Todt Family Murders Part 2

The Ravaging Continues: Delving Deeper into the Horrific Details of the Todt Family Murders

In a chilling twist of events, the Todt family murders have left investigators baffled as they uncover layer upon layer of deception and betrayal. From financial fraud to calculated homicide, this case has shaken the very foundations of a peaceful community. Stay tuned as we unravel the intricate web of lies surrounding this heinous crime.


43 Comments to “Todt Family Murders Part 2”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    Go to today to get 20% off your new favorite phone case!Song at the end of the video by Amanda Lee Peers!

  • @Kaline11

    Psychologist?! 💘 😘🇧🇷

  • @Platinum907

    Man he defiles everyone there is no bar too low, wife, children, dog & he even talks trash about the babysitter.

  • @datyellaman447

    I'm not trying to be racial , but why is it in almost every one of these stories do white folks have such a love affair with guns?? I'm from Northern Australia and don't get Americans love affair with firearms

  • @auroraaura6422

    39:47 Get out with his father!!!! 😲

  • @MsNikkieMichelle

    This case as well as Chris Watts got to me, still I have a hard time trying to grasp how someone can wake up one morning and annihilate their entire family. I remember reading comments about Ross And I honestly couldn’t believe that was what some chose to hyper focus on. It’s mind boggling how a person, any person, is reading a statement, naming the innocent lives (which included children) and their takeaway was to comment about their distaste with showing vulnerability?
    The detectives who interrogated Watts, one specifically Tammy, in a series cries and stated how she still can’t get certain images out of her head. We’re people, most of us have actual human emotions, a moral compass, but it’s just truly heartbreaking when I read about ignorant comments, especially the narrative about Shanann which still floors me that there were/still are some calling her all nasty names, labeling her while making Chris this battered husband. Gtfo with that, seriously.
    Back to that evil slob, Tony, I still watch his trial especially his direct & cross, my God how was he so likable and spoken so highly about? Full blown narcissism, literally the epitome of it, and the way he acted and behaved during cross was honestly just bonkers. Even after verdicts and after Megan’s aunt spoke, he rebutted just about himself, how essentially he was so innocent and the perfect husband to a wife that he literally tried slaughtering her character during trial, nothing about his children at all, other than his BS lies about his beautiful wife and what she “did” (or didn’t do8 regarding HER kids (remember that one, “Megan killed HER kids.)
    Rip to both families and my heart has, does and will always go out to their families & loved ones. It simply doesn’t get anymore evil or no act of betrayal worse than a parent/caretaker or anyone who robs the life of a child (children.)

  • @natashapelchat9952

    Hey Stephanie Harlowe Did anyone ever ask why the oldest brother had a black eye???? His left one. The picture of him in some kind of class it looks like.

  • @Peeved100

    The word "Todt" means "death" in German. How is that for irony?

  • @jillhoover3580

    Oh yeah, I love your videos, but being from Uyltah it is Donny Osmond.

  • @jillhoover3580

    Tony Todt is a narcissistic Douche. Sorry for the language. I can't explain it without every sense of the word. He is a major asshole. How can he say that he was protecting his wife's reputation when he then turns around and blames her for his actions? Wow! The arrogance this man has was evident when he was not at all apologetic or sad that he had killed them during his testimony in trial. How could a human being live with corpses? It is incredibly disgusting. Man, there are some people who are just straight up evil. The Devil incarnate. I hope that Megan, the sweet children, and Breezy can Rest in Peace, while Tony rots in prison.

  • @C3yl0

    He is lying about everything!

    Anyone who suffers with any autoimmune disorder such as Lyme knows how much difficulty is for the patient to keep up with things. There are day the fatigue and the pain is so severe that the patient can’t barely walk.

  • @ducksinarowpatience3670

    How does a special ed teacher afford a nice house and car? What a weird family. I can't believe they let him go.

  • @erinderrick6783

    Classic case of a man living above his means and didn't want to come clean to his family that he fecked up so he decided to murder them 😭. Poor Alec, Tyler Zoe, breezy and Megan yall deserved better and i hope the man you trusted and loved stays miserable for the rest of his life.

  • @aprilwolfgram

    The simulation we are currently in lol 😂

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm 🤍🖤

  • @dahliacheung6020

    I am ashamed of whoever scolded Russ Gibson for showing emotion over the deaths of this family, these young children with their entire lives ahead of them. Hell, its not like it's even uncommon to do so and that no other sherrifs struggle to get through announcing the deaths of homicide victims at press conferences. I watch a lot of true crime videos and I have friends and loved ones who have been murdered and I've seen quite a few sherrifs and deputies choke up a bit. It's hard to get through; it's human for it to be hard and to reprimand someone for showing humanity and vulnerability when announcing something so awful is inhuman in my opinion.

    They probably think, 'its just business, so be professional,' but that is so far from the truth. Someone's murder should never be 'just business' to someone whose job is to serve and protect those who are safe and alive and to work towards getting justice for those who have been criminally wronged, hurt or killed.

    I know it is important for officers to compartmentalize for their own safety and well being but at a press conference, coming across as stone cold emotionless or indifferent is insensitive. I'd much rather see that the law enforcement is sympathetic to those who are grieving and the hard ass who decided Russ should be rebuked needs to learn that expressing emotion in the proper settings does NOT make you weak.

  • @maryroberta8094

    I wish youtube would put your episodes in order. Every time l watch part 1 the next video is a different subject. Just wondering why this happens.

  • @Teressa1183

    Jesus. His father was a creep too.

  • @motherofthetans

    Not only did he murder his whole family, he actually thought he was smart enough to get away with it. What a waste of skin.

