Upon closer inspection of the evidence in the tragic case involving Mackenzie and Dominic, it becomes clear that this was no ordinary accident. As a seasoned crime investigator, I must bring attention to the fact that Mackenzie’s actions were deliberate and with malicious intent. The video surveillance clearly captures her speeding before abruptly disappearing from view, only to result in a fatal crash later on.

It is chilling to note that Mackenzie had visited the crash site just days before, raising suspicions of premeditation. The courtroom was presented with data showing her cell phone in the vicinity, indicating a familiarity with the area. This suggests a sinister plan was in motion, as if she was meticulously planning her next move.

As we delve deeper into the details, it becomes apparent that Mackenzie’s actions were not merely accidental but calculated. The video evidence paints a grim picture of her intentions, as she navigated the roads with a clear purpose of causing harm. In the early morning hours of that fateful day, her true motive was unveiled: to bring about death and destruction. This was not a case of reckless driving, but a carefully orchestrated plan to kill.


35 Comments to “Was Mackenzie Shirilla’s Car Crash Planned?”

  • @emc129

    This is what happens when you never say no to your children. If you watched the trial, you will see her Mother was a mess in closing arguments (not in a good way) and her Father yelled out to her as she was taken away in handcuffs that she was innocent. I know the Mom of one of her friends and the consensus among them was that she “was set up”. Uh yeah we saw the films and the still shots.

  • @gxtv2057

    A woman’s tears are only genuine when she is alone!

  • @haalanders

    Her eyelash makes me judgemental 😂

  • @virginiaordaya

    Let’s just say she was innocent of intentionally doing this. She did herself zero favors by being an absolute nightmare psycho girlfriend and then driving recklessly. But she did do it on purpose so it doesn’t matter.

  • @angelaoster7516

    Its not always the parents.

  • @mariselajulyana3252

    the only thing that im surprise she didn't die in that crash hummm

  • @b3l1an...6

    Best regards from Germany again,
    Since the story just can't let me go, I've watched the surveillance camera video and the photos from the corner of the brick wall over and over again, because I know that sometimes very small details have very big effects. Details that, in my opinion, strongly indicate that it was an accident and not murder.

    1. The 2018 Toyota Camry
    This car is not only rare in Germany, but also more of an exotic car. It was reported that the car was checked for technical faults and there were none. I found it strange that the vehicle was turning to the right toward the building, and that the on-board computer recorded the steering wheel jerking to the right and then to the left shortly before the accident. I found out that some users of a 2018 Toyota Camry have noticed that the power steering sporadically stops working and steering becomes difficult

    (“2018 Camry Hybrid Stiff Steering”)
    („2018 Toyota Camry and Camry Hybrid Steering Wheel Requires Increased Effort and/or Exhibits Reduced Return to Center T-SB-0028-22“).

    It is important that someone reports in the linked article that there is no error code in the on-board computer despite the power steering defect. From my point of view, this results in a completely new scenario that is much more realistic than that of Judge Nancy Margaret Russo: As relatives and friends report, Dominic, Shirilla and Davion were in a good mood at the time in question. After parting ways with their other friends and giving Davion a ride, they decide, despite the drugs in their blood and not knowing that the power steering doesn't work properly, to do a speed run in the Camry to get a quick rush of speed before they go home. They had already planned this anyway and Shirilla had already watched the “Progress Drive”. A long street in an industrial area, no police, not a soul, just a long empty street. Shirilla follows the progression in an exemplary manner. She even flashes to avoid attracting attention from drivers on Pearl Road. On Progress Drive, Shirilla accelerates the Camry to 100mph and then something happens that none of the three expected. Sherilla, who already suffers from an illness in which she runs the risk of becoming unconscious if she becomes dehydrated, becomes unconscious due to the interaction of drugs, speed and her illness. The steering wheel jerks to the right, the steering wheel jerks to the left. Dominic notices that his girlfriend is unconscious and her Prada slippers are still hanging on the accelerator. He tries to intervene to avoid the accident and save his girlfriend and his friend in the back seat. He grabs the steering wheel and turns it to the right, as is usual from the passenger position, but is unable to change the vehicle's course at 100mph enough, either because the power steering wasn't cooperating or not to adjust the angle of impact change so that everyone in the vehicle survives. All of this happened in a few seconds.

    2. Personal analysis of the accident
    According to Judge Nancy Margaret Russo, Sherilla had a precise plan to murder Dominic and Davion.

    Quote Cory Shaffer, cleveland.com:
    “She had a mission, and she executed it with precision,” the judge said. “The decision was death.”

    In what follows I will try to demonstrate why I consider this conclusion to be realistic.

    2.1 Analysis of the accident video
    As I mentioned, I have watched the accident video many times. At first I thought that the white area illuminated by the headlights of the accident vehicle was the brick building. But when I looked at the photos of the building, I found that before the vehicle collided with the wall, it had already collided with this very object at 100 mph. At this speed, the impact was said to have been strong enough for the airbags to deploy. Whether Shirilla was unconscious or not, with the airbag deployed in his face, the vehicle could no longer be controlled in any way.

