Uncovering the Truth. New Evidence in the Idaho College Murders? The Emily Show Ep. 192

Investigating the Idaho College Murders: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Emily Show Ep. 192


33 Comments to “Uncovering the Truth. New Evidence in the Idaho College Murders? The Emily Show Ep. 192”

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  • @SgtFuckOff

    6:40 have to strongly disagree on this one. Brian Laundrie’s parents were a connected part to his coverup after the murder and played a big part in the aftermath. They knew more than what they tried to lead on and helped Brian out in the end. Had they come out and said “We had nothing to do with this and will cooperate with law enforcement but we would like privacy”, and then actually followed up on that, no one would’ve bothered them. His scummy mom acted like she knew nothing while actively helping her baby boy and didn’t care at all about Gabbie. That family deserved to get harassed for the truth.

    BK’s sisters haven’t been shown to have anything to do with this and shouldn’t have lost their jobs due to sharing a last name. I didn’t even know he had siblings until this was brought up and the only family member that has ever been mentioned is his dad and I don’t even think he’s connected to anything. These 2 cases aren’t the same and can’t truly be compared to one another.

  • @TisIAllie

    The significant public interest in this case doesn't outweigh the defendant's right to a fair trial. I think we sometimes forget that both the prosecution and the defense are charged with serving public interest, on the one hand by trying to convict a killer and on the other by making sure if any one of us is accused, we can trust we will have a vigorous defense. This goes to your point of the general disrespect of defense attorneys. I couldn't be one; I don't have what it takes. But I know for damned sure if I ever get accused of something I didn't do, I'll be glad that someone does. What I mean is, making sure Kohberger gets a fair trial is as much in the public interest as anything else about this case, and when we're talking about taking away someone's most basic rights, I think their rights have to come first. (No matter how much I want justice to be served.)

  • @ulrikezachmann7596

    Unfortunately with social media this just gets worse. The same thing happened to Fred and Rosemary West’s children. First they were traumatised by family abuse and then by reputation. They are traumatised for life. Never mind anyone else called West. People are forever reminded of the Wests. Anyone called Kohberger will now have to change their name or suffer.

  • @plenilunioabisal

    Nancy Grace always has updates on this case that i’m never able to verify, she never mentions sources, I feel like she is a well known and somewhat respected figure so at first i was surprised, now i can see that is just sensationalism.

  • @FrolickingWithChelsea

    In Ontario, Canada, our Human Rights Code protects from discrimination due to Marriage Status or Family Status. This not only protects whether or not you’re married/have kids, but also WHO your family is. So you can’t fire/refuse to hire someone because of who they’re related to.

    I don’t know how it works in the USA, but here, we have our laws and our Human Rights Codes. I work in Human Resources so it’s important for me to know both.

  • @kristinwhitt4478

    Emily, i have a question for you plz. Where when they file for a search warrant they list like what items they will be looking for does that mean that they could have only took these "id cards" if they were connected to the idaho murders? Hope that males sense like my understanding any items taken had to tie him to the victims or else they wldnt have taken it? Am i wrong? I hope you see this!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @LesMorrisracing

    Find the connection of Emma Bailey Google her name. She was the Uber driver that delivered the Food.

  • @rosemarybianchinilmsw9518

    I know one of his sisters is a mental health therapist, it may be that her clients or potential clients did not want to continue to work with her because of her relation to her brother. It not right but, given her title and intimate relationship with clients they may have been freaked out by the circumstances.

  • @hamrabbi6973

    First the demolition of the house , place of murders , and now the firing of Bryan sisters . I get some feelings that something is weird in this whole case ……..

  • @amypoucher9620

    Social media is the end of democracy it's been trial doing media for years now for lease five years they did the same thing on the Gabby patitos case the f**** people outside his house harassing his family I believe we're the reason he committed suicide so not only to Gabby's family not get the justice they deserved because of what a bunch of vigilantes and this has been going on for years it's just now there's richer people because the amount of money that makes you rich isn't as much anymore so now the middle class or the poor people the rest of us are just in poverty we've been dealing with this ship for years there's no way possible Brian kohlberger is getting a fair trial there's not one person in this country that has not heard of this case and it's wrong I believe in the justice system or I did when it worked now I believe it's there to steal from poor people and his family should have nothing to do with his actions but yeah there's nothing protecting his friends or anyone's family this country's just bloodthirsty it's ridiculous it's not freedom in this country Freedom has to be paid for here

  • @TJ-so9xo

    You are spot on!

