Weekend Crime Chat Part 2

Detailed Analysis of Weekend Crime Chat Part 2: Uncovering the Disturbing Truths Behind the Criminal Activities discussed. Dive deep into the discussions and dissect the clues left behind as we investigate the chilling case of the missing person and the suspicious transactions leading up to their disappearance. Join us as we unravel the web of deceit and betrayal in this gripping true crime mystery.


49 Comments to “Weekend Crime Chat Part 2”

  • @christineneil8020

    Singing Closing Time at the end of the video reminds of the episode on The Office when Andy "Nard Dog" Bernard is manager and tries to start a trend of singing Closing Time at the end of each work day. No one seems to catch on and is almost annoyed by it. Except for Erin, of course, and surprisingly Stanley. This is hilarious to me and you probably, if you watch The Office too. Then you'll know Stanley is very rarely amused by anything except his word search books. Lol.

  • @reichmuth1003

    That Bitch is just Horrible, my Sons did things at the age of two that was unbelievable, and I never would have thought of hitting a two-year-old. YES, they are still babies at that age, Some people just shouldn't ever have children, Then I think of all the women who can't have them and wants one so bad. But these POS always have them by the 3 and 5's and treat them so bad in the grocery stores and the Walgreens around the corner.

  • @mandiedoom7616

    Dude my kiddo who is 14 ruined a Tim Burton oil painting portrait that I had 20 hours into and accidents happen. I felt worse for my kid for feeling so bad about popping a hole in the canvas and feeling horrible about it. My heart hurts for that baby 🙁

  • @tanyakristeen

    I'm like hey there relax please put down the scissors and watch the movie DEAD AGAIN its totally relevant to both crime and the scissors. I think you would enjoy it, its older and worthy of a few watches.

  • @richarddavis2621

    The fact that she's comfortable saying that on youtube also means she probably beats her ass literally, abusively, because where there's smoke there's fire. And EXACTLY the whole thing that the baby is just emulating you and wants to be like you and it's really sweet…not annoying and it's terrible. The not being valued part is so true and is heartbreaking.

  • @clairepettie

    I just watched that special about JoJo having to build her career back up from scratch after her production company totally screwed her over, all thanks to a contract she signed at 12 years old. I'm so amazed by her work ethic and resilience.

  • @ronniesutton9388

    Child proof locks on cupboards prevent children from getting dangerous stuff?? Really this woman is a special kind of stupid!!

  • @jennigee51

    AGES ago, when my daughter was two and a half and I was almost nine months pregnant, my daughter came downstairs carrying one of her tops, which was in her chest of drawers, I took it up to put it away, to discover that she had pulled out every piece of clothing from each of the four drawers! So, not a happy bunny, I folded them all up and put them away, and went downstairs to tell her off! In the living room, on the window ledge was a large sticky pile of crushed mint chocolate thins (they’re called After Eight) which my husband had given me!! You can imagine I was an even less of a happy bunny! But I didn’t hit her, smack her or anything like that, I actually sat down and cried (hormones all over the place) I got myself sorted, and explained to her that she must not pull her clothes out of her drawers, and she must never take my chocolates! But, of course, I put the rest of the chocolates up high and cleaned the mushed up chocolates 😳

  • @andreavintage3870

    Wow I’m disgusted with Michelle Grace. I would do anything to have a beautiful healthy two year old and I can’t and people like her can pop out kids and be ungrateful assholes. She shouldn’t be a parent I hope Cps becomes involved

  • @andreavintage3870

    The Gannon case reminds me so much of the Kyron Horman case!

  • @MaddieMisanthrope

    If my comment about being a Stepmom was the one referenced in this video, that's not at all what I meant. I was just trying to say that society as a whole views Stepmom's in a negative light regardless of what we do. If we do too much we're "overstepping", too little and "we don't care about the kids". I wasn't assuming anything about YOU personally, I'm sorry if it came across that way! (I love your channel and would never disrespect YOU in that way.)
    As for T, she's garbage and it's not because she's a Stepmom – any person that can so callously lie after killing a child (especially one that she was supposed to care for) deserves to get thrown into a pit of hungry hyenas.

  • @michaelaxx8149

    I know you said you wouldn’t do a video until you could gather more info. But I wanted to comment here on the #EvelynBoswell case. Authorities said they found remains believed to be those of a missing Sullivan County 15-month-old on property belonging to a family member of the mother.
    The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said they believe they have found the remains of missing 15-month-old Evelyn Boswell two weeks after an AMBER Alert search was initiated.

