This is America according to Suitcase Sarah (Actress reads alleged suitcase killer’s July 23 Letter)

Analyzing America Through the Eyes of Suitcase Sarah: A Detailed Examination of the Alleged Suitcase Killer’s Cryptic Letter from July 23. This chilling correspondence sheds light on the mysterious case of a woman found dead in a suitcase, a crime that shocked the nation with its brutality and intrigue. As a seasoned investigator, I will dissect every word of this letter in search of clues and motives that may lead us closer to unraveling the truth behind this heinous act.


45 Comments to “This is America according to Suitcase Sarah (Actress reads alleged suitcase killer’s July 23 Letter)”

  • @midnightrun2764

    OMG! Potato’s & pasta are not going to age well on this chickie! 🫣

  • @bookerk4388

    This reader is a gem ! I think Sara would be appreciative of how she narrates her letters. You so express her frustations. I don't think she will be happy with the trial results.

  • @KatePutnam

    I hope a groupie sees this and let’s SB know that she is being charged with 2nd degree murder.

    If she could afford a defense attorney she would have one and if not one would be APPOINTED to her.

    The discovery she is looking for can start and end at the video she filmed while Jorge begged for help. She saw it moments before being arrested.

    The crime of Second Degree Murder is a First Degree Felony in Florida and punishable by up to life in prison, life on probation, and a $10,000 fine.

    Maybe a groupie can find her a penpal because she may be there for a few decades.

  • @kimberlylaughner5067

    Oh dear Sara it’s time you ask yourself why? Why am “I” always the victim? Why does everyone have a hard time understanding “me?” Why does no one ever hear “my” side? Never once have you looked at things from other’s perspective. It’s always about you! If you would’ve immediately taken responsibility for what happened chances are you would’ve already had your trial thus able to start mending and moving forward.. Nope instead you’ve been “defiant” from the start! Dig deep internally you’ll see why you’re in this situation.. Best of luck 🙏🏻

  • @amandamartin2777

    She has a right to affective council. She has a right to attend all hearings. She has a right to speedy trial.

  • @gkolluru

    I love this channel. Can someone tell me where the name Mentour originates? Why does this creator use that name? I've only ever seen it on Mentour Pilot's channel. TIA

  • @robertgrant9312

    Dang,Sara turned out to b a perrrrrfect,10.while in prison

  • @LuckySpinster.

    Actress is good, she sounds like Booney. Sarah still feels like she has been wronged, misunderstood, railroaded. Her time in custody hasn't made her reflect on her responsibility in George's death.

  • @TruthHurtsSoGetAHelmet

    “Freedom of speech… mine.” Listening to her letter she would fit right in on Capitol Hill with Democrats.
    It’s apparent she must spend A LOT of time looking herself up on different platforms. I think she just needs a pen pal.

  • @rsera420

    🙄🙄🙄, good lord! Crazy as Crazy gets! Let’s see what the jury thinks! 🤫👨‍⚖️

  • @dukedematteo1995

    This woman is batshit.


    What strategy does she think there is?….She's on video mocking the begging boyfriend in the suitcase. Like wtf
    Cut a deal, do 5 – 10 yrs. Continue shitty life.

  • @cannibalcupcake333

    Sarah must be a huge fan of Scream Queens cause this reads like something Chanel #1 would've written.

  • @lovepet4565

    I had to
    I got anxiety listening to Sarah it was so realistic!!!

  • @hildy208

    Never change, Sarah. Comedy gold.

  • @robyn4758

    She was always ignored and in the dark?? 😂😂😂😂 how does she think her boyfriend felt?? 🥴😂

  • @robyn4758

    Oh Sarah… 😂 she’s so entertaining

  • @wellalotisupjosh7378

    I cannot wait for this trial

  • @B3ARCAT

    N O T I N T E N T I O N A L L Y 😤🤬😠😡

  • @mattymaple1976

    Is she wearing a motor cycle helmet. Cause she looks like she is wearing a motor cycle helmet

  • @zentatonic

    "His clown of a sister in law blah blah"…
    This hoe has zero integrity. Wonder if she gpt her neighbor deported 😔

  • @toddferguson8193

    If I ever had to spend 3 minutes with her, I would be searching for the nearest suitcase to crawl into myself. I know Jorge didn't do that to himself… But I would get it if he did. She's just the worst.

