Warrant Suggests Utah Mom Might Have Been Inspired by Kouri Richins’ Mother to Kill Her Husband

Authorities believe that Kouri Richins’ mother may have been the inspiration behind a Utah mom’s decision to kill her husband, according to a warrant.

Hey, did you hear about the latest true crime update on Corey Richens, the Utah mom accused of poisoning her husband? It turns out that her mom, Lisa Darden, might have some shady past connections.

So get this, detectives found out that Lisa was living with a woman back in 2006 who mysteriously died of a drug overdose. Lisa was named as the beneficiary of her partner’s estate right before her death. And guess what? Corey’s phone had texts showing Lisa’s disdain for Eric, the husband who was allegedly poisoned.

Now, this doesn’t mean Lisa is guilty of anything, but it does raise some eyebrows. Could she have been involved in Eric’s death too? Pretty weird, right? But remember, Lisa hasn’t been charged in connection with the murder.

But, also keep in mind that unless Lisa is charged alongside her daughter, her past won’t be relevant to Corey’s trial. Corey’s attorney has also responded, mentioning the widespread opioid epidemic to explain Lisa’s situation. So it’s possible that Lisa’s past wasn’t investigated due to assumptions about her partner’s addiction.

The preliminary hearing for Corey’s case is scheduled for April, and that might reveal more evidence against her. So, let’s wait and see what unfolds.

Do you think Lisa could be connected to Eric’s death? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss more about this intriguing true crime case.

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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