As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully examined the transcripts of the suspects’ conversations, looking for any hidden clues that may lead to solving the case. The suspect’s nervous tone and evasive answers raised red flags, indicating possible involvement in the robbery that took place last week. The suspects’ discussions about alibis and potential witnesses further solidified my suspicions of their guilt. With a keen eye for detail, I was able to piece together the puzzle and uncover crucial evidence linking them to the crime scene. This meticulous approach to investigation has proven successful in many past cases, and I am confident that it will lead to a breakthrough in this one as well. The suspects may think they have covered their tracks, but they underestimated the level of scrutiny and attention to detail that I bring to every case I handle. And with each careful spin of the evidence, the truth slowly unravels, bringing justice one step closer.


44 Comments to “UPDATE | Jupiter Couple Locked Adopted Son Inside Room For 4 Years & Say They Had No Choice!”

  • @annieelise

    This couple is still justifying what they did! What do you think about what the parents are saying? Comment below! Link to Case Playlist:

  • @elizabethroberts525

    Will you consider doing another update on this? Thanks for all your hard work!

  • @LeeBeeBumble

    I work in a behavioral classroom and have four 8 years now. I've worked with a few children with RAD, and it's so heartbreaking! I get that they are violent to others, even others they actually love and want to be around, but they don't understand how. It's not a great You know, analogy, but it's like locking up a feral cat and expecting them to all of a sudden. Know how to behave like a house cat. They're not training him how to behave and be a productive member of society. I am completely with you that they should have gotten this child help. They should have gotten this child help from the moment that they could have from the moment that adoption went into effect. This child should have been in therapy. Unfortunately it seems therapists are hard to come by now. I don't know what the answer is when you can't find a therapist for your child who has RAD, but I sure as hell know it's not locking them up in your garage!

  • @user-jz6gb2jt2y

    10 years would be nice

  • @thatstomalright313

    Did you ever do an update since the next court date you mentioned in this video??

  • @Figueroa123_

    Whatever happened? Is there an update)

  • @brittanidoesitall

    I feel so hard for this boy and this case bc it hits a little close to home. My parents kept me in my room for months and months, only allowed out to clean or cook or use the bathroom(at least I got that). The emotional abuse and physical abuse still affects me, at 26 yes old and I moved out at 14.

  • @rebeccamclenithan-ne1uw

    Update …. Did they go to jail …

  • @Moonchild14928

    They didn’t custom build a room. They built a jail cell.

  • @AdamTheTruthSeeker

    This poor kid I relate to only in the form of RAD. You not only can't form attachments with parents. We have we have a time attaching to anything. Another words can walk away from the very things we greatly desired to have and attained, then let it go as if it were a bad habit.
    And they will not get by with this, theres no justification for locking a child up. It was tourture period

  • @jeanniewatson6820

    Love you you’re the best! ♥️

  • @lindaingram7537

    Watching the father during trial, he absolutely hates this child. It seems fitting that the father is going to suffer the karma from treating this boy in humanely.

  • @robinsavard84

    I had a two year old foster child who had an Attachment Disorder. I took him to therapy and appt after appt for the two years we had him! When your child is experiencing any kind of disturbing behavior or problems, loving parents seek help! They completely escalated the problems by how he was treated. And no matter how you look at it he was abused!

  • @violetdoesthethings9977

    When is the next update? 🙏🏼

  • @sarajoey115

    This reminds me so much of the books A Child Called It. Another real life version of it. Its still mind baffling to me that people are treated like this, much less kids. Absolutely appalling.

  • @melodytrip

    The trial is going on day 4. Opening statements by both sides were presented. Video evidence was shown. A highly qualified forensic psychiatrist testified. The actual victim testified. The older sibling testified. Yet zero evidence has been presented that shows the child did anything outside of absolutely normal child behavior. Even though he has been tortured, this child at no point has shown any extreme behavior. The behavior he has shown is that he is even protecting these monsters that adopted him. It is amazing how well behaved he is for being treated with physical, emotional and psychological abuse. The doctor has described his treatment as torture. Please please do a follow up video soon or at the conclusion of the trial. I’ve watched the entire jury trial from the first moment of day one. I keep looking for any type of way the parents may genuinely have shown they tried to do the right thing. I’ve seen nothing. They never even saw a single professional for more than 3 visits. I’m stunned. I wanted so badly to see that they at least put forth a good effort somewhere with one doctor or humane treatment. I’m stunned. As a parent with an autistic child (now 28) I expected, with all of their resources, the very bare minimum. I hope this media exposure will help victims in the future. Zero redeeming qualities have been shown about the father and mother. My guess is they will never be allowed to see their other children except through jailhouse visitations. Anything other than long jail sentences for both of them would be unacceptable. Period.

  • @Neku628

    Abuse warps your mind and this kid is going to have a lifetime of sorting out the crap his so-called parents did to him. God only knows what this crap is doing to his self-image and the endless nightmares he's going to suffer because of these jackasses.

  • @pistodouziera5671

    Good that the builder reported this structure as odd. Someone else might have thought “oh they just wanna lock important things in there and install a camera for extra safety”.

  • @Clo_Dub

    Kids aren’t born “bad”; they’re made bad by circumstances exactly like this.

  • @sberry80

    Does anyone know if he is the only adopted sibling in the house? Are the other 3 their natural children?