    Quote Cory Shaffer, cleveland.com:
    "The steering wheel jerked to the right, then to the left, and the airbags deployed seconds before the car jumped the curb and slammed into the business."

    Since it was also mentioned that the airbags had already deployed on the curb, I wanted to get a picture of the accident site for myself.

    2.2 Analysis of the accident scene
    Since I'm in Germany and I can't even fly to the States, I used Google Street View. If you look at the scene from Progress Dr towards the building and zoom out, it turns out that the white object must be a company billboard. This object also seems to be the object that marked the first impact of the vehicle and most likely caused the airbags to be triggered, as there are no board stones here, or at least not the high board stones that I know from Germany. In the event of a collision with this brick, the car would have been dismantled much sooner and it might not have made it to the brick wall at all. If you go back to the object of the first impact, you can see that it partially, if not completely, obscures the view of the lower part of the corner of the brick wall. The upper part is hidden by the treetop. Impact point two, the corner of the brick wall, does not represent a clear target for the vehicle, which is no longer controllable.

    2.3 Impact point two – the corner
    Looking at the pictures of the damaged corner, it looks to me as if the impact occurred first on the left side of the corner, i.e. on the driver's side first. But the car also caught on the edge of the corner, so that quite a lot of the impact energy was placed through the edge on a small spot on the car. This is probably why the accident was so fatal.

    2.4 The lawn edge
    If you look at the line where the asphalt ends and the lawn begins in Google Street View and compare this with the accident video, it turns out that the car took exactly the path between the first stone from the right and the green fire hydrant. If you get here at 100mph I would say that this place is really narrow and that you are lucky if you even get through here without taking the stone with you.
    When I thought about the narrow passage, I asked myself why Shirilla should make it so complicated, especially when she had already looked at the place in advance. It would have been much easier to drive past the tree on the edge of the lawn on the left and then drive straight onto the brick wall a little further back.

    2.5 Unconsciousness at the wheel
    I find it interesting that it's simply impossible that Shirilla become unconscious. Here is a German video on the topic (Youtube: “Ohnmächtig am Steuer: Wie man ein führerloses Auto stoppt – Abenteuer Auto”). This happens much more often than you think and even experienced drivers can't always handle such a situation. As a passenger, you don't have time to think, all you have to do is act.

    3 Conclusion
    The judge is actually of the opinion that Shirilla made the decision to murder her boyfriend by accelerating to 100 mph at night in the dark while under the influence of drugs and then passing a bottleneck at this speed where the condition of the road changes from asphalt to grass, At the same time, an obstacle is also taken away, whereby the impact causes the airbag to be triggered and with a lot of luck, the car crashes into the wall and, ideally, right into the corner, a goal that was previously hidden by the first obstacle. This is completely ridiculous.
    It is much more likely that Shirilla actually became unconscious and Dominic tried to get the car under control by grabbing the steering wheel and trying to avoid the obstacles and somehow bring the car to a stop. A project that even experienced drivers fail at lower speeds.

  • @JustWhy213

    Two "concurrent" 15 years to life sentences in a court in Ohio. She got off easy.

  • @Jaquster

    Was her plan to die in the crash also??

  • @b3l1an...6

    Best regards from Germany,

    Shirilla Mackenzie's story has also made it into the news here.
    Before I give my answer to the question of whether Shirilla acted intentionally, here is my answer: No, she didn't. It was an accident.

    Below I will explain how I came to my conclusion. I will divide this into two sections. In the first section I will address the points that influenced the occurrence of the accident. The second point will deal with the mental state aspect, the court and the sentence. At the end there is a short conclusion.

