Analysis by Investigator: What Happens When Jurors Discuss the Case? Expert Legal Insights Revealed

In many high-profile trials, jurors are required to remain impartial and refrain from discussing the case outside of deliberation. However, if jurors engage in conversation about the details of the case, it could potentially lead to a mistrial or prejudice the outcome.

One infamous case where juror misconduct was a significant factor was the trial of O.J. Simpson for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. During deliberations, it was revealed that one juror had made racially charged comments and voiced a desire for Simpson to be acquitted regardless of the evidence presented.

In cases like these, defense attorneys often argue for a mistrial based on jury misconduct, citing the potential for bias to influence the verdict. It is crucial for jurors to understand the gravity of their role and the importance of maintaining objectivity throughout the trial process.

As a seasoned investigator, I have firsthand experience in uncovering the truth behind jury deliberations and the impact of juror interactions on legal proceedings. The insights provided by legal experts shed light on the potential consequences of jurors discussing the case and the implications it may have on the fairness of the trial.


47 Comments to “What If the Jurors Chatted About the Case? Lawyer’s Analysis”

  • @thelightgetsin

    Looks like judge has DENIED motion to interview jurors as Mentour Lawyer predicted.




  • @rosess100

    This juror was pro killer adelson since minute 00.01, is the exactly the one that did faces against the prosecutor in some occasion when she was talking.. I hope the court can see that in some videos.

  • @debifox5780

    Funny how Charlie refers to people as roaches… little did he know he was the biggest and fattest roach of all running while it’s daylight running from the daylight. Unbelievable evil incarnate

  • @Wishful---Thinking

    As soon as the juror heard of the activity they should have gone to the Judge or their representatives DURING THE TRIAL. This business afterwards…is sus. just my opinion.

  • @Wishful---Thinking

    This juror is sus, why go to the defense attorney and not the JUDGE???? Totally off to me.

  • @mitchrc3

    Quick recap: Charlie you are f&@?d!!!!

  • @wildmercuryfilms

    1:35 HARASSED???!!!!!! WHAT???!!!!!

    So: Asking Questions is HARASSMENT???!!!!

    You are The Worst.

    No, asking questions IS NOT Harassment.

    I watched the trial:

    The Jury was TOLD OVER AND OVER AGAIN by The Judge:


    If they did that, then it’s a MISTRIAL.

    Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.


  • @rosep8481

    Thanks for an informative analysis

  • @shai4ever

    My god this is ridiculous!!! Some of the jurors were foreperson in other trials, so I imagine they know not to talk about the case. And this juror is weird….don't know if family got to him…they are like mafia. And why he didn't go to Judge…he went to defence. 🤔🙄

  • @joseppi4cinqua

    The judge will make it clear without using words about it that they better not say that charted about the case beforehand on WhatsApp or anywhere else. He will inform them before they answer that it’s ok if they were chatting about other things just not the case. “Now did you chat about the case or not?” No? Ok good night

  • @brooklynrules6117

    It was great seeing you in the courtroom and the interview with Georgia and the family. Thank God that juror was an alternate

  • @truth68-st3dc

    When is this motion being heard?

  • @ellijaygalB

    If the jury did chat about the case prior to deliberation I believe the rules are clear this criminal will get a new trial. I feel so sorry for Dan's family. 😞

  • @mikemichael5591

    I think this juror was paid off by the adelson’s it’s not beyond them. And I guess it all fell apart when he was chosen as the alternate and couldn’t cause a mistrial . I think they knew they would never get an acquittal but could always force a mistrial and hope the state stops prosecuting. They should really interview this alternate juror . No one else

  • @simonbagel

    I don't know what to make of the group chat. It was a stupid thing to do. Seens possible that the group chat was for purposes to discuss the case. I can't think of another reason to have a group chat.

  • @Michaelpuccio

    For them to come to a guilty verdict in just 3 hours….almost leads me to believe that they did talk about the case while on their down time!

  • @houseofsolomon2440

    🐞Hi Lady Bug! Nice work, thank you : )

  • @deniseboineau6440

    How does the prosecution protect themselves from these kind of jurors?

