As a highly detailed crime investigator, it is crucial to thoroughly analyze every aspect of this transcript in order to uncover any potential clues or evidence that may lead us closer to solving this case. We must carefully scrutinize the dialogue exchanged between the individuals involved, paying close attention to any details or inconsistencies that may indicate deception or evasion of the truth.

This particular case involves a violent crime, which adds an extra layer of urgency and complexity to our investigation. We must not only identify the guilty party responsible for this heinous act, but also ensure that justice is served for the victim and their loved ones.

In this transcript, it is evident that the suspects are evasive and hesitant in their responses, suggesting that they may be withholding crucial information or actively trying to conceal their involvement in the crime. It is imperative that we continue to press them for further details and fact-check their statements against any physical evidence or witness testimonies that we may have gathered.

The key to solving this case lies in unraveling the tangled web of lies and deceit that permeates this transcript, and as a diligent crime investigator, I am committed to leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of truth and justice.


41 Comments to “UNHINGED! Secret Recordings, Taunting, and Murder. What REALLY Happened At The House Next Door?”

  • @annieelise

    For those requesting information on how to support Byron if you choose to. Here is how you can write to Byron if you want to show support. You address letters like this-

    Byron David Smith
    MNDOC # 243835
    MCF- Oak Park Heights
    5329 Osgood Ave North
    Stillwater, MN 55082

    Here’s the website that gives more info about mail-

    You can also email him using the “j-pay” system where you create an account and it costs some change to send the inmate a direct message. It’s really easy to send emails on there after you make a free account. The website for that is here-

    And here
    is his general inmate info-

  • @dustinslesinger3697

    Theres no doubt he lured them and if he lured them he wasn't fearing for his life but……if its not illegal to shoot an intruder then he should NOT be in jail.

  • @kdub172

    Wow what a failure of the police department. If they had done their job, Byron would not be in this situation. Those kids should have been arrested. It sounds like the parents are part of the problem. I agree he had an unfair trial.

  • @user-wf4pf3ts4c

    His lawyer was terrible! He MADE them break in lmao!!! The only way that could be close to being right is if he left his doors open! They were deadbolted! You don’t break in you don’t lose your life!

  • @trishamatlock5548

    This makes me sick. How can the people that put him in prison sleep at night

  • @Shewalkswithdogs

    These kids were directly responsible for the mental deterioration of their victim. Their persistent victimization of this kind man was taken far too lightly. I think the police were inept, this wasn't a fair trial, and the kids suffered the consequences of a situation they created.

  • @mjstevens92

    Ultimate example of FAFO.

  • @raizaintilian

    Wtf, he had a right to defend his home. Now I do agree that he went a little overkill but then again veterans do have PTSD and him “snapping” was probably bringing unwarranted trauma back.

  • @andybarnum2898

    These kids got exactly what they deserved

  • @mayrasilva3468

    This stoey is infuriating!! He should be set free! All he did is defend himself. Those losers tormented him. They brought them on themselves!!

  • @88_turbo_fox73

    Probably because he's white,

  • @BebeTehler

    The very beginning already giving me chills.. the father being a prisoner of war, getting out, and then rewarded that watch… passing it down to his son 😭 My heart can’t take it

  • @Thisguy352

    Thanks Annie for humanizing Byron because all the coverage on this I’ve listened to up until this point dives straight into the recording rather than giving so much background to how juxtaposed it is relating to how wholesome and supportive Byron was towards people that didn’t burglarize his property, which those channels that go into the recordings make you sit on the fence because of how off putting the actual shootings are but you swayed my opinion drastically by highlighting how innocent this old man just trying to live his life retired was before these young assholes started stealing things that by the way were sometimes not only expensive but irreplaceable as far as sentimental value goes being his fathers watch and what not so i do appreciate you always approaching victims cautiously whether it be the victims of brutality or the victims of circumstance and self defense, now the self defense could have gone without a gut wrenching recording because any decent human being couldn’t stomach the sound of another human dying but it was at the end of the day self defense and the fate of these dumbasses solely lies in the decisions they’ve made because parking your vehicle somewhere else isn’t a crime nor is it a green light to be robbed so those saying he lured them are using the word “lure” in its loosest sense

  • @patriciaott389

    Thank you for telling the story from Byron’s point of view because everyone else told it from a completely inaccurate perspective

  • @patriciaott389

    Sounds like small town everyone related and made sure those animals kids were seen as innocent harmless kids …that man should not be in prison…I would have done the same thing everything about this case is crazy corrupt

  • @tanyaedwards4574

    This is such a disgusting story, I feel so very sad for Byron- he accomplished so much, was very decorated, etc.. imagine living in fear because of young teens, later young adults who IMO, would've turned out to be adult scumbags with no regard for anyone else. We've all been teens, young adults and I'm sure none of us would be as remorseless and unfeeling as those punks.

