As a meticulous crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, I carefully examined the transcript of the suspect’s statement. The suspect’s account was riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions, suggesting a deliberate attempt to mislead authorities. It is evident that the suspect was attempting to conceal their involvement in the crime, a common tactic used by individuals trying to avoid accountability.

Moreover, forensic evidence collected at the crime scene pointed to the suspect as the likely perpetrator. Analysis of DNA samples and fingerprints found at the scene corroborated witness statements implicating the suspect in the crime.

In light of these findings, it is clear that the suspect’s version of events cannot be trusted. It is imperative that we continue to scrutinize their alibi and seek out additional evidence to build a strong case against them. The meticulous attention to detail and thorough investigation is crucial in uncovering the truth and bringing the perpetrator to justice.


28 Comments to “The SICK and TWISTED Things She Forced Her Kids To Do To Her Boyfriend | Clare Nicholls England”

  • @annieelise

    I really just don’t understand the motive here. Do you?

  • @sharitacocoa

    This is so horrible. Where was Andrew parents, family. 😪😭😭

  • @surig.5410

    Have you ever thought of covering inquisitor case?

  • @traceyevans215

    For past generations we have ignored these issues as “not my business” so it has bred whole generations of these sick individuals. Just in the last decades have we started making it our business. So these houses of depravity are being publicized (but not nearly enough) I truly believe that almost all “abusers” were abused!! BUT not all abused people go on to abuse.

  • @stevelewis6259

    As a sociopath or someone that has the trates of a sociopath. I think that upbringing and the morals learned at early childhood would determine what the outcome. If they choose to follow their impulses or what kind of monster they'd be. I know what I am and I can see what I can do if I go unchecked. I choose not to go down that road. Morals is key. Standing all high looking down deciding what to do apon this(I will leave it at this, I'll explain later). One can choose or pretend to be a savior by praying on subhuman monsters or become a fiend striding to become so much more. We think that we are above you and whatever status you have is not important. Our pleasure, Or happiness is all that counts. The choice is ours alone.. You see it's all about ME that I forgot what my point was. Oh yeah I know, I remember. .. The possible reason why she is the way she is. Explanation. As much as I choose not to be, I can be triggered and throughout this I was being triggered but I did not indulge in it.

  • @rockinredhead70

    Lol I thought the pic of Claire was the dude Steve.

  • @nicholejefferson6904

    I think her mothers ex boyfriend used to do this to her and somehow she thinks that was love

  • @mackenzie1899


  • @dianesylvain3309

    Psychopaths 👉👉”Nature vs Nurture? I think the jury may still be out in this one. I do know that psychopaths cannot feel empathy, sympathy, love etc. , and they generally do not even have “normal feelings, nor any ability to feel good feelings. They mimic others they see around that are normal, when out in public to “pass as normal.” (So they do not get caught laughing and enjoying someone get hurt in public). I also believe demonic oppression and possession is a totally real thing. Documented thousands of times, if you do the research in Christianity and other religions. Evil. Rest in peace, Andrew. I will pray 🙏 for your family and children.

  • @moonchild2649

    I've seen someone else cover those case before. And they said the reason that Andrew stayed with her is because they had a baby together and he couldn't imagine leaving his baby with her or not being able to see his child.

  • @karishumate4664

    I think this is the worst case I have ever heard of. I usually can watch and listen to all cases but this one had me so sick to my stomach I had to keep shutting it off but I had to hear it. This poor girl was mistreated by not only her parents but also anyone who knew they had a child and never checked on her 😪

  • @ellielou52

    How does this happen? This happened so fast! Usually ppl who end up in this kind of situation either are very young and impressionable, have nobody else in their lives for support, or have been slowly inched into the abuse and isolated. Andrew was older than his abuser and it seems like the abuse was horrible from the beginning, and he had support outside the relationship. That's just unfathomable.

    I'm so curious about what learning disabilities he had and if that did actually had anything to do with this. It's awful, poor guy…

  • @Kayla3.0

    For most of my life I had the belief, but there was some good in every human being. It is hearing cases like this that proved to me that I was wrong.

  • @doreenm857

    How can I request you to discuss a particular case ?

  • @Atrau2008


  • @BlackDahlia17

    I honestly feel that even the experts don't know why.people do these things. Was it her upbringing? Hard to know but I know of many people that had horrific things happen to them but have not turned out Iike her. I don't know kinda leaning to what you find out.

  • @brandigonzales8285

    This one was too much for me. I made it just under 7 minutes and had to tap out. Poor guy

  • @Rage-_-Quit

    Not sure what's worse, being tortured or having to watch that chick having sex

  • @lorihartman5583

    I've watched another true crime show about this. She told Andrew that she was pregnant with one of his daughter and he didn't fight back or leave because that's all he ever wanted to be was a dad.

  • @Mrsmontella83

    Now she's gonna have zero control over anything in prison !

  • @0hsoyoureav

    I feel so bad😩 that so sick cause she took advantage of his because of his disabilities 🤦🏾‍♀️ this made me so angry

  • @lorifontaine3227

    I dont even know what to say. R.I.P., you thought it would get better, but the evil took over your kind heart. Well, your kind heart is shining in heaven and I hope you are treated the right way that you wanted on earth. ❤

  • @melanieallen8980

    love your top!!😍poor Andrew & hes poor kids2 be raised like this….

  • @northhallbabe13

    They all should of gotten the death penalty.

  • @carriemaysonet3689

    How could the evil in the kids be seen by others, at school, family, friends???? Father??(Bio)
    What happened to the Evil Spawns???

  • @Nizhonibearcreek

    Would you ask a women why she didn’t leave ?? He didn’t for the same reason that a woman wouldn’t .

  • @aleciastreat8750

    Hi Annie, Danille Kirsty cover this story really well if you want more information , well done thou

  • @bambidart7760

    59? Why did he not have an advocate? Sickening. We, as a society, are failing the people who need the most help and protection. So sad.

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