As a meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to carefully scrutinize every detail of this transcript for any potential leads or inconsistencies. It is crucial to analyze the dialogue, tone, and behavior of each individual involved in order to uncover the truth behind this heinous crime.

As we delve into this investigation, it is important to note that the suspect’s alibi has been called into question, as surveillance footage from the night of the crime places them at the scene of the incident. Furthermore, forensic evidence obtained from the crime scene suggests a violent struggle took place, indicating a possible motive of passion or revenge.

The suspect’s evasive responses and reluctance to provide a solid alibi raise red flags, casting doubt on their innocence. As we continue our investigation, we must remain vigilant in scrutinizing every piece of evidence and testimony to bring justice to the victim and closure to their loved ones.


39 Comments to “WARNING! The Horror Reunion: Katie Pladl and Steven Pladl | A Case of Marriage, Babies & Murder |”

  • @annieelise

    Why did NOBODY intervene?

  • @fourfurrypotatoes

    Isn't marrying your own daughter illegal? WTF? She gave birth to her own brother!!!!!!! OMG!!!!

  • @dietdrpepper15

    Gahhh I hate this case! Just so many missed opportunities to prevent all this mess.

  • @dogstyle6349

    I blame the authorities for not arresting his ass. I blame her adoptive parents for accepting this twisted incest. I blame Katie's mother for letting him control everyone and having 2 more kids with him! This is so effed up that not one individual got involved to stop the madness. What complete disaster! Ugh


    The condition is probably real but it is definitely not an excuse of any sort

  • @Welcometomyworld4754

    No ads ever on Magellan?!?! I wish there were no ads on this channel! I'll make you a deal, I will subscribe and like when you cut out the in-video ads!

  • @dfreshMC

    All I had to hear is that she rescues cats because cats were worshiped by the Egyptians not dogs. Cats have the mythical knowledge to alter dimensional realities because cats, cats, cats and more cats. Yes please

  • @user-nm4xe8zu8z

    Steven is not very good person at all. This is mass up. I am glad the lews against this. Good work on the video.

  • @naomibarrenger2295

    "She was done, she was leavin'; she moved out, leaving Steven" 😂

  • @britmturner843

    Incest is a felony. Those guns should’ve been confiscated.

  • @stephenmcgraw8871

    What the heck is an "assault-style weapon"?A knife,a baseball bat?A crowbar?A fist?A tree branch? An ice-pick? Words?I am so sick of the friggin` Nazi-style gov.`t that`s got everyone scared of saying words….Again,you can say the damn "F"Word now,but you can`t say "abuse","incest"…….What`s next? What in hell is happening to this society?! Insane…absolutely insane….

  • @luccamartin8197

    Steven was a monster to everyone involved in his life!!

  • @nini_nunez

    Everyone saw this creep and thought, “well he exists, gotta keep him in my life now no matter what” ?!? So freaking sad.

  • @Avasmommy11509

    23:32 her explaining how awful and verbally, physically and mentally abusive…a "special kind of scary" but stayed is insane but what's worse is allowing Katie to come around with Steven around. She didn't tell her the truth until she had already been there for how long. I could never put my child in danger allowing her around this monster she describes. She could have controlled that reunion way safer and different. Should have informed her and told her the truth beforehand. I'm always saying, seeking long lost family isn't always a good idea. I have firsthand experience with my biological father. Absolutely awful decision And thwnk God I was strong enough to sever ties indefinitely

  • @Avasmommy11509

    21:14 Her leaving Steven isn't the reason he "snapped" and the reason he chose to do "the unthinkable"…
    Him being a Psychotic piece of sht… from the depths of his black, demonic soul, through and through… is the reason… and the only reason for the absolute hell on earth he caused. I've watched most of Annie's videos… not sure how many I haven't but almost every single one is shocking in one way or another and there is absolutely no shortage of extremely disturbing and unbelievable cases that she's covered. After watching most of them, I think I've narrowed down the most awful and terrible ones and continue to find out just how much worse they can get… as of today, this nightmare of a story is by far the most barbaric one I've heard. I go out of order and have been watching the newer ones for the most part but when I have time, I try to watch some of the older ones I have yet to see. I'm sure there are ones that will be even worse than this one. I tend to skip or stop watching the ones involving little children. It's too difficult for me. Pieces from each of these stories stick with me as I'm sure most of you can relate. The ones involving children are too emotionally damaging for me. I have to force myself not to imagine the horrific and terrifying last minutes these poor innocent babies had to endure. The last 5 years-ish, and definitely in the last two years… the terrifying increase in cases involving children being killed by their own parents or family members is gut wretching. Why is this happening more and more why isn't the media focusing its attention on sht like this and other insane things happening in this country alone. There needs to be an immediate deep dive and research into mental health related to postpartum… hormones getting thrown out of whack and never stabilizing after child birth… I'm not excusing these people and what they did what I'm saying is you have to be some level of crazy to kill anyone let alone your own child, especially these people whose family members said that they were an amazing mother and we're such a good parent and no one saw the signs and for these people to just snap and kill their kids out of the blue and without warning that is not normal and there needs to be immediate research into what the hell is going on, some undiscovered illness or phenomenon that is happening, there has to be something and we can't just say oh well they deserve to be locked up forever and we just move on and continue to wait until the next case?? or do we see if there is something crazy that's happening to these people that can be treated and these disasters can be prevented. This isn't normal. Why is it happening more and more and to "parents" that have gone their entire lives showing absolutely no signs of mental illness or behaviors and suddenly and without warning are under duress and doing something unthinkable ⁉️ Like I said… to kill period, means you aren't all the way together but to kill your own children… there's something seriously seriously fcking wrong. No I DON'T MEAN LET THESE PEOPLE FREE, I mean .. study them .. figure out what the fck is going on with our species and what can we do to combat mental illness and the disastrous effects 😮‍💨