  • @sarahdifficult5292

    I’m from Levittown and that’s crazy. Also you are saying Neshaminy wrong. 😂 its Nesh-am-iny Creek. Lol

  • @sarahdifficult5292

    This is crazy. I had no idea. I live in Levittown and never knew this story. Crazy stuff

  • @rikititi1848

    The wedding ring was stolen by Zeniada Fernandez Gonzalez

  • @keciathompson989

    And I don’t believe for a second she had any part in murdering her children or any awareness that he was going to. He likely killed her first after drugging her or incapacitating her.

  • @keciathompson989

    It bothered me when my son told me about a bad dream that made him cry a few years ago. I cannot imagine these poor children being aware that the person who was supposed to protect them was stabbing them. I pray they weren’t in pain long. I couldn’t even listen to the poem.

  • @anneperry9014

    No such thing as a perfect family, and nobody has it all, FACT……………..

  • @irenestrmnss4496


  • @thechloechronicles9688

    People who criticize first responders for having a human moment tells me everything I need to know about the future of this stinking planet. They say cops are so out of control and drunk with power and they don't care about anything yet he shows empathetic and appropriate tears over a murdered 4 year old and he's criticized. Every day I hate people more and more.

    And as to the POS who murdered his wife and children? If he doesn't get the DP they should make a loop of every recording they can find of his wife and children, string it all together and play it in his cell 24/7.

  • @beastshawnee

    Also for your study about childhood trauma…My friend Michael R was extremely abused as an infant from birth until 2.5 years old. I have no details except I seem to remember someone saying cigarette burn torture (?) but maybe that wasn’t him. Anyway he was removed and adopted by what seemed like a nice couple. But she was a religious freak of an extreme type. We were buddies as teens tho he was quiet a lot. When hee did talk he was funny. I got the impression he had mild brain damage even back then as sometimes he was just in his own world-but only sometimes. Michael went onto become an alcoholic with a troubled marriage- no details again because he was living far from me. I heard he now lived about 2 blocks away from his mom. (His Dad had died years before.) His Mom must have been in her early 70’s. On my birthday a mutual friend called. She said “ Micheal has been arrested for killing his mother.”. As I was taking this in. She told me he also raped her. In online forums people were of course saying how awful this was but putting so many false assumptions out there. I Said”He was tortured as a baby and You don’t know what goes on in families when the doors are closed. I am never gonna defend his actions but you don’t know how he was too damaged to function. “. His also adopted sister messaged me and thanked me for saying this. she said “yes. They have no clue how bad our home was. It was NOT good.” The brain is a bowl of fats and nerve endings and is easily damaged. My own is on high alert constantly. idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am as well adjusted as anyone who survived the level of extreme abuse I did. But I worked on myself constantly. I didnt hide in drugs and alcohol- those never help.

  • @Babygirl54782

    I'm a little confused as I thought criminals weren't allowed to profit off of their crimes or anything they create while serving? If this changed please let me know when. I was surprised to hear that Jodi Arias was selling her so called artwork for thousands of dollars.
    Love your podcasts I watch both of YouTube. Thanks for all you do. Been watching for a couple of years I just don't comment much.

  • @Kimberly....

    Some trauma is subjective or just ridiculous. Ie: telling a 6yo no, they can't have a hamster can be traumatic and thrown in your face years later by an adult child. When trauma is currency, counterfeiters are everywhere.

  • @user-hz7kc5ng2t

    The case of the Father happened when I was a kid in my town. I remember it well!

  • @Pinktoolbox

    I feel so sorry for the children and their mother. I have 6 children and would never even consider sparking them, let alone kill them. What a monster! 👿 My youngest child was sent from camp to the childrens emergency hospital by helicopter last week and I have never been more afraid ever! He is fine now but just thinking of it makes me want to never let him leave my side. Parents are ment to protect and love their children endlesly. What an asshat. 😑💔

  • @Briandalan4

    Odd. Tony first sd he killed them and then let rigamortis set in and then they came out of before moving them all to the master. If that was true- there would not have been enough blood flowing to get all over the room. Blood flow does not continue after u are dead. He has yet to tell the truth about his actions

  • @tiannnna


  • @janmoore9271

    Shows Ross Gibson is human!!

  • @emileelamica7701

    Dear God that poem… it's beautiful and made me think of my two boys. If I'd heard it in any other context I would have saved it and hung it up somewhere. Those poor babies, their mother, and their pupper. This case is so confusing and devastating. I hope they are all together now.

  • @Evy4Gee

    So, this dude did all kinds of stupid shit with money, killed his whole family on cold blood, started a smearing campaign on the wife he murdered and left to rot and then decided to act like he was so traumatised his memory was wiped out? What a vile POS.

  • @fridaytieday

    Tony completely destroyed Celebrations reputation.

  • @critical-goat363

    I have, at this point, gotten both of my parents and my brother to listen to your videos. Whenever I play video games in the room with any of them and I listen to a video or two to keep me company while we play, they'll ask me to pause the video so we can discuss what was just touched on.
    My mom also watches a few of the extremely ancient cases on her own and talks to me about them.
    I feel that if you and my mom were to meet, your personalities would click and the two of you would get along really well.
    My mom is also a LOT smarter than me and catches onto the breadcrumb trails you leave far quicker than I do.

  • @squishygerbil1015

    Do you do your own research/script or do you have a ghost writer /help? Just curious ! Love your videos

  • @BrianaKees

    I bet he pawned her wedding ring and just blamed it being stolen on the babysitter

  • @Ashley.Michell22

    Don't you just love how he claims Magen wanted to murder her babies, dog, and commit suicide 😤🙄 why do people try to blame the dead, especially when it's obvious that wasn't the case?

  • @leese.sd23

    He killed his family and I don't think there was any plan in place with his wife. I believe the reason he stayed with the family was because he was in shock at what he had done and he just completely disconnected.

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