As a meticulous and highly detailed crime investigator, I carefully reviewed the transcript of the suspect’s interview. I identified numerous inconsistencies in their alibi and noticed they seemed uneasy when questioned about their whereabouts on the night of the crime. As I delved deeper into the case, it became apparent that the suspect had a history of violent behavior, suggesting a pattern of criminal activity. Further examination of the evidence revealed crucial details that linked the suspect to the crime scene, solidifying my belief in their guilt. With my keen investigative skills and attention to detail, I am confident that justice will be served in this case of aggravated assault.


22 Comments to “The Reality of Being a New Mom: What Nobody Tells You & How Common PPD Really Is”

  • @annieelise

    Thank you for listening and letting me share my story. I know that it's a little different than what we usually talk about on here but it is extremely important that we talk about it and help end the stigma of PPD. ** Unknown at the time of filming this that I was already pregnant with our second **

  • @ellenoniell8093

    Good on you for sharing that Annie👌hearing your experience brought back how raw exaggerated and surreal it all feels when you have a baby- and how incredibly scared I felt- all the time- looking back I probably was experiencing some level of post natal depression- but I wouldn't have felt comfortable sharing it – in the uk 15 years ago you would have been far more likely to have been judged than you ever would now, well done for encouraging anybody struggling to get help 💜 so glad you did and you got through it- it seems wonderfully 💜 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿xxxxxxxx

  • @tillissabarcia7538

    Yep my husband went through it. Almost caused a divorced. Than for the rest of my life I wonder if I messed of my baby because he felt what I felt and his daddy felt his tiny little life😢🥺

  • @tillissabarcia7538

    @annieelise I was abused as a child. When I had my first I had it so severe it almost caused me to have a divorce. I was so afraid someone would hurt my first that I wouldn’t allow anyone to touch or look at him because they would would hurt or abuse him. It took a lot of counseling to help. There’s more details with him but that’s the short of it.

  • @audreystonehouse7772

    Thank you. I’m passing this along to someone who needs to hear you. ❤

  • @sicilyny5375

    As a nurse, psychiatric, ive dealt with this often. Thankfully..i never had this but being Bipolar since 12. i live thru a similiar mental state daily. that depression is like no other.. therapy n meds help but suicidal thoughts are always there..i dont act on it thankscto therapy and meds.
    Please..whatever..get prof help…STAT. dont wont get Will get worse.
    Women have been sufferring from this all thru time…open up and talk..tell ur .spouse or lover..just talk about what ur feeling. Writing about it also is a good thing.
    No Judgement…we can all learn from this. Red flags and how to help..others and yourself

  • @rtdmna

    Breaks my heart to hear you so distressed over this, it's good that you are letting the people know what to expect, because it is rarely what T.V. makes us believe it is. Even the body bounce back, is a huge lie, as most celebrities have been using surrogacy for decades, In 1980 surrogacy was legalised in the USA, but would have been still thought of as strange unless one had a health issue , so no one spoke about it or admitted to actually doing it, until very recently. Still people like celebrities are still lying about it and saying it's a health issue.

  • @rtdmna

    I totally agree about breast feeding, I thought that these days hospital staff would be treating women different about feeding.. I had my first 40 years ago, and the trauma I was put through because I couldn't catch on to the breast feeding thing.

  • @sandino345.

    I know you've helped so many sharing your story ikn you have baby 2 now ..but ty for this story im so happy everything worked out amazingly…your a great mom❤

  • @lisacolledge7624

    Hi Annie. I'm 2 years and another child behind here, but I want to say this video should be mass produced, and any subscriber of yours that falls pregnant should be sent a copy. It could save a life. Your rawness here only makes me love you more. ❤ please think about it.

  • @Lilyandmoomin

    I habe just forwarded this video to my cousin who has just had her first child after years of trying. She hasn’t said anything that has lead me to think she is struggling. Like you have said they are trying to get a routine sorted so things can become easier. But the lack of sleep and a colicky baby must make you so exhausted. I couldn’t have children.
    Even so listening to you explain how you struggled for such a long time was gut wrenching. I’m so please your story and that of your friend was resolved. 🫂🫂🫂

  • @LadyCrimson25

    Wow, the second on its way❣️❣️❣️

  • @LadyCrimson25

    Who are really ready for the first child? You will never know until it’s there. Even if you want and wish for to be a parent. Some different and new that you never expected or experienced before is here and now that can’t wait. Especially to someone who’s so closely to their feeling as you are, AnnieElise!
    As you know by now a baby need you and will tell you not only about when it’s satisfied. This baby will let you know about yourself it’s a small guy who not only want and needs you.
    In all of this you had your almost 10 months of pregnancy and upon this you have to give birth to it. It’s absolutely many new experiences. If true to yourself and admit to what you feel, long time in labour does not kickstart you either when all you need are a long “normal” nights sleep not only the mom both of you. It’s been a hard days work so that is what you need most of all! A new expectation when the day is breaking and the brain fog is still there…… there is not enough of energy….. and above it’s no energy to find. You will in this have a breakdown only because you just don’t know any longer what you’re experiencing or figure out what is happening with you not feeling what everyone is expecting you just can’t feel what you suppose to feel. No one told about this!
    Of course all of the bad stuff as guilt wherever you look no one looks like they are in the sameness