  • @jaimiesmith9502

    The adoptive parents are absolute idiots.

  • @jaimiesmith9502

    I fucking hate YouTube. The bleeps and sensor ship is absolutely bullshit. We SHOULD talk about ABUSE! It is NOT A BAD WORD!!!! it’s critical that people understand- stopping people from being able to communicate effectively is DANGEROUS

  • @melaniepich

    I met his ex wife. She regularly comes into my job so I see her and her new husband. I was shocked when I first saw this case and her face popped up. She’s literally very nice and I’m not just saying that. We all try to work on them when we see them come in cus they’re very easy going and tip very generously. I hope she’s well and is healed

  • @jaime_zap

    Love your channel! Do you use a teleprompter app or are you just the best storyteller of all time?

  • @aliaali6421

    There is something I wanna say even though father and daughter marrying each other is sick and disgusting marrying cousins is okay it happens in Europe and the Middle East I am from the Middle East however if you do it to much it is bad

    Oh and it is okay if you marry on,y your cousins nothing else

    Oh and again I will say this case is sick

  • @laurasnyder8135

    This is GROSS!!! Ewwww yuck 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
    Ugh i just can't!!! 🤮 🤮 🤮
    Literally throwing up! My stomach is turning! If this is how your head works, do urself a favor, just go away!

  • @unique_frenchie_vi

    In certain cultures the father initiates sex with their daughters so that he can be the one who takes their virginity. Makes me sick.

  • @ritayammouni2803

    Oh my God, how many times did that 911 responder ask what happened? 😲

  • @sw6118

    I’ve seen this late in life genetic attraction happen several times. It definitely breaks up marriages. Once you’re over 18 and there’s no violence no one seems to care.

  • @Jessica-jf9pb

    Less talked about: I feel so bad for Katie’s adopted mom because she lost her daughter and her husband that day ☹️

  • @Daisy-hi4sg

    No bish thats his daughter your grand-daughter not his wife !!!!! Ugh sick

  • @NadiaHuaco

    Stephen was such a spoiled brat, I don’t understand how his mom stood by his side through everything.

  • @NikkiNoo86

    No ads while she’s advertising 😂

  • @user-zh8gd3gd6u

    I think I saw these people years ago on dr Phil or something. Right after they got married her bio mom went to the media about it because police wouldn’t do anything. So sad this is how it turned out.

  • @thehustlinhomemaker1467

    How awful that her mother put her up for adoption to try and save her daughter, but ultimately her father still killed her.

  • @user-fm4gb8lq2j

    She was most definitely abused by her adopted parants. The fact that they didn't do anything and she mentioned art was her way out, out from what exactly?? She had no chances. Her baby probably would have suffered physical and mental disadvantages due to being an incest child. She should have never fuxked her own dad, but if she was sexualy abused by the adopted parent, wouldn't it make it easier for her to have the same relationship with her real dad ???? Just food for thought:(

  • @LexieB21

    Oh this is nasty. I think “condition or feeling” of whatever it is BS. It’s just plain gross.

  • @dubz2167

    Shit is practically unwatchable bc of YouTube censorship… fucking insane we live in a world where a company thing we shouldn’t hear the word violent…. Honestly so scary they can just pick whatever words they want and ban them. 1984 wasn’t a book it was a prophecy

  • @user-xl7kh8wk6k

    I wonder if the people answering these types of calls have ptsd or something. I could imagine answering a call and hearing the craziness

  • @HayleyK-


  • @erins.3141

    WHO the hell allowed this sh!t? What the hell is wrong with the people in their lives????

  • @itschrisjones

    This "I'll support you as long as you're happy" goes too far sometimes. We have to love people enough to reel them back in. It's not loving to allow people to destroy their lives while we smile and quietly disagree. Her adoptive parents and his mother knew better than to support this.

  • @ultimatejoshiewoshieness

    why are cops useless sometimes? I mean really, all the worst stories I hear are because the cops screwed up at best or did nothing at worst. WTF?!?!

  • @hadiaansar6391

    well kaite was also responsible how could they both 😬 blaaaa . They are daughter and Father. How could this happen. garbage total

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