    1. The accident
    1.1 Shirilla is a beginner driver
    If I'm not mistaken, in the States you can get a driver's license at age 16. It is much easier to get a driving license compared to Germany. The speed limit is very low, so in general you should have little experience with high speeds. Although in Germany the training to obtain a driving license is much harder and we are prepared for the fact that we also have areas on motorways where there is no speed limit, it also happens here that young people completely overestimate their driving talent.
    1.2 Driving under the influence of drugs
    It is reported that Shirilla was found to have THC in her blood. This drug has been proven to affect a person's ability to react. Quote O'Malley:
    “When you drive for four or five seconds with the pedal all the way down until you hit 100 mph into a building, we felt the charge was appropriate”
    When you have limited reaction time, four or five seconds isn't much. I speak from experience. I once had two stoned friends sitting in the backseat on vacation in the Netherlands when a dog suddenly ran in front of my car. Luckily I was able to avoid the dog, but what I didn't expect was that five seconds later one of the two would shout "watch out for the dog".
    It is also not mentioned that the two boys were also under the influence of drugs. Quote Cory Shaffer, cleveland.com:
    "Shirilla, Russo and Flanagan had spent the night at a friend's house, where they smoked marijuana, friends tested."
    The question arises as to why the passenger next to Sherilla did not intervene. In Germany, the front passenger is not allowed to be under the influence of drugs so that he can intervene if necessary.
    It should also be mentioned at this point that Shirilla carefully turned into the street. People who drive under the influence of THC tend to drive more carefully because they perceive speed much more violently. So the 100MPH/160KmH was absolute overkill. The question now is why the car was brought to that speed?
    1.3 The footwear
    Quote Cory Shaffer, cleveland.com:
    "A passerby spotted the crash nearly 45 minutes later and called police, who found Russo and Flanagan dead. Shirilla was trapped in the driver's seat with one of her fuzzy Prada slippers stuck to the accelerator, and firefighters pried her out."
    This is the perfect piece of equipment for getting stuck on the accelerator pedal. To ensure that something like this doesn't happen in Germany, the driver has to wear sturdy shoes.
    2 Mental state, court and judgment
    2.1 Signs of shame and guilt
    Quote Cory Shaffer, cleveland.com:
    "As she recovered in the hospital after the crash, doctors noted that Shirilla expressed “grief, guilt and shame” about the accident. Prosecutors painted those statements as evidence that Shirilla had "consciousness of guilt"."
    At the hospital, doctors discovered that Shirilla felt distress, guilt and embarrassment about the accident. The court sees this as an admission of guilt, but it is not an admission of guilt for murder. She just realized that because of her childish and immature behavior, her two friends are gone and they won't be coming back. She also posted that she missed Russo. She realized that as a driver she had responsibility for the vehicle and therefore also for the lives of her friends.
    2.2 The name of the judge
    Nancy Margaret Russo has the same name as one of the boys who died. There is also an article regarding Russo's mother ("Prominent prosecutor backing judge candidate with troubled past"). At this point it would be necessary to clarify what the family relationship is like. Although Shirilla's lawyer points out that there is no burden of proof for murder, the judge convicts Shirilla of murder. One could make the assumption here that this is revenge, but if this is the case then Judge Russo's objectivity is not given. Likewise, there is no mention of where the drugs that were consumed and that were found in the vehicle came from. This is questionable, especially in light of the article mentioned above.
    3 Conclusion
    From my point of view, the accident is a chain of unfortunate events. Three stoned children get into a vehicle. The driver's Prada slippers blocked the accelerator pedal and since she was a novice driver who was also stoned, the situation got completely out of control and the car crashed into the wall.
    A judge who has the same name as one of the deceased makes a verdict that is in no way objective and just seems like revenge.
    What happened there is terrible and the pain of the relatives cannot be expressed in words, but revenge does not take away this pain.
    The matter should be objectively examined and reassessed. But there is no murder here. Of course, Shirilla should be punished for her negligent behavior – behavior that clearly shows that she is not an adult.
    She should be given a chance to rehabilitate herself and not be sent to prison. There she either dies or becomes the monster you are trying to hunt.

  • @candacehandyside903

    It wasn’t an accident. She planned it methodically. Including which direction to go and what building to crash into

  • @NoPulseGames

    Are they also factoring in that she'd also be planning her own death as well? She's lucky to be alive, and to claim she intentionally crashed the car in order to kill Doninic and Davion just seems unplausable. Clearly the wreckless driving was intentional, but to do it in order to kill them and somehow survive? That's such a stretch and the court knows it

  • @kkgg18

    God kept her alive to pay for her sins

  • @Babykisses908

    She knew just what she was doing. Guilty!

  • @user-ty1rl3sd3r

    Somethings not right usually when you try to hurt someone you wound up being the one hurt that's why I think she's dealing with black magic

  • @user-ty1rl3sd3r

    How did she survive was it black magic ?

  • @korar7190

    That doesn’t sound like evidence to me. Innocence until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. That’s how it’s supposed to work

  • @rfcbass6810

    Stop getting lip injections lady. Jesus.

  • @StarCreatorz


  • @222222ania

    No evidence at all other than some spiteful words. This is ridiculous

  • @hondachick8889

    Shame on her for even fake crying with the hand over the mouth. Hope she meets big Bertha in prison.

  • @Bipolar_Bear7774

    How can she held accountable for her action..jesus already taking all sins in this world.

  • @SuperMulti_DVD-RW

    Ofc it has to he always OHIO


  • @brandyramos9372

    she just a wreck less driver who drives fast. I have seen so many who drive so fast and cut you off like their a speed racer. No one intentionally crashed knowing your in it. no way…

  • @jamilaycock5027

    She is crying for sympathy but forgot the actual tears.

  • @PsychicRenegadeTarot

    That’s their evidence? Cell phone locations are not accurate or precise sometimes.

  • @kimberlyhemminger3822

    She meant to kill all of them but she accidentally lived

  • @coffeecrimegal5968

    The look on this young girls face when she realizes that accountability & retribution will be paid & paid by her & her alone this time is priceless!
    Parents do better.

  • @mothventure4128

    Typically white collar little girl who wasn't going to get her way, let's give her parents a round of applause….

  • @remcovanderpas44

    Tears off acountability

  • @tammykelsey7877

    She did this ON PURPOSE! She even had a recent tic tok with her dancing to the lyrics, “I’m the girl you die for”! She deserves to be in jail!!!

  • @gskate117

    Crazy shees the only one who survived.

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