Top 20 + Reasons why I think Wendi Adelson was involved in the murder of her Ex – Prof. Dan Markel

The 20 Compelling Reasons Why I Suspect Wendi Adelson’s Involvement in the Murder of her Ex-Prof. Dan Markel: Delving deep into the twisted web of relationships, financial disputes, and potential motives that may have led to this heinous crime. From suspicious phone records to questionable alibis, every detail points to a chilling possibility that cannot be ignored. As a seasoned investigator, I am piecing together the puzzle of this tragic case with a keen eye for deception and a relentless pursuit of justice. And as the truth unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear that the answers may lie closer to home than anyone could have ever imagined. Stay tuned as I uncover the dark secrets hiding beneath the surface in this complex and intriguing true crime case.


28 Comments to “Top 20 + Reasons why I think Wendi Adelson was involved in the murder of her Ex – Prof. Dan Markel”

  • @rvilletto123

    Absolutely. She is gross.

  • @mezm3068

    Is testimony from both Luis Rivera and Kati, explaining Wendi’s involvement in conspiring to murder Dan, enough to get her convicted? If Wendi gets alway with this murder, she’s the one who benefited the most from Dan’s death, I will be bitterly disappointed. Apologies if my grammar is off.

  • @dossward4966

    The prosecutor turns me on..❤❤❤❤❤

  • @TheSkeetergirl

    Just rewatched this. I’m hooked.

  • @juliemclaughlin5782

    Im so glad Jeff LaCasse is no longer involved with her.

  • @vickeydavenport1288

    Looks like it would have been more suspicious for her crying like she did when she heard the news of his shooting.. than if she had just had a shocked look… that's not a reaction someone would have for someone that she TOTALLY hated.. deff way too much grief there.. I know no one knows how someone will react to grief..but, she hated him… please…!!

  • @nicolasdelaforge7420

    Wendi has done nothing that made the murder to occur – and she's got some serious immunity – thus, she will not be charged. My guess is, she knew mother and brother had decided to do something, but they were protecting her from knowing what. By culture at least, (Jewish Culture), they would protect her (and the children) in this way.
    Also, the murdered man was not as perfect as he is portrayed. He contributed to the murder in this way that: Once the ingredients for murder have come together, murder will occur. We go too far hurting or depriving others, the human mind can only take so much.

  • @KdubsG

    The only guy who came forth with the truth was Luis.

  • @clakams

    I wish this never happened, of course, but I wonder what if Dan survived the shooting and was able to tell the cops what happened, what he was planning to do to disbar Wendi, and his thoughts about who would have hired the murderers. Or even if he didn't survive, what if the cops led Wendi et al. to believe he did survive and he was talking to the police in the hospital. Cops lie in interrogations to get more info.

  • @Objection_23and1

    I will be honest I didn’t think Wendi was involved at the beginning of my review & learning about the case but after watching her full interrogation video twice, there were a couple things that stood out to me that are very big reg flags especially knowing how much she cares ( or pretends ) to care for her children. The day of Dans murder she was preparing for a stock the bar party engagement for her good friend. She told the police because I watched every single moment of it, that this is exactly why she had to get to the liquor store before her lunch date with her other friends, it was her night with the boys, she was mad about Dan wanting to have a little more time with the boys that day ( he asked Wendi if he could take them both swimming when they got out of school) she made a big deal about it but decided not to argue and told him okay. If she was planning to go out to an argument party who was going to watch the kids? Not Dan, she was very adamant that they stick to there custody schedule. She then says to the officer in the interview room “ omg I need to cancel my plans for tonight “ with not one word on canceling a baby sitter or anything like that.
    Second the stopping at the crime scene and not calling Dan to see if everything was okay after seeing that many police cars literally right infront of his house, I have seen these photos of the scene and where the tape was blocking off the road. You can clearly see his house from the road..she not once asked if her kids were okay at all. As if she already knew they were just fine.
    Lastly the pure selfishness and lack of empathy for the Markel family. Knowing what she did and said to Ruth after the funeral as told in Ruth’s book.
    Just my thoughts.