  • @tonyahenley3964

    This have been going on for years in every normal people lives ,,,

  • @suejones7390

    Please help I know you don't like f**** but this is really getting under my skin that now they're saying Colbert and Bethany had a relationship and that the reason he dropped was there was he picked her up and dropped her off. I'm bringing this to you because I absolutely 100% believe in what you say and I just want to make sure there's clarification on this I'm not going to say who said it I'm not going to go into any of that I just want clarification because as far as I'm concerned this is as bad as tiktoker

  • @Shannon_Moore

    Those people getting Bryan's family members fired are the same people that you support though unfort .. the side that believes in cancel culture and destroying livelihoods in the name of feelings 😒

  • @laurids2007

    Lady Baker, have you heard about the cops finding "remains" 20 minutes away from BK's parents house, remains dumped in the woods? Simebody said it was in the news in PA!

  • @huertalapaz8359

    It is still possible he had been in the house before the murders , parties for instance ,the one body cam video no one who lived there was in the house during a large party .Things can be picked up during parties very easily.

  • @huertalapaz8359

    First thoughts are he is guilty , but being a person who believes in innocent until proven guilty , I started feeling like News Nation was getting sensationalized so I quit watching their programing . I do feel there are still many unanswered questions about the actual crimes in Idaho . The time line is very questionable ,in particular the missing hours before the 911 call was made .

  • @The.Mad.Catter

    Google picked u for me from the algorithm..glad it did..new sub

  • @The.Mad.Catter

    Thanks Harsh.. I watch someone who has a hard on for you. Like you both.,but I am not buying what they r selling! I understand utube is a business…u deserve to be compensated for what you do.. and anything can be twisted..u mean well and I trust my instincts. Be good ❤

  • @siyabonganqayana

    It might have been necessary for the investigation to not affect who they work with and they'll get back to work when this is over seeing that they would have been the victims too as I noticed that his father was not aware of anything and he was in a wanted vehicle that had a shovel, what do you call that? a spade,yho I would ask them to wait until I know he is not going to come looking for whoever knows them yho!

  • @cocoagirl44

    There are two other cases similar to the Idaho crime. One in Wa state and one in Oregon.

  • @MsRobwatter

    Sorry, when you fight someone with a knife you get cut as well. Jodi Arias, OJ got cut they have to have his DNA left on scene

  • @Leticialedezma69

    You are comparing 2 totally different cases because Brian laundry's parents were helping him assisted him even stayed quiet when gabby was first reported missing unlike kohberger's family they had nothing to do with what he did. Very vwey different situations

  • @morganhughes126

    It’s the employers, right. Depending on the state you’re in.

  • @johnmimist

    Emily!!! Stop saying “all of the sudden”!!! It’s all of a sudden! You’re highly educated. Please. Help the world. What has happened!? Everyone everywhere is saying g this now. News people, you Celebes, etc. please! I love you, but!!!

  • @hunterfletcher6755

    I feel so bad for his sisters. They didn’t deserve to lose their jobs and possibly made more difficult to find new ones. As much as I would like to know everything about this case and and all of the evidence, we all need to wait until the preliminary hearing at the end of June. It’s frustrating, but it’s the justice system trying to be as fair as possible. Nothing should be possibly leaking out. Kohburger does deserve a fair trial if that’s what he wants. If anything goes sideways it’ll just make it easier for him to get an appeal if he is found guilty.

  • @bekahanneful

    Eek the clickbait headlines. Would defendant have positioning to file for…defamation? // legal action/term(s) re: impartial trial, etc.? Is this a thing? Weird and complicated

  • @tildasexton6069

    I like the way you thinking. You are not the type of person who like to spread rumors. Thank you for that

  • @tildasexton6069

    Could the I’d card be his keepsakes from other people he has done things too.

  • @cdr92663

    Wouldn't the family members that lost their jobs have cause for discrimination against their employers?

  • @philipgr100

    Hi Emily great video. I agree with everything you have said. I take all of these NewsNation articles/leaks with a grain of salt. Them saying the information comes from an unnamed source does not mean the information they are reporting on is correct and accurate. The judge who issued the writ needs to summon the NewsNation executives and instruct them to stop this reporting. If Kohberger is found guilty his defence team will say he did not receive a fair trial because of all these articles. In my view that would have a point. It is going to be very difficult to put together a jury with members who have not seen or heard these so-called stories. And if the trial was moved to another location this problem will exits seeing as most of USA and the whole world has seen something on this case. I have stopped watching the NewsNation reports on the Idaho murders.

  • @albertacim2097

    She’s getting nervous she’s going to get caught lieing . She locked her door as she was scared . Went to sleep and called her friends before the cops. All I can think of is the friends were there to make sure there was no drugs. She heard crying and other noises and she wasn’t the one who found them. It was one of her male friends she called over 8 hours before the cops but he used her phone

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