  • @mary-chrisstaples9767

    You look nice Ladybug!!😀

  • @mary-chrisstaples9767

    Good point about the juror making facial expressions – we’ve seen jurors crying during testimony and that is not against the rules.

  • @mrmark2169

    donna donna donna you watching donna what you think

  • @CourtRptr

    Thank you, ML and sweet Ladybug! Love you both! ❤

  • @Globelle

    Hey y'all!! Thank you for keeping us informed. This weirdo was called out by MANY on the first few days. I truly believe Adelsons got to him or he has major mental problems

  • @mary-chrisstaples9767

    Excellent!! Thank you for this!

  • @josiechaplin5312

    Over 30 years ago I was on a panel with a good family friend; we carpooled to and from the court and lunched together. Other jurors would go to lunch in groups. So a Group chat in itself is not inappropriate IMO.

  • @skoolie_life3261

    Interesting how they were undecided until he took the stand. I had a feeling that his arrogance and the way he spoke to Georgia wouldn’t fare well for him.

  • @bettybboop9639

    This will be the final chapter to the book. He’s planning on writing to at some controversy, and give him some notoriety.

  • @bettybboop9639

    This is much you do about nothing 14:30

  • @bettybboop9639

    Sour grapes at being an alternate, and couldn’t be that one that made the verdict unattainable and became a hung jury

  • @sherrya.1060

    Chat rooms are social media. No social media.

  • @tiahbawa5771

    Do we even know if a chat group was created? Collecting phone numbers does not mean a chat group automatically creates itself. The person could have just been collecting the numbers so they could create the group once the trial was over.

  • @tiahbawa5771

    Still not sure why the guy did not complain immediately to the bailiff. Now, since he was not part of the deliberation, how does he know that he would have voted to acquit? You are supposed to come to that decision ONLY after group deliberation. It's obvious he was biased..

  • @bchbum3802

    ML and Ladybug it was my honor meeting yall! 😊

  • @bchbum3802

    Charlie looked Awful that am. But even worse after verdict..he was like a ghost wearing a suit. It was shocking after seeing him in better days in photos.

  • @bchbum3802

    After seeing Mr Business Man..imo he was maybe trying to stir up trouble either cause he was out of deliberation, wasn't happy with the verdict, and or he was attention seeking?he wasn't happy when he left court.
    Mr. Rashbaum was as nice as you portrayed him. We smiled and nodded our heads at each other 😊

  • @tiahbawa5771

    The last thing we want is for jurors to be harassed by attorneys as if they are being cross examined when the jurors are not the defendants or the criminals. If there should be any interviewing, it should be done by the judge. No more magic show defense cross examination.

  • @jthomas2728

    Whilst I believe Charlie is guilty, I feel it was reckless of the jury members to be part of a group chat.I believe the correct way of dealing with this is for the judge to review all of the group chats to confirm that no prejudging of the verdict occurred in any of the group chats.If there was no discussion of the case then Charlie has no grounds for appeal-if there was than he has.

  • @tammytellez3481

    Hello MENTOUR Lawyer and ladybug!!

  • @harleyd9857

    Probably the group chat was the other jurors wondering why the alternate guy was acting so weird.

  • @michellestlicitra9105

    They will try everything…

  • @michellestlicitra9105

    How is ladybug relates to you, are you just her mentor 😊❓

  • @NoPrivateProperty

    is ladybug ML's daughter?

  • @helenstewart4050

    Keep calm and carry on ! Adelson arrest watch ! 👋🏻

  • @cliff.frankenberger

    @ML – After hearing your explanation to my comment, I do agree with you after thinking about it. There needs to me more meat behind the allegation before the court takes action. I was probably thinking too many steps ahead, and I stand corrected. What I do believe, is now that this motion was filed, IF something was said that can be viewed as ‘improper’, it's more likely to rise to the surface.

    You are the best!

  • @TheLectureRoom

    The court knows who the ones are that live in their area, that have conviction fever—and they pool them jury duty…
    I will bet you,some on that jury —were on other juries, within this year…
    “professional convictors”, if you will,

  • @cherylmichaud9294

    My first thought was that he was planted by the jury consultant hired by the family. To be frank, attempted jury tampering

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