Charles Adelson, a close associate of Wendi Adelson, is beginning to show signs of suspicion towards her actions. The intricate web of deceit surrounding the Adelson family and the mysterious disappearance of Dan Markel has raised red flags for this seasoned crime investigator. As the investigation delves deeper into the dark underbelly of betrayal and greed, questions arise about the involvement of Donna in this twisted plot. With each new clue uncovered, the truth behind this chilling case of murder-for-hire begins to slowly unravel.


21 Comments to “What?? Is Charles Adelson starting to suspect Wendi Adelson? What about Donna?”

  • @tirdadderakhshani1940

    Your analysis is incisive as always. But I keep wondering whether you've taken into account the incredibly complicated situation created by the fact that Donna and Charlie BOTH know that their conversations are being recorded AND at the same time that they keep forgetting they're being recorded.

    In other words, aren't they at times PLAYING to the tape recorder — pretending and lying to throw off authorities — while at other times they get sucked into the emotions of the moment and start speaking candidly and thus forgetting that they're being recorded.

    How do we when that at any given time they are either lying or being honest? I don't think it's at all clear which statements they make are utter lies and which ones are honest.

    Add to this the effect this family's pathological psychological state has on them: I think that each one of them also lies to him or herself. that they operate in bad faith. For example the baloney Charlie says about how the prosecution had no case and how the jury was biased. He's smart enough to know this is baloney. Yet he needs to pretend to his mommy that he's the good son who has been victimized.

    This bad faith, this self-deception goes deep: There's a pathology a great deal of these narcissistic killers have which is that they convince themselves in their own minds that they are utterly innocent. And that people who accuse them are out of their minds to suspect them of wrongdoing. So this self-deception can go quite deep.

    Take all these factors together and that's a LOT of moving parts to consider. When are they consciously lying; when are they unconsciously lying because of their bad faith; when are they being truthful?

    I think that trying to wade through these calls for a deeper truth about the case may simply be Quixotic — and certainly maddening.

  • @cecilelee2442

    Do you think that Wendi deviated from their plan and they are just figuring that out? Wendi exploits people's weakness for her own gain. She knew her mom and brother would mess things up, so she covered her ass. I even wonder if she had an independent line of communication with Katie and company.

  • @wanro027

    How many hours of the day you are active? And how do you do that? Respect

  • @cathywilcox8744

    Sounds like he's desperately trying to rewrite the whole thing.

  • @leeluan08

    Why did Wendi volunteer to tell Charlie’s hit man joke!?

  • @allivanaip

    These people are clowns. Wendi buys Bulliet Bourbon knowing her ex is about to get shot?? What idiots.

  • @sarag5962

    I hear 3 sociopaths on this call having a meltdown about trying to understand how a "normal" person thinks. If you do not think like the Adelsons (like a sociopath) then you are stupid. Charlie complains that the jury was not his peers and stupid. He was right because it would have to be #12 greasy fraudster sociopaths and that is hard to accomplish in a sleepy town like T. Charlie calls the jury dumb b/c anyone with a brain would see his innocence then he goes on to explain how they got it right. This family is a prime example of you can be book smart at the same time be a imbecile. Between all 4 of them they have zero empathy. Wendi and Charlie are morons. Wendi writes about her feelings pre murder in a book and tells everyone Charlies "hit man joke". She drives right up to the crime scene then later tells the police that Charlie had joked of a hit man. I do not think Charlie knew Wendi very well. In the interrogation interview her ex boyfriend Jeff said she was a big drinker and drank most of her dinners. Charlie says that Wendi did not drink. Charlie acts like he did not read Wendi's book and he probably did not know that Wendi told anyone that would listen including the BB tv repair guy within the hour of the murder about the hit man joke. Charlie really has his needle stuck on the book and Wendi at the crime scene. This family cannot think their way out of a paper bag. I laugh thinking of this family behind closed doors. They lack so much common sense and empathy that it must be like robots bumping into each other trying to figure out real humans and emotions. Wendi looks like someone who is missing a few computer chips. She looks and acts really odd and vacant. As "mamma Gotti" said in one of her e mails to Wendi that she has seen her "act" and that she was good at it. That's right Donna remind your sociopath robotic criming kids that they need to act like a real human. They get a F- in acting.

