Cops Say Young Boy Hid Snacks and Was Subjected to Horrifying Behavior

Woman Horrifies Young Boy after Discovering Hidden Snacks: Police Report

Hey, did you catch the latest episode of that true crime podcast we both love? They covered the case of the Black Dahlia murder, and it was so fascinating. I mean, there are so many theories and suspects in that case, it’s mind-boggling. Have you ever heard of Elizabeth Short before? It’s crazy to think about what she went through. And the details of the crime scene are just chilling – I can’t believe how brutal it was. The podcast hosts did a great job breaking it all down and discussing the evidence. But, man, I still can’t wrap my head around who could have done such a thing. What do you think? Do you have a theory about what really happened to Elizabeth Short? Let me know in the comments below!

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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