    "We have a heartbreaking update in the search for #EvelynBoswell. This evening, authorities found remains believed to be those of the missing 15-month-old. An autopsy is pending and the investigation remains ongoing. Thank you for your support during this difficult process," the TBI tweeted.

  • @ChopBassMan

    This comment is NOT meant to excuse her behavior. Michelle Grace seems to be a person whose emotional development stopped when she was just a child herself. I know that physical/sexual abuse or early alcoholism/drug addiction cause emotional development to stop at whatever age that begins. Her callousness to her child and her selfish attitude seem consistent with stunted emotional growth. I am a recovering alcoholic (28 yrs) who began drinking heavily at 12, and had the emotional capacity of a 12 yr old when I got sober at 27. I also have experience through counseling, an ex-wife, and many AA friends that the idea of emotional stunting is a real thing.
    She definitely needs some professional help and should probably have the child removed until she's better – so that, hopefully, the cycle of abuse will stop and not be carried to the next generation

  • @traviskerr4813

    WTF? She's two, it's called a shelf! She can't be trying too hard to keep it away from her. Not a good look to be bragging about beating a 2-year-old over some pallet made by a sex pest.

  • @MarlanaPolis

    For the fact alone that her 2 year old can get into the chemical cabinet is absolutely horrible. She could have drank that windex instead of spraying it all over her bed. She needs to baby proof her house and learn how to manage her temper

  • @mychem508

    My youngest nephew who is the same age as her daughter also loves spray bottles and will put his hands on any spray bottles including windex. So what did my sister do? Put safety locks on the cleaning supplies and gave him a spray bottle with water in it and a roll of paper towels! He loves them! Jesus that lady makes me mad

  • @MelodyL

    Letecia Stauch has been arrested for the murder of Gannon

  • @angelas2395

    Michelle Grace is a special kind of stupid. I’d like to meet up with her in a dark alley.

  • @Anna_Dawson

    Gannon was presumed dead this week by authorities… though they haven’t found a body yet, so there’s a sliver of hope.. but honestly not looking good.

    I’m confused though, as to why they’re giving up on Gannon so fast, but Tylee and JJ are still just assumed ‘missing’? They’ve been gone much longer.

  • @outsidefamily9613

    Thank you for what you do. I just discovered true crime youtubers last year one although I enjoy several channels you are by far my favorite. You are so relateable and thorough, you make sense to me because we share so many of the same views. I hope you enjoy many years of success because you deserve it!!!!

  • @nicoleackerman205

    Did you hear Gannon stepmother got arrested.

  • @meganbarry4252

    It’s the YouTube gods Steph. They don’t want us to be happy.

  • @soozshooz

    Gannon’s step monster ARRESTED!!

  • @Peachy019

    Have you consider checking out the Lisa Snyder case? She was just arrested and going on trial for murdering her two children in PA.

  • @Peachy019

    Gannon's stepmother was arrested on suspicion of murder today… I think the police have a lot of evidence now?

  • @jenwithonen7047

    I just wanted to tell you
    (in case you hadn't heard yet) Gannon's
    step mother has just been arrested!
    I pray we get some answers now!

  • @omarr8183

    Finally Gannon stepmother its been arrested hell yeah i hope that bitch gets the chair

  • @amandas.5346

    Letecia Stauch has been arrested!!

  • @frejyakos5058

    OO I was so busy this weekend!! I can't wait for the next live!!!

    Edit: And now at 8 min in I am laughing so hard! The video and tech struggles are the worst!! I am happy my husband is a techie for me 😉

  • @crystalw44

    My rant…. The cost of the makeup is worth your BABIES well being?!? Maybe she sees mommy loving makeup so she wants to bond with mommy?!? Do her make up!!!! 😖😖👀👀 Awful!

  • @emurillo8573

    Please watch Gabriel Fernandez doc . I really respect your view points and want to hear what you have to say about it . I’m really sad about it I haven’t watched the doc but a few short news videos on you tube and I cried my eyes out 😢💔

  • @sugarant1087

    The idiot mother is upset because her two years old daughter is smarter than she is 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @DarcyHeartsElvis

    You should really cover the story of Brittanee Drexel. A 17 year old girl who was sadly abducted & murdered on April 25th, 2009 in South Carolina after she went with her friends on a spring break trip that she had taken without her mother's knowledge or permission from her hometown of New York. Her murder is still a mystery. Read about it.

  • @laceycalhoun3203

    You had the same facial expressions I did during that mother’s video. If you and I were watching that in person we wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.

