As a highly detailed crime investigator, it is evident from the evidence that this case of the brutal murder of Grace Millane was a premeditated act of violence. Jesse Shane Kempson, a compulsive liar with a history of predatory behavior, lured Grace in with false charm and then proceeded to strangle her to death during a violent sexual encounter.

Despite his attempts to paint it as an accident gone wrong due to their shared interest in BDSM, the forensic evidence, including Grace’s blood saturating the room and the bruises on her body, tells a different story. Jesse’s disturbing actions after her murder, such as taking intimate photos of her dead body and searching for methods to dispose of it, point to a calculated and deliberate act.

It is clear that Jesse Kempson had no remorse or insight into the heinous crime he committed. His facade of lies and manipulation finally crumbled, revealing him as the sexual predator and murderer that he truly is. The loss of Grace, a vibrant and loving young woman, was a senseless and unforgivable tragedy that has left her family and friends devastated.

The depth of depravity displayed by Jesse Kempson in this case is truly chilling, and justice has been served with his life imprisonment sentence. The memory of Grace Millane, a bright light extinguished far too soon, will forever be honored by her loved ones through campaigns that seek to help others in need and end violence against women. May she rest in peace.


37 Comments to “THE TINDER KILLER: Tinder Date Ends in Horror | Grace Millane Case Full Story | Jesse Kempson”

  • @MCConfuz

    peru is in South america fyi 😉 love this channel!

  • @PH-xk9bs

    Tinder is bombarded with creeps. Stay away.

  • @doetripp1

    Never washed a rental

  • @elisee9935

    I have detailed a rental car only once in my life: when I came home from a 3200km 1 week trip. Never after a few days of renting.

  • @stevenkelly4386

    People need to get over the idea that hiring a lawyer is something guilty people do. Innocent people get railroaded by not hiring a lawyer. You can work with the police while protecting your rights. Every false confession i have ever come accross has happened because they didnt demand a lawyer. The case study that the Read Cat makeup interrogation enlisted a faulse confession. Yes the very case they used to teach interpretation was later proven inocent after a false confession. Protect your rights get a lawyer.

  • @lsimon343

    I am so so happy that girl listen to her gut and got away from this guy and if he didn’t get caught, he could’ve fixated on her she was probably so relieved

  • @risapaige7579

    Women should be able to travel alone and not be shamed…period. However…I will say that I have watched two other YT videos on her story in detail and there was ZERO mentioning of her being part of BDSM communities and/or being experienced sexually with that and/or seeking liaisons of that matter. Again, to each is own…but I believe this is key in understanding this story better. The first few minutes of this had me thinking I was listening to a whole other woman’s story. Small detail, but at least helps me understand why she was on Tinder in an unknown country alone and kinda with “guard down/brave energy.” RIP 🙁

  • @bonnymcdonald3985

    What always draws more media coverage….sex. What draws extreme coverage BDSM

  • @bonnymcdonald3985

    This man sounds exactly like my ex husband. Is his real name Neal?

  • @commonsense2680

    Thank goodness for CCTV.

  • @commonsense2680

    No one in her position should end up dead as she did. However, I disagree with you that one's sexual behavior even behind closed doors has no bearing on their personality and LIFE. That is naive or foolish. Everything we do as human beings relates to who we are and what we choose. When a human being chooses high risk behavior, it means that, high risk. I would imagine someone practicing BDSM regardless of being behind closed doors has a risk of being injured if not ultimately murdered because that is what BDSM IS, violent sex (bondage, domination sadism, and masochism). How can anyone that meets with a total stranger and engages in BDSM sex right away expect everything to go smoothly? Life is not a Disney movie, so when adult high risk seekers chose to indulge their fantasies, one of the outcomes anyone would expect these days is putting your life at risk. You may be kind, loving, and do good things for others, but there is obviously a side to you that wants to satisfy your primal urges at all costs. Is there still any adult in this era that believes 100 percent of people are good and pure? We all know that is not true. The media will always try to sensationalize things and they are horrible and should have shown respect for the dead instead of dragging her name through the mud. But this is yet another example that should warn people of the consequences of risky behavior and they need to take it to heart, it doesn't just happen to "other people" it can happen to you.

