Intriguing Case Uncovered: Unglued 22-year-old Woman Manipulates 15-year-old Teen to Murder Spouse. This chilling crime involves a shocking betrayal and calculated manipulation that led to a tragic loss of life. This case highlights the dangers of coercive relationships and the devastating consequences that can result from such manipulation.


23 Comments to “UNHINGED: 22-Year-Old Girlfriend Seduces Her 15-Year-Old Boyfriend To Kill Her HUSBAND”

  • @dfreshMC

    All I know is if I was 16 I don't care if it was Kelly LeBrock back then that was trying to have sex with me and she asked me to kill somebody. I would just said bitch. You're crazy and walked away so it's not all on her. I mean the kids obviously have something wrong with him

  • @CrunkKitty1

    idk if this is normal in a court, maybe back then, but the one who questioned Pam and Billy and was asking them specifics about their s*x was sooo weird. It gave me the shivers, why you asking such details about intercourse like that with a child?! 🤧🤧

  • @littleduck9749

    I’m 21 and teenage boys give me such an ick I could NEVERRRRR

  • @narutardad

    The idea that women are not as prominent as predators literally comes from the fact that women are easily able to manipulate their way out of situations much better than a man can

    Men are not given benefit of the doubt it's usually guilty until proven innocent with men but it's innocent until proven guilty with women

  • @bender1566

    lol “my speakers!!! God whyyyyyy!!!”

  • @rage_188

    Why was she not charged with a sex crime? If she was a man shed be charged with some sort of sex crime 🙄

  • @anonymous_jug

    "I'm not the first person in America to have an affair." Ma'am you are a sexual predator.

  • @jlea2480

    I think sex crimes against child should have an automatic life sentence if not the death penalty. So if she had anything to do with her husband’s death doesn’t matter to me(not trying to be disrespectful to the victim) but her sentence is just in my opinion and she should never be released. She knew wrong from right in her own words and still had this relationship with a child.

  • @conqurr

    How can you look like a group. Van Halen is a group, now if she said they looked like David, Alex, Eddie or Anthony and later on Sammie I could understand but saying they looked like Van Halen confuses me

  • @probablyhyperfixating

    I'm 36yo and have a teen son who is a wrestler. I'm around half dressed boys all the time! That's exactly what they are!!!!! Boys, not men, boys. Even the 17-18 yo's with beards and tattoos! Their just so young and innocent and stupid with hormones, how could you corrupt someone like that? I just don't understand how anyone can hurt a kid this way. The adult may be making a bad decision, the kid gets their life ruined. Something is wrong with this ladies head! A teacher… sworn to protect kids. She's gross, utterly gross!

  • @avaclaire3547

    she’s a predator that took advantage of a young kid

  • @123dweaver

    She was a predator. I like how even in this video we're not naming her a predator. Kind of crazy

  • @caroldaronch1974

    Ted Bundy’s trial was the first trial televised in 1979

  • @gypsysoulpours

    I remember this movie with Nicole Kidman. 🤮

  • @xsvlout

    Seduced we mean raped right 😭

  • @ohioplayer-bl9em

    What happened to Pams Lips? I bet she sold them.

  • @trinity9312

    Wow, Annie Elise, you look puffy!! Are you ok??

  • @mamamingo5590

    What kind of pathetic prison is she in? Her hair is bleached, nails manicured…gee must be tough for her 🙄

  • @bronwyn117

    Of course she’s guilty. No doubt about it.

  • @anaistm174

    Yes I think she did do it. Also, I do think she was sentenced so young, that’s okay to me if she had a parole at some point. I think she should get a chance, like in her 60s or 70s, when she’s pretty harmless, to enjoy the little bit of life she has left, she won’t be a danger to society. One more thing. Everybody talks about Billy, his friends, Cecelia, and Pam. But what about Greg? What about the life that was lost, and will never have kids or grow old? Or that his family have suffered for so long over his loss, and yet everyone just talks about Pam this and Pam that and Billy and inappropriate sex and blah blah blah. Let’s not forget that Greg was terrified in his last moments, and he was mercilessly murdered, and his family never saw him again. That’s all I wanted to say.

  • @vrogot7014

    It is sad that they are plead deals and guilty people get lower sentence because of this

  • @laurarominger2073

    Is this the case the movie was based on with Nicole Kidman and Jauxine (sp) Phoenix? Can’t remember the name. It’s gotta be.

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