of adults.

    If they felt like they needed to make this film, it should have been made using actresses of legal consenting ages or CGI – NOT children!!

    I try to be open minded in life and accept others choices, regardless of whether it is something I would do or not but in this instance I can't in any way see the sexualisation of children as acceptable. So many lives are ruined by child exploitation and I can't help but feel like this is exactly what will come from this film and it's incredibly sad.

  • @sherryebeling4998

    Itā€™s just disgusting. So now lets interview a damn pedophile.

  • @sherryebeling4998

    I just now watched this video. I donā€™t know what to say. Itā€™s wrong and horrible. Once again from someone who lost their childhood in the beginning of my life.

  • @stealth11

    Two things I don't understand from all of this are: 1-Why they didn't just do the film without openly sexualizing the kids. Because I agree with you that the intent of the filmmakers seems to be the opposite of the result. 2-How the deranged guy at the end of your video thought it would be a good idea to tell the world he's a sicko.

  • @aceykrew5207

    Now & Then was a movie my mother mentioned she liked in the 90s. I remember watching it together on Cable one lazy weekend day.

    The moment she was saved from the storm drain. šŸ˜­šŸ‘šŸ»

  • @evilangel2918

    They weren't 11 yr old actresses. They were like 14 & 15. Still too young

  • @gcp2017

    Can we start a petition to start neutering pedos and rapists?! Omg the rage I feel

  • @HBIC4life

    Omg… that guy, so creepy! Like no, that wasn't the point of the movie.

  • @origamipein18

    You were FAR too kinder to this snuff film than it deserved, Stephanie.

    Thankfully, Mrgirl's no longer on YT.

  • @candacegeren6247

    i dont see how it wasnt meant to be for pedo fr they knew what they were doing in my opinion

  • @mariadegerstedt4220

    Oh my god. I never even heard of this movie, but I am outraged, its horrible . The world makes me so sad, how could someone think that movie is a good thing to make. A pedophiles number one hit . Please tell me the producer is in jail.

  • @midnightfenrir

    Given the background of the writer as a Muslim immigrant to France it puts a lot of this in perspective. It's almost written as a point/counter point for her home culture and for her French culture. It's almost fear mongering in how explicit it is, like something a conservative Muslim would show children to keep them in line.
    "look, look, see how these uncovered women tempt her into sin?"
    I think it would be poignant and moving if the content wasn't such p bait.
    Maybe this is where the cultural issues in the writer showed themselves? Perhaps the director or producers should have pointed this stuff out or questioned it.

  • @roccolove9996

    Highly inappropriate, not you Stephanie, but this show is wrong…inappropriate. they r babies 4 God sake, that director woman should be in shame for doing this.

  • @carabobarafofara

    ā€œIā€™ll have to watch that again. And again and again and again.ā€ Bro I fucking gagged šŸ¤® I am absolutely disgusted

  • @miawilson6139

    Towelhead (2007?) movie is like this one. Aaron Ekhart plays a neighbor or a young girlā€¦ it goes to far IMO

  • @laylayg7406

    The man in the YouTube video should seriously be looked into. Thatā€™s DISGUSTING. Protect your children.

  • @kimberlyjeffries325

    Thank You so much for putting it out there that little girls are not women just cause they got their periods. Let them be young and focus on school and growing up, not getting married to the first thing that comes along.

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