  • @sberry80

    They put this poor kid in a homemade jail cell, its literally a jail cell. This room has no windows. And the kid has no control over the lights or door locks, and the room was monitered or recorded with a camera. He could only get out of the room if someone let him out. THATS INSANE, THESE PARENTS FUCKED THIS KID UP FOR LIFE. as someone who has been to jail, an innocent boy can't handle a jailcell like that without damaging and traumatizing him. He'll have ptsd and all kinds of other mental issue's to try and work through

  • @lanetterung4463

    In court they talked about reactive Attachment Disorder. I have two adopted boys from South Korea. Yes, they can be very destructive and even violent. But you don't lock them up!! I put simple alarms on their bedroom doors when they went to bed. Simple. Easy, Also on the bedroom windows. They had access to the bathroom any time they needed it. You cannot help children with this disorder by abusing them more!

  • @marmun6435

    I dont believe he has RAD. Those parents are lying monster's! I hope you follow the trial. I hope they never get free.

  • @cati-qb1zw

    Hello🤗💖Annie 🙋🏽‍♀️here a New suscriptore!!! 20:05

  • @ifjimmycracks

    How could this child ever, ever trust anybody

  • @kelmann3622

    All the claims made surely are documented, then show the evidence of these claims.

  • @NiqVFancy

    If they were so worried about the safety of everyone else, why did they send him to school? Slap a public endangerment charge on them then. Garbage

  • @AuroraMoon.

    How dare these people talking about a minor like this firstly….
    Secondly he probably has problems now now thank too these freaks! Imagine being three and your parents look at you like a child psycho 🤮 so sad

  • @Maya-iz9fx

    If the child really have violence tendencies there should be videos of him trying to attack those parents
    Bt from what i heard there are only videos of father attacking the child

  • @cadendougherty269

    Again, until youve been thru YEARS of an abusive child dont judge. The light switch on the outside is cruel as was his facilities. You think youd do differently after this boy has been to several residential treatment centers, acute care, jail, assaulted younger children, breaking their bones. My son has gone thru all that but our insurance wont cover reaidential treatment, he now on felony probation due to a😮ssault against a corrections officer, until you had to have xrays, embarrassing bruises, lost your job due to being assaulted by your son assaults because of my assaultand pain medication. Im almost 50 and have back disease im on disability so my dr and therapist both contacted Adult Protective services. After my lastest assault dr thought my pelvis was broken. But APS wont do anything and if i refuse to pick him up from the hospital because i was injured from him and couldnt drive the hour and i TOLD them i dont feel i can keep him or myself safe. Noone listened to me and he cut himself 5 days after that release im threatened with arrest. There are NOT “millions” of options. There are actually very few for most folks and even less on medicaid. Think before judge.

  • @I_HaVe_QuEsTiOnS4u

    They're seriously lucky he ran away from home and nothing turned homicidal. I would imagine at some point after years of being locked up and beaten, you'd grow desperate and maybe act on one's worser instincts. They seriously shouldn't have children if they're litterally justifying this in their heads. We know nothing about how old he was when he was adopted or if he's been thru a turnstile of foster homes or what kind of psychological trauma he already had, he just needed help even if he was adopted as a baby, clearly something was wrong and I have no doubt they caused it.

  • @RealElenaDiaz

    Any updates for this case? @annieelise

  • @brittanyjanel95

    Is there a update on this case?

  • @jessicaponticello8937

    Nothing justifys what those horrible people did to that kid! If he has that attachment disorder I’m begging thier treatment of him is what caused it! They don’t deserve to have any kids biological or adopted!

  • @lukewarm2075

    The father's eyes are very close together

  • @sarabrant723

    There are tons of resources for families if you have a child you cannot control. You can go to the courthouse the family courthouse and see my child is out of control I no longer want custody of them they will put that kid into foster care or in placement there's no reason to abused your children and put them in a room and make them go to the bathroom in a bucket like some of these disgusting monsters make children do. We only had laws were you could force the person to endure the same treatment that they gave their victim that would be Justice. Locking them in a room and treating them the way they treated him. But they'll go to prison and be able to buy commissary have friends do what they want. They have no bills to pay basically a a vacation verses being in a room for 4years

  • @lindseyw2232

    Their excuse is ridiculous and not an excuse at all. My son has dmdd, he could be violent. He has attacked his sister and classmates. The thought of locking him up never crossed my mind. I took him to several doctors and specialists before he got his diagnosis and after. Now he’s on medicine and sees a therapist. It’s been so much better. There was definitely a better option in this case.

  • @sandibaker5298

    Those monsters NEVER had that innocent child’s best interests at heart. I vote DP.

  • @alexisowes7580

    My question is what were they going to do with him once he got bigger and was a young adult/man. I think they would have had to kill him eventually because once he grows up and can leave he can tell on them. Just sad and scary to think about.

  • @TheMychaaaa

    We have XXI century, easy access to information. Those 'parents' could easily get information about RAD, about Beth Thomas story. It was in the end of 80'. She also wrote a book. She was this violent child, without conscious. But her adoptive parents didn't locked her up in the basement, and her behavior was really psychotic. She was abusing her brother, animals, she wanted to kill her adopted parents. They got help. Now she's an adult woman, like I mentioned she wrote a book, she became a nurse and now she's helping people with RAD and their families. Now she lives in Arizona. So those people could do their research, could seek for help. Specially that they weren't poor, they owe 750k house, so they even had resources. If DA won't bring this to the case, I will be pissed off. Their attorney explanation can be thrown into the toilet.

  • @aishalea7508

    absolutely NO excuse for what they did

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