What intricate details have prevented prosecutors from pressing charges against ex-wife Wendi Adelson in the chilling murder case of Dan Markel? With suspicious financial transactions and conflicting alibis, the investigation into the murder of the prominent Florida State University law professor continues to unravel shocking revelations about a possible murder-for-hire plot orchestrated by those close to him. Despite mounting evidence pointing towards Adelson’s involvement, the elusive truth remains shrouded in mystery, leaving detectives tirelessly piecing together the puzzle of this perplexing criminal conspiracy.


43 Comments to “What has stopped prosecutors from charging Ex-wife Wendi Adelson? (Murder of Dan Markel Case)”

  • @anitraturner5748

    She might have a lot of credentials…..BUT THE THING U ARE MISSING IS GOD’S IN THE EQUATION….IF GOD BROUGHT THESE CONVICTIONS 9+ YRS LATER. 5 out of 7 is arrested & charged RIGHT..?? Only 2 more Adelson’s to go. Why are people still in doubt……That Wendi will be charged just bcuz she hasn’t yet. (It’s crazy to me so little faith) WHEN GOD’S TRACK RECORD TRUMPS MANS WORDS & ACTIONS ALONE. U are basically saying u doubt GOD……Can’t bring her to JUSTICE JUST AS HE HAS DONE ✔️ WITH THE PREVIOUS 5 in this case….But moreover dwelling on the fact WHY HASN’T SHE BEEN CHARGED. If u know GOD HE HAS A TIME & A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING. U reap what u sow. It does not matter what credentials she has her smarts, or any of that. OUR GOD IS SMARTER…..😉 If God says that she is going to be brought to justice like everybody else, then it will happen. Man can not or will not escape GOD’S WRATH. No matter the lawyers they get. How much money they have. None of that will trump GOD’S LESSON HE HAS FOR U Periodtttt…..People take GOD’S wrath out of context as if he has no power…..Remember this case had went cold. God worked through Agent Sanford, Georgia Cappleman & Sarah Dugan & a lot of other great detectives & prosecutors to rejuvenate the case & now 5 people have been prosecuted 9+ years later. Slow but steady that’s how GOD WORKS….. people coming up with all these different theories why they think she won’t be charged or why the prosecutors haven’t charged her yet & they completely have taken God out the equation. So let’s start speaking to that……as we now know Donna has been charged & caught trying to flee. Who do u think orchestrated that? Hint: GOD DID…..Take notice in GOD’S actions. He did not bring The Markels this far to leave them. So just as much as u speak on your doubts about the case ALSO SPEAK 🗣️ ON GOD IS ABLE…..& HOW MANY HAVE ALREADY WENT DOWN IN THE CASE….There is no way to get around what GOD has for u to go threw. IT TELLS US IN Deuteronomy 32:35 It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them." Soooooo……That means…!!! GOD HAS HIS WAY, DAY & TIME FOR WENDI & HARVEY TO BE CHARGED ALSO. Just as he did with the other 5. Trust GOD’S TRACK RECORD. Not mans nor Wendi’s 😉😉😉 Her dooms day is near. Life sentence is about to be her & Harveys portion. Especially now that they have Donna & Harvey’s phones. U don’t know what God will reveal on those. Trust that GOD HAS HAD A PLAN SINCE DAY ONE…..When they had a plan to murder Dan. They thought they had gotten away with it…..& GOD SAID NOPE…..Time to pay the piper…..& He download ideas to Agent 🕵️‍♂️ Sanford to do WHAT??? “THE BUMP” In which rejuvenated the case & has gotten 5 convictions so far. Notice how I said 5 lol 😂 I trust that Donna will be convicted. I have the utmost Faith in GOD THAT SHE WILL…..same lawyer as Charlie.!.! On board there will be the same results….Trust that GOD IS STILL DOWNLOADING VITAL INFO TO Georgia, Sarah & THESE FBI AGENTS. We don’t know what else….GOD HAS NOT REVEALED TO THEM AS OF YET. Remember GOD’S Timing ⏱️ Not Man’s 😉 JUSTICE FOR DAN…..✊🏾