  • @SS-xq4lj

    To make a claim that he tried to lure them in is ridiculous. He spent thousands on security cameras, new locks, audio systems etc. He went to the police several times and they did nothing. They left an honorable man to handle things in his own manner. Put yourself in his shoes. He remained in the basement until they came to him. They already acquired his guns. The truth is the police/sheriff department is far more culpable than this man. I know the modern way of thinking is to become a victim. It is rewarded by money and sympathy. It does a disservice to actual victims like this man. You have to make a stand at some point. If law enforcement does not help and continue to make excuses for doing nothing well maybe it’s time to clean house of them as well. Being tortured for the amount of time that he was would have negative effects on anyone

  • @dustybawls012

    This man was tortured to the point of insanity. He couldn’t relax in his own home and the police did NOTHING to help him. These burglars valued someone else’s possessions over their OWN lives and for that, they faced the consequences of their actions. This man should NOT be in prison, we under the constitution have the right to bare arms and protect our property and he did just that.

  • @Sikklee23

    A IRL Nightmare on elm street…damn!

  • @terpsmith822

    And the verdict is whats wrong with this country. Criminals have more rights then victims

  • @nopantsxdance

    Also- Annie E said (directed towards the robbers) cash and possessions are not worth your life. But Byron’s possessions were worth more than their lives? Everyone in this whole story is a ffücķíńg lòsèr. God

  • @Bl0ndB0mb

    the epitome of f*ck around and find out, lol

  • @Nicole-bq7fn

    Parents & Law Enforcement need to hold punks like these accountable for their actions from day one in order to prevent our Vets from being forced into situations such as Byron. He may have not been 100% correct in his actions, but he is not the animal they made him out to be. Do better people

  • @tammyedwards7487

    This is heartbreaking they had that veteran tortured. He did what he thought was right. At least these 2 little POS won’t hurt anyone else.

  • @shannonliim

    How do you trick someone into breaking in and stealing. What planet are they on

  • @ashleysmith7324

    So everybody's just going to stick up for a man that clearly set himself up to murder two people that came into his house… Yes the kids were definitely wrong… But we all heard the audio… This was Overkill…. He didn't even call the police immediately. Even if the police didn't take him seriously in the past I'm pretty sure if he said that he had two wounded robbers at this point they would take him seriously… He absolutely did not have to kill those kids he could have shot them both in the leg one time and called the police… He is just as wrong… It was premeditation on both parts… Let's be real seriously.

  • @tracycarnalla0466

    He should NOT be in jail!

  • @PastaSausta

    He was extremely delusional, but that’s exactly what happens when you you are terrorized and haven’t slept in a very long time. If they didn’t want to win stupid prizes they shouldn’t have played stupid games.

  • @nancyhamilton3588

    Free Byron!!!!
    I completely agree you cannot lure someone into your own home. It’s your property not anybody else’s to break into. Byron took all the proper steps and was brushed off. If someone’s is stealing sooooo much from u, breaking in who is to say they won’t attack or kill u while they are robbing u.
    Byron is innocent and those parents of those teens did a horrible job raising them to the point they didn’t even know they were drugging themselves and robbing many places.
    They left out sooooo many evidence that would’ve supported and prove Byron’s innocence.

    Free this man!

  • @tinadanza9456

    Break ins are now mischievous 😂😂😂

  • @tinadanza9456

    That man should not be in jail….those people drove this man to this

  • @jonigarciajg

    why are victims of breakins expected to be able to shoot just enough to incapacitate but not kill and then render aid? thats something that requires a certain skill set and psychological state that is not realistic

  • @jonigarciajg

    i think his statements in the recordings were him trying to cope with the human instinct not to kill people. its not that he already saw the kids as in human. He was just trying to get through the moment.

  • @sammillar3561

    I love her constantly changing nose / chin / forehead shapes due to the utterly terrible contouring. It’s brilliant 😂. The vids are great tho 👍

  • @Sp00ks_66

    I’ve heard this case told by many different people and I’ve always stood on the fact that what he did was over kill. Shooting Haile point blank range in the face after she was already incapacitated and pleading for her life will never sit right with me no many how the story is told and who tells it. However I can sympathize with the fact that this man was so traumatized by these break ins that he was not in the right state of mind. He definitely deserved some leniency in my opinion but he definitely should have served some time possibly in an institution to address his degrading mental state.

  • @ToniCioli-l1s

    He was terrorized. He was clearly afraid. He did go to far with the shooting but if law enforcement
    Would have done their job this may not have happened.

  • @dylanpattiatti

    1:21:06 there is no such thing as tricking someone to break into your home. If his truck was there, they would’ve just come back when it wasn’t. That’s the most ridiculous statement ever. If I don’t have the right to be judge jury and executioner in my own home when somebody is breaking in, whether my car is here or not, which I pay the taxes and mortgage this isn’t America.

  • @dylanpattiatti

    1:06:57 and I say again, even if that man lure those kids into his house by parking his truck in a different place to make it look like he wasn’t home. I still stand by his side. There is no reason on Gods green earth that those nasty fucking kids should have been in his home. Truck in the yard OR NOT!

  • @dylanpattiatti

    59:34 since when did robbing old men and taunting them until they fear for their own life equate to “I’m not causing any trouble”

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