  • @soapsp

    i worked at avis/budget for a few years, no we never had a perfectly cleaned or detailed car returned, people don’t do that. even the one night rentals would be slightly dirty. NO ONE would pre clean the rental car their returning

  • @amywalker3647

    People please…This wasn’t an accident!!! She didn’t want ROUGH SEX! How many times do murderers have to use this excuse before people stop going straight to believing them? Jesus.

  • @quinnvids

    while i am absolutely sure that this was intentional and not an accident, without seeing actual victim blaming examples, the description of alleged victim blaming didn’t sound like such to me. i don’t think that it’s victim blaming to talk about the dangers of seeking out casual sex with strangers especially when you’re alone and looking for people with an affinity for BDSM. while feminism might tell us that we have the right to do that, young women shouldn’t be deluded into thinking it’s a safe practice.

  • @leomanager21

    Women seek nowadays only bad boys, but it's always men's fault, we know that already. :)))))))

  • @kuchiku-kanzo759

    Yes about wash and detailing a rented car I have done this. I rented a car to do lyft. And to make sure I had the best results I cleaned the car to perfection before I returned it

  • @heezypeasy8611

    Anytime someone says they accidentally k*lled some then proceeds to cover up what they did, it's suspicious. If something is an accident, most logical ppl would call 911. Covered it up only makes me feel that it was absolutely on purpose.

  • @dancesmokesmile344

    I knew about this case, but I had no idea it was on her birthday. That’s so sad. I mean, it is either way, but it’s a bit extra horrible for her family that it was on her birthday. I feel so bad for her family and friends. This whole thing is just sad

  • @JewelsNcrime

    Who said she was into BDSM, I hope they didn't just take the word of her killer.

  • @antonialeitz9179

    Both Men and Women need to be sensible hooking up in any foreign country. I understand that Millane had also gone on dating apps in South America for anonymous sex. Very silly and dangerous for anybody no matter where in the world you are. How many other Kempsons are out there?

  • @krazybut1tstrue

    I have cleaned my rental car even though we know now what he had actually done with that car 🙁

  • @chrisspearline767

    Professional softball player yeah that's a thing

  • @chrisspearline767

    I never knew cleaning the colon helps your complexion sign me up

  • @MojoMountainMan

    If you even have ACCESS to 6 terabytes of CCTV from ONE DAY(?) that will show you just how many unblinking eyes are on you 24/7/365. Big Brother is watching you 👁️

  • @vettetchell6106

    We all power-wash retal cars before returning it as common courtesy.

  • @JulieRushworth

    Grace was a lovely girl, loved and was loved, a Daughter, Sister, friend, sibling, cousin, a human being who was out for a bit of down time.
    Those victim blaming need to stop it, the men who rape and murder women are the monsters, we women can wear what we like, but sadly monsters lurk everywhere, educate your boys from a young age about respect and your daughters not to put up with men who are pos.
    My heart goes out to Graces father and mother and all of those affected, no parent's should have to go through any of this. No parent should

  • @geegee_509

    Wow….i met my husband on tinder and just thinking this could’ve had a different outcome is crazy to me.

  • @lawrencecordo6477

    Think twice about ColonBroom. They auto put you on refill and charge. I been fighting with them to canc for the last 5 days. Their making it hard and using trumplike tactics. be careful.

  • @JC111WPB

    One way to have avoided this murder would have been to not have been so stupid.

  • @skylarpeepls8458

    Clicked on this story for a add to pop up of a date app and I immediately said no not today saten

  • @joedaney712

    nancy allen has nothing on you!! predict you will go farther!

  • @stephanibeltran5158

    In Hawaii, rental cars say no beach sand allowed in car… with 4 kids we definitely had sand in it so we had to wash and detail the rental before returning to avoid a fee haha

  • @nehadhar4004

    Why does she speak like this? The same annoying teenage Gen Z drone and drag to the end of sentences. Very pissing off. Where are the people who spoke normally and beautifully gone? This vocal fry nonsense… its NOT attractive- it gives off very BIMBO vibes.

  • @danilepley

    You don't just accidentally choke someone for ten minutes. She would've been showing signs that she was in distress and revoking her consent and he ignored that. That's not an accident.

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