  • @gabe_2544

    I don’t think she’ll ever face justice. Knowing she was involved and being able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt are two different things, as we all know. We know she tried twice to set Jeffrey Lacasse up. We know she intentionally set up a meet with Dan the day of his murder so she could provide info on his whereabouts. We know she was on the sidewalk with the two children in front of Dan’s home so she could see/confirm the hitmen. We know she drove to the crime scene area to confirm the hit. We know she set up for Best Buy to be at her home during the murder for alibi purposes and the whole TV stuff used as code for the plot. Try to prove it beyond speculation, though. Prosecutors would also have a tough time overcoming the emails sent to Wendi by her mother, where her mother is imploring her to fight Dan and instructing her ways to. If she’s so evil, why is mama having to basically beg her to stand up. Mama even says she’s too nice and that she knows Wendi only wants to move forward with a sense of peace, the inference being Wendi is willing to stay in Tallahassee and make the best of it. The only thing Wendi does that mom suggests is file for relocation. She apparently never does the church thing that mama desperately wanted her to, so it shows that Wendi has her own mind and doesn’t blindly follow what mama says. Prosecutors want to win; they’re not going to take someone to trial to scare them, inconvenience them, cost them money or try to teach them a lesson. They might have decided the best they can do is have her name brought up in court in the various trials as a way to put it out there that she’s involved, to let her know they know she’s involved and hope they’ve instilled fear in her that one day she might face the proverbial knock on the door.

  • @EffSharp

    I think she will be indicted and her defense will be “mom and Charlie did it and I had no idea”.

  • @dmbeaster

    People need to realize the extent to which their opinions of guilt are built around seeing her testify. None of that can be used or referenced is any case against Wendi. No witness can remark on anything she said. The evidence that they have and can use raises inferences, but I seriously doubt that it would survive proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Having her testify with use immunity greatly assisted getting convictions, but probably made it harder to prosecute Wendi. I am sure that the prosecutors discussed this before having her testify. Charlie and Donna were clearly "more guilty" and so this makes sense.

  • @helenh.3341

    They did it for Wendi!

  • @lindaj171

    I guess this was posted just a couple of days before Cathy Edelson was arrested trying to flee the country. Highly likely she will be convicted so that will make a total of 5 down and 2 (Wendi and Harvey) to go. And it's true that even if Wendi and her father don't go to jail, everyone knows they had involvement. What an evil family (brother Rob was so smart to distance himself).

  • @wlf9108

    He just can’t bring himself to admit that a woman could be that smart.

  • @vickykimzey5547

    I think sh'es very involved but family have kept her safe for the kids sake. AND she was given some immunity for some reason !

  • @facts-ps1fu

    I truly believe Wendie should be arrested no way she didn’t know lots of circumstantial evidence that I believe she would be found guilty, the main one is going to the scene at the turn onto Trescott Ave the crime tape was not at that intersection it was a mile or more down the road near Dan’s house, no way she didn’t know nothin until Trial the mom told her from start and she agreed with it, Harvey knew too he gave up the money he was the Dentist not Donna and they both drove to Charlie’s to drop off the money, I think Donna will slip on Wendie @ trial if she don’t take a plea, then Wendie will be arrested, child services needs to remove them boy from That destructive family, if Wendie is never charged she will never live in peace and when those boys are older they will hate her, Charlie and their grandparents, KARMA is real

  • @lindahanley5042

    She’s involved no doubt about it. Thery just Arrested Donna now it’s time for Wendy

  • @teresas8173

    I think the entire Adelson clan is very ignorant. Committing a murder to solve your problems … it doesn’t get any dumber than that. And they’re obviously dangerous. It’s disgusting that Wendy, even if not directly involved, allowed this to happen. What a horrible mother, what a horrible human being. If Wendy had told her mother and brother to NOT do this, she’d have prevented a murder. But she has no morals.
    She is getting away with murder and it’s such an injustice, but agree there’s not enough evidence to support her guilt.