  • @karend99143

    Wish you had an A to Z account of this story instead of an inconsistent round about way of info. It’s very difficult to follow. Thanks anyway!

  • @francisbacon7738

    This case is so crazy, it is difficult to believe a family could do something so evil. It is so shocking to know that yes, they were that evil. They should all be in prison for life – Wendi, Donna, Harvey and Charlie, they were all part of the conspiracy.

  • @janicedebella2269

    these 2 idiots actually believe their own lies,,, how insane,,,,was it worth it DONNA???? you had to have your way,,,,now you destroyed your family,,,,wonder what her first born son is thinking,,he's probably glad he's away from these vile people,,,and happy with the woman he loved and married,,, i'm so happy he was able to get out of his mothers evil grips and did what he felt was right,,,, you hear these 2,, they thought they had it figured out,,,HUNG JURY,,,YAH RIGHT,,,,, NO WAY JURY WAS SMART,,,they seen the truth!!!!!! justice served,,,next Donna and Wendi,,, the more i listen to this what BRATS her kids were,,,,the father Harvey is hen pecked,,,,lol

  • @tracysmith3076

    I absolutely believe Wendi was involved in the murder of her ex husband. I just fear that there is not enough evidence to prosecute her.

  • @emmathomas6138

    He seems guilty BUT there is reasonable doubt that Wendi conspired with Katie M to "extort" Charlie (and Charlie thought it was someone dangerous behind it)…
    Like Katie could have taken his joke about a hitman, talked to Wendi, then Wendi helped Katie to extort that money from him and WENDI set the whole thing up.
    Charlie may be a scholar but he doesnt seem too sharp. There IS that possibility

  • @webstercarole5

    Wendi is a spoiled little princess who wraps everybody around her little finger when she can’t get her own way she moves on all the time with men from what I can see she keeps saying Danny is abusive from someone who was abused terribly she wouldn’t know what abuse was if she feel over it ❤

  • @webstercarole5

    I’m confused about it all so are you now saying you think the adelson s are innocent ❤

  • @jamesmaio8411

    I thought Charlie wanted someone hurt like beat up. Who told these guys to kill Dan? Am I missing something here? If Charlie only said to hurt them then why did these guys kill him? Doesn't make sense. Let me know if he said otherwise. I watched a lot of testimony so may have missed something. It does seem like Wendi knew something, seems like she is lying about some things.

  • @AussieG1963

    ??? What Charlie has not realised , Is it possible that Wendi had 2 problems in her perfect life.
    1 was Dan
    2 was her invasive, controlling family.
    With Dans murder she has killed both issues. Eventually her parents either end up in prison or dead, Charlie imprisoned for life, Rob wants nothing to do with family, Who's left to Manage/ Spend/ Control the familys wealth, Wendi Wins.
    She is now Free, Rich to do exactly what she has been taught is her Right.

    Sometimes Monsters raise Monsters, Wendi destroyed all the issues in her life.

    Is Wendi Cunning enough to have Intentionally implicated herself enough to rid herself through death & imprisonment of the only issues robbing her of happiness,
    Wendi's been raised to treat people as disposable

    She Learn't very very WELL

  • @webstercarole5

    So the email says she could have bought any bottle basically so the trip to to bottle shop shot down once again wendi lying or distorting the true

  • @webstercarole5

    What gets me they say it’s all coincidence is it coincidence that a millionaire buys a one way ticket even a stupid person wouldn’t do that and I pray all the cancer patients out there don’t listen to him that part discussed me the most lost two family members recently and I know what they went through. He is just disgusting and nasty

  • @webstercarole5

    Love your football video yes I’m a Brit and an Everton it made me think of my youth standing in the rain watching my boyfriend great memories xx

  • @hallelujah969

    Wendi played her family like VIOLINS

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