  • @AlexSmith-px4gy

    I'm sorry but she referred to him in past tense and they are going to figure it out. She is not as smart as she thinks she is.

  • @AlexSmith-px4gy

    I think them searching the house and such they realized that Gannon is not coming home no need to search for him. They are building a case she better lawyer up and they don't like baby killers in prison.

  • @lisagoodin2959

    Someone needs to put her child out of HER reach

  • @yecats2.098

    I really enjoy your channel you are very thorough with your research and it's just refreshing really to see that so thank you for all your time and effort you put into these videos I do have a case suggestion Israel Keys his case is very interesting and I don't really see alot of videos covering his case and I don't even feel like someone could cover it in depth as well as you.

  • @HaveFaith_11

    I do not trust LIEtecia Stauch, Megan (Maggie) Boswell, & Lori Shallow! All 3 of these women have lied 🤥 & changed their stories countless times. It irks my soul…

  • @annaliselozo5327

    My daughter is three and loves make up like i do and she had ruined my make up and i never hurt her over it i show her how to do it and i buy her makeup thats hers to play with its awesome my daughter loves something i love… This angers me show her how to dip into it nicely or get her some of her own…

  • @oliviaburnett7926

    I'm with you first of all the cleaning products would be locked up! My makeup would be put out of reach from my two year baby . I really don't understand thos girl !!!!!

  • @Regina_Filanji

    Omg a freaking makeup palette!!!
    Kids always want to play with makeup!!!
    I just cant… This woman… too many things to say about it

  • @thecruisingcowgirl1016

    Stephanie… could you PLEASE PLEASE do the unsolved Wanda beach Murders in Sydney Australia in 1965 whose MAIN suspect took off the the USA and became the beauty Queen Killer Christopher Wilder… The family in Sydney of the two murdered teenage girls need and deserve this to be brought into the forefront of social media so hopefully someone in LE takes it on and says "lets finish this!!" Love your work..

  • @redgolfgti07

    Hi Stephanie, I've been watching Youtube 'true crime' for many years now. I've watched everyone!! I just wanted to take a second to let you know that your videos are the best I have come across. The detail and effort that goes into the content you're producing is staggering. I frequently start watching one of your videos thinking I know everything there is to know on the subject and, every time, you prove me wrong – a fact that delights and pleases me no end. I'm a Virgo, so I'm a lover of detail and I appreciate hugely precision in terms of the facts. I particularly enjoy the videos that you split into parts because I know that I'm in for a very informative ride and I do indeed grab a coffee and settle in! Thank you for your hard work and the obvious devotion you have to your research – it is such a skill to be able to process the amount of data that you do, discard the irrelevant and weave together the main players and events that bring the viewer on the journey. I've been meaning to leave this comment for many weeks and I thought I'd do so on your most recent video in the hope that you'll see it. I think you are very talented and I have learned so much from your hard work. There are so many subjects that I would be really interested to hear getting 'Stephanied' and I definitely agree that, of them all, anything historical is terrific. When you combine history and crime, well, what's not to love. History gives the context and crime gives the drama. Anyway, thank you. You don't so much produce YouTube videos as you do documentaries. Love it. Glad I came across you.

  • @rebeccalandon3580

    I’m confused about Gannon’s step mom not having the cell phone with her because I watched an interview where she said she had a time stamp that they took a selfie in the truck after arriving home. Can you take pictures on an Apple Watch? I’ve never had one so I dunno. Maybe she meant they took it on Gannon’s phone who knows but that kinda threw me off when you said she didn’t have her phone.

  • @spirit1366

    Why do you women want a different man to take care of children he didn't father.What about the Bio Father.For the most part guys don't ask women to take care pf their kids.Dont put that pressure on men.

  • @Lukas583

    I wonder if he maybe tipped over a candle (which it sucks we don’t know what kind- a glass jar, a taper, a pillar- or even if it was in something like a glass hurricane for example) but maybe possibly he broke glass, cut himself trying to clean it up, which is why he might be bleeding or she caused him to bleed somehow; and the carpet didn’t actually catch on fire bc of him. But I could see her setting fire to the carpet to get rid of the blood, if she caused him to bleed, and just said that the candle set the carpet on fire- (which seems really improbable in my mind- I can’t really see how it could). But we know there’s blood involved- I don’t know- she just has an answer for everything. I bet the reason why she brought up the gate was because it’s probably hooked up to their security system, and it will show up opening and closing a bunch of times- and she needed an excuse for that- almost like she was hauling out evidence or something-

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