  • @kirkl9370

    A lot of people bring up the question of how Garcia and Rivera knew Dan's schedule in order to coordinate the murder? I just rewatched Luis Rivera's police interview, just to refresh (and so I dont give any misinformation) where he detailed their actions to the cops:

    On the first aborted trip in June 2014, Katie gave them Dan's photo and address. They went up to Tallahasee on a Wed night, and on Thursday morning they spent the morning scoping out Dan's house and his morning routine. Rivera said they went to Dan's house and then followed him around until they lost him at the daycare. Then they came back on Friday morning to do it over again, after which they gave up and returned to Miami.


    @10:19:57am in the police interview: "I was just up here, scopin' him (Dan) out, we ain't do nothing, came up here followin him, for 2 days. After that, like Friday we were gone. We were here from Wednesday thru Friday the most. I was gone, that's it, I just came up here, scoped him out, we here to see what he was about, where he go, what his route, when everything, he goes to the daycare, I lose him cuz he just takes so long, like, man this guy never comes back out, and when I go to drive back, his car was never there. So we end up going back to the hotel… the next day same thing, we wake up and try to follow him, all over again to the same daycare, that's all, we already knew where he lived, I say what's the use in following this guy? If we already know where he lives…" Then "Yeah, I'm in the passenger seat that time, y'know, he was following him, I didnt drive the first time, that's it." And later, referring to the second trip, " the night that I came up in the car, that's when everything happened. I drove."

    Before the second trip Luis said that Katie "got Garcia all messed up" and "she said if you want me back you gotta do this" so eventually Garcia agreed "I gotta do this" and they made a second trip where they also spent 2 days following Dan around, scoping out the scene and his routine before the murder. So they probably knew Dan's schedule as well as anyone. All they were told (which people feel could only have come from Wendi) was that Dan was going out of town on Saturday (but Donna spoke to Wendi multiple times a day so would have known that as well).

    One interesting detail is @11:06:28 Rivera says that on the second trip, when they're doing another Thursday morning stake out the day before the murder, and he sees "Wendi" in the rear view mirror, with "her two kids" he then says to Garcia "what's she doin up here? what's she doin' up here?!" He repeats that a dozen times in the interview, "she knows we're up here, so what's she doing up here?" All through this interview (which was in Tallahasee) Rivera refers to Tallahasee as "up here" so, even though he thinks the woman he saw was "Wendi", he clearly thinks "the lady" who "had lost custody of her kids" and hired them for the hit was living in Miami, like Donna. Afterwards Rivera says that "Garcia says, she came up to see the kids… but I don't really like the sound of this". Isom tries to clarify by asking "So (Garcia's) already saying WHY is Wendi here" (note no "up") but Rivera repeats "Why is she up here?" This may not be a big deal, but it's these subtle things that I think investigators have latched on to in not indicting Wendi, that Rivera was confusing "the lady" Donna, with Wendi.

    It’s also worth noting that , at Charlie’s trial, during her cross examination of Wendi, Kappelman brings up a blog post saying Danny would be out of town for a conference on July 20. The fact that Dan’s travel plans were published indicates that such info did not have to come from Wendi. She also drew attention (as ML did in this video) to the fact that Wendi wasn’t included in conversations after “the bump” which further distances her from involvement.

  • @17Bobby

    How much have you seen them asking opinion from Wendi? Donna and Charlie decided and Harvey and Wendi nodded. All of them are quilty.

  • @kirkl9370

    excited by Donna's arrest!! Hopefully the truth will come out. Can't wait for ML analysis…

  • @Hunee-

    The guy in the background is annoying.

  • @krisbest6405

    As smart as they assume,l see many stupid mistakes in family. My son went two weeks with his father and the new invalid wife asked me for money! My ex was getting money as the carer. I gave my now 44 yr old son at 16 $100 30 Years ago ,he bought a walkman .instead of pocket money….Never a cent in maintenance,his alcohol was first priority.

  • @whatupplaya7951

    Those poor boys probably already know about it😢😢

  • @krisbest6405

    Shes guilty of boring the family etc about husbands dislike of her dishonesty. When desire wains l think most stop trying to be at their best. Labelling assets on purchase may become a thing. Child support is wrong. Every child bill is halved each week and not a handout like today. I never got any and never tried . Killing youe enemy is a sad part of religious teachings l hate.

  • @Aardvark1904

    What proof do they have that Wendi was involved? That she drove by the house? That she asked a question about her boyfriend's travel plans? That she immediately took her children to her parents' condo in Miami? I think she's involved, but that doesn't amount to a conviction, folks.