  • @kirkl9370

    In coming back to this years later I am now convinced that Donna and Charlie did all this without Wendi's involvement. I have gone through each item taking into account new developments and evidence and it is pretty conclusive that most of these reasons are moot, erroneous, exculpatory or point more to Donna's involvement.

  • @geilasmith7643

    Wendi forgot to wear her blue 🔵 contacts that day to court…. and the bleach was wearing off of her "blonde hair" 😂😅😂

  • @geilasmith7643

    Anyone who thinks she wasn't involved is mentally ill…. the way she has distanced herself from the family is proof…. she could talk to her family without talking about "THE CASE", how could you go the rest of your life not caring about your elderly parents well being?? I wonder how she's going to explain to Ben and Lincoln why Charlie was convicted and Donna once she follows suit….

  • @newbooks9858

    Hey, Wendi is an innocent angel. She's cute and charming. So she can't be guilty. Joking.

  • @luminol

    Can we identify when and where the “Owl” t-shirt was purchased?? The one worn by Wendi which to me appeared brand new 1st time wear. 🦉 👕

  • @md8355

    Her pretending faces remind me of Elizabeth Holmes, faces of lies & deceit

  • @supernova101010

    Cuff this loon……she is pure evil….

  • @LastSupperClub

    Man, you’re good because this was posted 3 yrs ago and it’s SPOT ON. So when does Wendi get arrested? After Harvey, I imagine.

  • @willm4577

    Brilliant job. In reference to your final summation, I believe the final nail in the coffin for the family's internal justification for killing Dan was the filed injunction against the Grandmother, though I understand your goal here is making a case against Wendi with an 'I', and there is no doubt that it was the cumulative affect of the remarkable legal battle that their divorce was, as you explain, most significantly perhaps the threat to her law license. I agree that her behavior in the initial police interview alone is reason the arrest her. There are two embedded confessions in the first MINUTES of her sitting down: "I'm sorry!" and "I knew this would happen." Not to mention her explicitly naming her brother, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Wendi with an 'I' was clearly involved and participated in the coordination of the conspiracy and the attempted coverup afterward, I think. Good job to the officer who interviewed her on the day of the murder, she thought she was disarming suspicions preemptively and obfuscating but in fact she was providing a treasure trove of evidence.

  • @545linda

    #1 reason……..only Wendy with an "i" would have initially known Dan's schedule. She alerted CA who then alerted KM who alerted the hitmen

  • @StretchingExercises-qg5rb

    19:28 See her exact imitation of Dahlia Dippolito’s fake reaction to being told HER husband was dead; the high pitched voice, the trembling, the face covering to hide the lack of real tears, the quick nodding of her head. This is how you fake a shock reaction to terrible news that you helped commit and already know about.

  • @lisasmith7066

    It’s very obvious to me that she was involved in my opinion. Great video and great points!

  • @nietzschesmuse

    Hi Mentor Lawyer! I wish you please would republish this video pls.

  • @clarissah8999

    Rewatching this after so many years, you were the first creator on this platform who covered this case. You’ve always had the facts and you have put in a lot of your time and $ to bring factual information to us. You are truly appreciated. WENDI is cunning and evil. She is extremely manipulative. She lies as easily as she breathes. That family is evil and self entitled. I believe the day is coming when everyone involved in Dan’s assassination will be charged and held accountable for their part in this horrific crime. She must be living a miserable life filled will paranoia & stress. She takes every opportunity to disparage Dan. Her hatred of him and his family is obvious. She contradicts herself each time she is on the stand. Awful woman. Thank you!!! ❤

  • @johnmahoney3566

    Knew nothing. Totally innocent

  • @BarbaraWiltGerber

    Anyone else think the tip of her nose looks like a peen?

  • @lakshminreddy558

    Dan never read her book. It clearly shows their marriage was over. Dan already realised how evil she is. Dan might have known 6 months before his death, they both may end up divorcing. He could have known that she is no longer showing the affection to her husband.

  • @rosalindchurcher8028

    Very interesting analysis.

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