Why I Am Not Making A Video On George Floyd

Analyzing the Reasons Behind Why I Am Not Making a Video on George Floyd: Delving into the Intricate Layers of this High-Profile Criminal Case. George Floyd’s tragic death at the hands of a police officer sparked widespread protests and calls for justice across the nation. The case raised important questions about police brutality and systemic racism within law enforcement. Investigating every angle of this complex and highly sensitive crime requires a meticulous approach to uncovering the truth and seeking accountability for the victim.


30 Comments to “Why I Am Not Making A Video On George Floyd”

  • @thepowerof6six809

    I believe what happened was murder and evil. But he wasn’t a good person either and was also evil.

  • @jerryladd6582

    Try looking at facts before you tip toe around this. It is disappointing that you wouldn’t wait for all the facts like you profess.

  • @Witch_Bitch86

    After learning the criminal shit this man did, my sympathy for him quickly subsided. Does it make his death right? No, of course not. But his death also doesn't make beating his gf or robbing ppl right either. Big fat gray area.

  • @datnyboi

    I can always appear with you as a black woman. Your apology was heartfelt – thank you.

  • @cilverleaf8111

    I agree coming from a black woman. For the life of me I still don't know why you would burn down a city in which you live. I love your views on all topics. Right or wrong. I appreciate them. I'm learning

  • @Rae0811

    I know this is a really old video but why in the hell would it not be your place to say that it is wrong when people are looting and burning down businesses and other peoples property?
    It’s everyone’s place to step up and say that that doing any of that is wrong.

    I don’t care what anybody thinks on that side. George Floyd was a really bad man. Maybe not one that deserved to die in the way that he did, but he wasn’t any benefit to society and he victimized people throughout most of his life. He was a downright rotten human being and the only reason why anyone ever pretended to care is because his death was used as a political platform to gain cities and cause even more division in this country. That’s exactly what it did. Now that this whole BLM embezzlement scandal has come to light, people are starting to wake up to the lies. Not all.. but many.

    A real victim of police brutality was
    someone like Tony Timpa. That’s a case that more people need to be aware of. One that took place prior to the Floyd incident that nobody ever talks about.

  • @Camey71073

    So incredibly astute. Breathe honey. The people who are upset about your coverage, are going to be upset no matter what.

  • @tigerlily102511

    When in doubt or don't know the full story, asking questions and becoming more knowledgeable about the topic/situation is the best action.
    Everyone is different, everyone experiences life in a different way. I wish more people would learn more about different topics and situations so there could be more empathy and support for people who are suffering.
    We accomplish more when we work together and support one another.

  • @emmahood2418

    Thank you for your respect & offering to have voices heard. Your sincerity is palpable 💛

  • @AxilRnR

    I know I'm super late to this video but I just wanted to thank you for the work you do for my community. You tell our stories without judging us more harshly than you would someone else and you share our lives with the utmost respect to the fact that you are not a woman of color. I've unsubscribed from many channels because they have not done my people justice, their thumbnails are seas of white stories and it upsets me so much because unlike them, you do want justice for everyone period. Thank you for being you🖤🖤🖤

  • @saulbarrera1997

    So because you asked a legitimate question people came for you 😂 how ridiculous

  • @traceymcdonald7949

    If MY sons, brothers, uncles, father, nephews, hell ANYONE in my family were CONSTANTLY being attacked and murdered by the very people my tax dollars pays to protect us and despite that it is 2020 and all of the proof we have that it happens and STILL people deny it happens and even justifies it…..
    Yea I am burning it all down.
    If a cop is killed that is how they behave as well.
    I appreciate this video so much. I too want to be the best ally I can but to do that we have to not only ask questions but listen to the responses. I just want to learn, hear, and act where I can.

  • @marcysanchez4438

    🤦no please oh God 🙏 don't thank you

  • @jamiepatterson558

    Damn girl, I didn't think I could like and respect you more; clearly, I was mistaken!
    The world needs more humans like you.