    You’re AMAZING believe what I say: You are using this maybe the worse moment in time, now talking about it. The things that happened to you is much more normal than what people think it is. Attaching to the baby means you need attention and a whole lot of attachment to yourself as well!
    Maybe I repeated myself sorry about that if so!
    Remember, you are helping others with communicating about it no one is Worthing suffer from giving a new person to the world
    Stigma takes away
    Loving Kindness

  • @adrianakessler384

    Sorry, another thing-I get they want moms to bond. I get the initial “let’s throw on mom”, but I think they should let you rest a day. These are not the old days where you may be in five days. I was in two days w three, and 24 hours w one. You need a break-once you learn how to feed & change, etc., they need to let you rest. I know they even came in during the night to draw blood, etc.. I had really nice nurses w three, and nurse Ratchet for one (she was on third shift & very mean). I don’t think a tired mom, starting off w no sleep 😴 on day one w a newborn baby is a good idea at all.

  • @adrianakessler384

    Only half way through, but I was 20 when I had my first. I had a fourth degree episiotomy (painful, and sat on a child’s swim inter tube for two weeks🤯. Second, tore up front. By third and fourth, most damage was done). Anyways, I felt so depressed afterwards, as well. It was an internal feeling. My husband is from a very large Catholic family (he was an only child, but his mom had ten siblings, and so on), and I had just my grandma, who passed when my kids were young. I didn’t want to say anything because expectations were crazy. I can’t even imagine with the generation now. My oldest will be 26. I remember not saying anything about feeling this way for years, so anxious & stressed which wasn’t healthy for my kids worrying what everyone else thought. I remember when I was pregnant w the fourth, I finally said to me of his aunts, when she said Congratulations 🎈, I was like I am not so sure about that, I am scared, and very worried. She looked horrified. That was all I said, and wasn’t a fraction of what thoughts scrolled in my brain (nothing harmful), but an overwhelming sensation. I am like not all of these people can be floating on clouds ☁️ after childbirth, BUT NOBODY was talking about it. I had my hands full. My grandma, five years before passing, had a stroke, so I was working around the clock, she was 24 hour care essentially because she was wheelchair bound & paralyzed from her third stroke. I was in nursing school, and pregnant w my fourth. My husband helped tremendously w my grandma, but it was very difficult because she came to live w us. I pretty much was at a breaking point. I think maybe I did somewhat, but type A, OCD brain had to go, or I was going to break. It was very difficult, and I think 🤔 people, moms should be able to talk to someone. One major thing-just do what you can. There are only so many hours in a day. Thanks for sharing!😉

  • @meschielbuckle1878

    Thank you for being honest.

  • @hugasal2379

    Wow, I’m just now watching this. I never had PPD but I had major depression hit me like 20 yrs ago,in my 30s and depression sucks so bad,I’m still on meds, but I did try to check out. The whole thing about people looking down on you for not breastfeeding, must be a NY thing lol. Cuz here in Texas, they are cool with new mom no matter what. What ever is comfortable with mommy. God bless you and All New mamas I pray women that go through ppd. Oh man and you didn’t know you were pregnant when you filmed this, bless your heart. I cried at McDonald’s commercials. Thank you so much for talking about this

  • @alyssajean104

    I truly value you sharing this with us, mental health is so important and the less there’s a stigma the more people will seek help/treatment.. mothers. teenagers! Just human beings, and it would help where we are as a community so much. I myself don’t have children have sought treatment for depression and I truly believe in the F the Stigma movement. We can overcome so much individually, but without stigma we can overcome so much more- at any rate.. look where you are now! 2 beautiful children 💝 I hope your family is happy & healthy and your heart has been full this holiday season

  • @lynettekrick2324

    Thank you, Annie, for this video. I learned something about myself, and it means the world to me. Knowing I am not alone will allow me to begin healing. My post-partum depression is long gone but there's still emotional trauma left. I didn't even realize that's what is was until I heard you say it. The nightmares. Much love from my family to yours 💜💜💜

  • @riversofgrace7005

    Awe bless ur precious heart Annie. This made me cry numerous times. I finally understand what my sister went thru. I didn’t understand it cus I didn’t feel that way. Thank u for helping me to understand.

  • @laurahuffman7338

    I am so glad you made this video it’s very common and not talked about enough!

  • @marisacastilo2079

    Just watching this. My daughter in law had postpartum anxiety. I didn't know a lot about that obviously I was familiar with postpartum depression I definitely have done more research she had constant anxiety attacks she couldn't sleep I believe it was very similar to some of the things you described along with the chest pain and the physical symptoms of panic attacks my poor baby she's doing much better now my grandson is 10 months old but it did take some time and some medication to help get her where she needs to be thank you for sharing this it's definitely going to help so many people Annie God bless you and your family.

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