  • @thedullone

    Nothing diabolical here, she is just a sloppy drunk Easy read.

  • @tracimghernandez974

    Smh.. Mz Bat Sh*t Crazy Boone is at it again.. who wld want to defend her.. she belittles evone just like she did Jorge.. HER TRUTH IS … NOT INTENTIONAL!!!.. pfffft !!OMG put the dictionary/thesaurus pen/pencil and paper down, your not more intelligent than anyone else.. IE filming and then forgetting to delete a video of you killing someone.. … And handing it over to LE….. pS. Why does she call her jail cell a DORM? Isnt it called a POD??.. maybe she's pretending/thinks she's in college??

  • @Nefertiti0403

    4:05 So Delusional that she still cannot see the TRUTH

  • @Nefertiti0403

    She’s used to manipulating others. Not thinks Sarah..WE KNOW WHO AND WHAT U R! NO NEED TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF

  • @Nefertiti0403

    She still cannot let go of her past life…The life she lived prior to all of this

  • @Nefertiti0403

    “Suitcase Sarah” 🤣 🤣

  • @titanicexpert


  • @AK-47.762

    I'm an outstanding mother to my son. Whom I never had with me bcuz I was always on a drunken stupor. I excel at everything I do. Yet I still threw my bf down a flight of stairs, but idk how he sustained all those injuries. I went to sleep and didn't wake up til almost 1 pm. the next day. I didn't pass out bcuz I was drunk. I was obliterated, not my fault. Lmao lol what a clown does she really think she has a chance. Ummm, Ms. BOONE FARMS The interrogation video will sink you. There is no mention of spousal abuse. Great defense

  • @RebelsBestFriend

    Sarah has made this worse for herself.

  • @aalegalfocus

    Thanks for this video. She's so full of herself and tone-deaf.

  • @lauradrinkwine7673

    I can’t listen anymore….

  • @AbsolutelyCriminal

    Sarah has a macro-sized hole in her micro-sized heart. 🖤

  • @Two_Deep

    Thanks #mentourlawyer love your #truecrime channels 👍

  • @RuthJohnstonaworldofgoods

    I pray she sees these comments, as she needs to know that for every "fan" she has, there are 5,000 others who see her for what she truly is: a twisted murderer who is blind to her own evil truth. I'm not surprised to see she shows ZERO REMORSE for taking an innocent life. I find it hilarious though bc that never sits well with judges❤😆😅🤣😂😊😂🤣😅😁

  • @teddyboukagain9985

    When a defendant uses the phrase “my truth” 😂😂😂😂.
    She does such a good job acting & looking like Sarah.

  • @brooklynrules6117

    She’s not sober – I am! Sober date 12/31/94 YAY!
    Thank u ML – love ur content!! Love the letter reader!

  • @rebeccamoon5766

    "macro-sized case"
    It's really not. It's a fairly straightforward case. We know what happened. It's just a question of whether battered spouse defence is going to fly.

  • @RollinTrollin

    This is what happens when an alcoholic gets sober. They suddenly think they're brilliant.

  • @emc129

    Seeing how she is the smartest person in the world, she should know how this works and these letters are certainly not helping her case.

  • @emc129

    She should keep disrespecting the Judge, that will help her.😏 In my head, she will always sound just like this.

  • @Billy.the.Racoon

    Lol It's important for her to talk…. I'm sure it is. Her letters show her character perfectly. This woman is definitely where she needs to be. This kind of toxic personality never ends well.

  • @Billy.the.Racoon

    What makes her think that any judge would want to listen to the rantings of a delusional person? I feel so bad for anyone that was ever stuck being around this woman. She is clearly up there with Darryl Brooks

  • @Billy.the.Racoon

    This letter very well may be her most ridiculous yet. This woman is off her rocker. It's called rapport building… making the client more comfortable in a very tense situation. I thought the know it all would know that. Then again… she fancies herself a genius yet recorded herself murdering her boyfriend and then handed the recording over to the police. No warrent needed. She also spoke without a lawyer… World's brightest criminal over here. P.s what kind of sad amd pathetic person would send this woman fan mail?

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