  • @jenniferallen4420

    Stephanie… dont be scared to say its wrong to burn down building, hurt people, and riot. Thats wrong.
    You dont like talking about things you dont know. Follow the statistics. I dont even know why you are apologizing. Nobody is under a huge attack follow the statistics and the facts Stephanie. Dont apologize for being logical.

  • @a_rissa.baybee8299

    Hey Steph, I know this video is old, but I just wanna let you know that you are appreciated. Being a POC in America is hard. Add that to the tribulations of womanhood and shit gets real, fast. And for a black man, they face troubles even I, a black woman cannot understand. I wanted to say thank you for this video, and say that understanding a situation is crucial. You were simply asking a valid question, a fair one. I hope that you were not too hard on yourself during this time. I am not of the mindset that it is not our responsibility to teach white and other races about racism. I am willing to give my thoughts on any questions that you may have or are curious about. Each one, teach one. We must teach others how we want to be treated and be willing to answer the hard questions. Especially for our allies, so they can spread information gathered firsthand from a POC living The Black Experience . Like you say, "If you are looking for a Wikipedia recitation of this story, this may not be the place for you." Which is why I don't think we should leave it up to people to simply google racism. I have lots of love for you, and care for you as a person. So don't be too hard on yourself. You have always been very graceful and kind, more of which I hope to see in this world!

  • @dahliacheung6020

    I really like and appreciate this video, and even thought it's quite old I had to comment. Though I don't think your question was something to get upset over, your willingness to step back to ask questions, learn, and apologize even when it isn't necessarily asked of you

  • @l.w.paradis2108

    After the George Floyd murder, I watched a French video from a program called "Interdit d'Interdire." The host, a white Frenchman, invited three black people, two women artists and one man, to comment on the George Floyd murder and race relations in general. One of the women is a filmmaker, the other one a writer, and the man is a professor in both France and the US. This was the only program where at the very beginning, one of the women stopped the host cold and said, "when I saw what was happening, and realized what I was seeing, I did not watch." Everyone understood. This was the only program where I heard someone say that, and I felt like I was finally seeing and hearing human beings speak — the only one, other than yours. I just now happened upon yours.

    Notice also, they invited three black people to speak about this issue at this time. No white people. You are on a level, lady. You impress me so much.

  • @fleadealsselfhelp7589

    You Are Something Totally Awesome Stephanie!

  • @daniiiakasha4711

    This video is a video on George …

  • @joannabyrd1622

    I feel this video in my soul! I do not know what it is like to be Black in America. All I can do is be kind and show respect. I cried when George Floyd died. I celebrated when his murderer was found guilty. Thank you for speaking these words! My thoughts exactly.

  • @alicianowell9758

    Riots aren’t ok – cops were charged – race aside – no one deserved to be murdered clearly no matter what but he was doing bad things and bad things happened to him – he should not be treated as a martyr which is what happened- I’m sure the pregnant woman he held at gunpoint doesn’t think he is a martyr 🤷🏼‍♀️ just saying –


    You have a very compassionate heart Stephanie ❤️

  • @carolineb3590

    I’m a huge fan of your channel and I saw this video when you first did it .I didn’t feel comfortable commenting at the time .A lot of people were really angry and emotions were just very raw at that moment .I wanted to tell you I appreciate your stance on this and your empathy for African-Americans when it comes to this matter .I am a African-American woman and I respect the fact that you can have empathy for us even though you may not agree or understand certain things .You are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else .I believe you are a good person with kind heart .I know you didn’t mean anything wrong with that tweet.I thank you for doing this video and trying to understand how we feel and just having compassion for us.We as a people need to try and be kind to eachother not judgmental and all this hate needs to stop .It’s truly sad what is going on in this world today .I want to see a change for the better and if starts with people like yourself and me. We just have to be more understanding of one another .Agsin I thank you for doing this video it was heartfelt ,respectful and I know you meant it .God bless and keep up the good work on your channel.🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

  • @smokeandmirrorsmakeupstudi1047

    Wow. You're right, I didn't know you. And I'm sorry. I'm very impressed by this video.

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