  • @lorrainepiscitelli8231

    I love this guy. He seems like he doesn't believe in BS.❤

  • @amills9261

    Well isn’t it criminal for Wendi to know of the murder in advance? Her story about Charlie looking for a hit man and her TV scam indicates she was fully involved. Driving to the crime scene that morning is telling.

  • @musicismagic3001

    The kids ARE teenagers now!

  • @Globelle

    Wendi could care less that we know she is guilty. She is the type where ANY attention is good attention for her. Guaranteed she will financially benefit from this horrific crime perpetrated by her and her disgusting family

  • @lenoragibbs4614

    Wendi acts like shes doing the court a favor by even speaking to such'peasant"

  • @elliebellie7816

    There was another similar case on Dateline or some such show where a wife knew her husband was on his way to murder her lover and apparently the law does not require you to intervene if you know a murder is going to happen. The husband told his wife he was headed out to murder the lover and the wife had plenty of time to notify the lover, to notify the police, to chase after the husband, etc. and instead stayed home with the kids like it was an ordinary day and she was never arrested for anything.

  • @deni8688

    French bull is funny as hell …… no stinky in bed 😂

  • @Micmac24

    What about that crazy controlling grandma? She should be arrested!

  • @supersquirrel7546

    The guy with the deer Tshirt and cap is an idiot. Anyone can write a book? Statements like that is just beyond stupid.

  • @JCP58

    Wendi has been given high paying jobs since she helped planned Dans hit but now that her brother has been convicted those days are gone. Lucky she got all Dan's money for herself and the kids.

  • @godzillamanstreb524

    Don’t agree with the tennis player….his opinion is in error😮they’re will be more Adelson’s charged👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎯

  • @maureencaissy6075

    I can’t see how Wendi didn’t know but proving that she knew is difficult. I think a jury would find her guilty just on her lies alone. An innocent person doesn’t lie. Thank you again. Great point about her duty to tell for the sake of her children.

  • @clareheasly5554

    By association of knowledge she’s guilty. She told her last partner her brother had actually enquired about a hit man. If she was truly concerned she would have either/both confronted her family or reported her family to police. Wendy is a ‘covert’ narcissist who manipulate people’s viewpoints to tell/control a narrative so ‘while playing the victim’ others around her who are emotionally connected to her and believe she’s a helpless victim ‘act on her behalf. She ‘feed the views of abuse’ to her brother and mother knowing them so well that they would do it all for her. Very very clever and exactly how ‘covert narcissists’ operate.

  • @lauraburger1272

    She was not an attorney, yes she had a law degree but she was not a practicing attorney. So what “she wrote a book” anyone can write a book… there are ghost writers that write books for people all the time, you pay them to write it for you. It’s a big business.

  • @gill1342

    Wendy could have stopped it!!!!

  • @feckless7989

    Does Jeffrey LaCosse's testimony mean nothing? He is an intelligent man, and kept a blog.

  • @spikenomoon

    She absolutely knew to make sure the kids were safe

  • @spikenomoon

    Dude interrupting needs to shut up

  • @enjoyeverysandwich1117

    There may be evidence not published yet… as Cappleman said, the investigation is continuing.

  • @bradleyharting6038

    Circumstantial evidence plays a huge role with Wendi, from Jeffrey LaCasse testimony, the TV alibi, the crime scene drive by (and her lies). The boys are young teens now and surely they're curious and their friends may be talking about it. They can't be insulated by Wendi or Donna and Harvey for much longer. Don't forget that Georgia stated that they're still investigating and "Stay tuned". Donna will be next!

  • @lindavonh131

    Wendy and Donna may not have got their hands dirty but they were both well aware of the murder taken place the car driver in a bank robbery is equally as guilty as actual robber

  • @ioanaanaoi8232

    I don't think wendi was involved in planing the murder but she had some suspicions this will happen

  • @takeitorleaveit.6333

    Lol. I agree with the one arguing. Wendi's education gave her the smarts to be cunning and conniving. Dan Markel was way above her shady League. I knew people who had no problem cheating in college.

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